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Everything posted by nickmondo

  1. Yes, Sam is a really good bloke. never tried the brekkie there though
  2. i think the idiot needs to go to Miami and take a look before making a comparison. is there no end to the stupidity?
  3. im lost for words. The blue masks are full of tiny holes. they are used only to stop spit and avoid blood in the face for surgeons. the holes are 600 microns in size. the virus is 5 microns.
  4. take no notice of this idiot. typical msm. the majority of people in Thailand also have, or have had covid. the chinese will come here with Omicron........so what? fed up with watching this rubbish
  5. got to be honest. the only things keeping me living here now is that I love my gf and want to be with her, and secondly, as I have a slight heart problem, the medical system here is 100 times better than the UK
  6. true. the number of Russians here in Jomtien is ridiculous. I wanted to live in Thailand not bloomin Moscow. So annoying. Time to travel north. I hope Chiang Ri is not so infested
  7. What action you take depends on why you used the agent in the first place. If you used them because you meet the criteria, and you did not want to queue at immigration...........fair enough.......go to the Immigration or to the police. If you used them because you needed a dodgy application processing..........good luck with that.......
  8. i am A Negative, but at aged 65 the red cross told me i was too old to donate
  9. Im ex Royal Navy. Sinking a naval ship in a peacetime situation takes some doing. But nothing the Thai Navy is not absolutely capable of............. I hope the crew members are all safe.
  10. i dont get it. i recently got an agent to get my Residents Certificate to buy and sell a motorbike. I had all the paperwork ready, just needed agent to go as I did not want to queue. Charged me 1,000 baht, because all the agent had to do was hand in paperwork and wait. So if the agent has to do the same for a Retirement Extension, and you meet the criteria, and have all the paperwork, and all the agent has to do is hand it in and wait............why on earth is it 8k? does not make sense
  11. the place is totally full of Russians. They are everywhere..........no doubt running away from Putin.
  12. get it from a farmacy mate. dont buy on the street whatever you do.
  13. in Bangkok maybe. my meds in Fascino Bkk are 3,500. Here in Fascino they are 8,000 baht. Also in Hua Hin, very expensive.
  14. now i know the truth about the vaccines, and how little testing was done, there is no way any more of that useless <deleted> is going into my body. I have already been conned into having 3. I recently had Covid, and I dont believe the vaccines helped me. I did not have bad symptoms because of my own immunity, my vitamin supplements i have taken for years, and my all round fitness. I had a very sore throat and a bit of a cough. Can almost guarantee all of the deceased had other conditions. Scaremonger time again........lockdowns coming........i dont really care.....i prefer it when its quieter
  15. you really want another jab of that <deleted>? do you not do any research at all?
  16. never used to happen, but now it happens the majority of the time when i transfer. as long as it gets there in a few days, i dont really care
  17. the bloke is going to SOUTHERN SPAIN. Nowhere near Madrid I assume you have never lived in Spain? I lived there for many years, SOUTHERN SPAIN, and the bloke is correct...the weather is much better than Thailand. If it wasnt for Brexit, I would still be there now........with trips to Thailand during the good weather season.........whenever that is going to be nowadays.....
  18. precisely why i would never, ever, start a business in Thailand they are forever changing their minds
  19. so you dont get the increases each year with the UK state pension?
  20. did you declare to the state pension that you live in Thailand?
  21. did you tell DWP that you live in Thailand? ie, do you get the yearly increases for your Pension or set at the level when you retired? interested because I get mine in January next year, and dont know to tell them I am in Thailand or not.
  22. clearly she wears the trousers either man up and put her in her place, or get rid of her. personally, i would get rid.
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