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Everything posted by nickmondo

  1. cant wait for November when Donald is re elected in a landslide victory. the sooner that geriatric, brain dead idiot Biden is out of the way, the better. You Democrat supporters can say what you like...........you are all idiots. MAGA..........lets have a brilliant leader of the Free World again...........vote TRUMP.
  2. probably soi dogs involved also, if this was a single accident, no other vehicle.
  3. only if your a fecking moron with no intelligence at all.
  4. what a ridiculous, pointless moan. if you dont like it, go back to the UK and get it done.
  5. if you can do it online, you will need to do it behind a UK VPN. the Passport office can tell where you log in from.
  6. would not let me subscribe, payment kept defaulting to UK price which is daylight robbery. That is why i use Free Tube. Its easy, and no hassle.
  7. you need to get FREE TUBE. I installed it yesterday. Works brilliant. Bit of a job to install and import your subscriptions from You Tube, but loads of Vids on You Tube to show you how.
  8. i just used Vietjet and amended my flight. you can do this with their Line App. very easy and very efficient if you have booked the lowest or middle priced ticket, you cannot cancel and get a refund. but you can change the date of the flight once only you can also purchase add ons costs around 1,200 baht to re arrange. click on their assistant Icon, Angi, or something, you will get an option for Line, use that. its easy.
  9. The worst thing you can do is post on here and asking for opinions. Lots of crap spoken here. Just look for official announcements in the Gazette. Reading the rubbish on here will just confuse you
  10. it will rear its ugly head again thats what happens
  11. of course not. remember where you are mate.
  12. just bought one here, and im very happy to only use it for half a year. for years i did 6 months Spain, 6 months UK, owned a property in both. works well.........and my property here cost 5 million baht, so not exactly expensive.
  13. agree with most of what you say. however, after being here without a break for a few years now, and listening to one crazy scheme after the other, I need a break. so while they are sorting out their stuff, I will naff off to Vietnam for a few months, and watch it all unfold from there. you never know, they might just enforce this tax issue........how, i dont know.......but miricles do happen dont forget, if they do enforce this........it begins from 1st Jan 24. So it will be retrospective......or whatever that word is......... so sitting around, not worrying about it, might not be the best thing to do. im really looking forward to a change of scenery for a while, and will do this every year i think who wants to stay in the same country for retirement all the time anyway? freedom..............
  14. Dr Jack. I would not want you as my advisor in any shape or form. The OP and his friends are very well informed and are very sensible. Yes, none of us know what will happen regarding tax. Chances are nothing.......we all know what its like here..... However, if they do bring in taxation of income........even worse........taxation of Worldwide income even if you dont bring it to Thailand...........it starts from January 2024. Therefore...........those of us who dont want to take the risk......we have to get out before the end of June......if we have been here since 1 January 24. so if we all take a Chill pill and take your advice and sit it out..........you going to pay our tax bill if they do decide to to ahead and tax us?
  15. its just one piece of bull<deleted> after the other in this country. I always said i would never buy a house here, and in a moment of stupidness, I did. Not that expensive though, at 5 million baht, so not a huge deal For sure I will be using Thailand as my home base for 1 day under 6 mnths a year. Vietnam for 3, maybe Philippines for 3 months also Might even buy myself a cheap house in the north of England from Auction for under 10k GBP. I have had it with the bull<deleted> here now...........its just ridiculous. Still a lot to enjoy here however, the normal Thai people, the food, the countryside, the beaches, etc........and also my Thai GF. So i will ljust cut myself off from this crap and enjoy for under 6 months. Will keep Retirement Extension though, as cheaper and easier than any other method, unless they do actually bring n the 60 day visa, and that might be an option, but that does not work for six months, even with extensions.
  16. You only have to look at the Brexit voters to confirm that statement.
  17. this article is nothing but scaremongering there is no new information here. everyone knows that the truth is...............nobody knows disgraceful article, and very annoying.
  18. Used to be, but its very different now. I would call it..........the Land where the majority of traders, taxis, market sellers try to short change you or rip you off.
  19. apply yourself online. get it sent to a mate in the UK, and get them to post it here.
  20. none of us should be commenting. its not our country personally I dont care, Im not interessted if it does not affect my life here, I dont care. if it does affect my life here.............and i dont like it or agree with it......i will quietly leave.
  21. Bisoprolol I get from Fauscino Pharmacy next to Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok Very cheap, and they send by mail.
  22. normal for these bozos that should not be driving
  23. i recently saw a lot of complaints about Revolut customer service if there is a problem. Very poor, so i read
  24. would be useful if you told us the name of this service, and maybe a link to it. No point in mentioning it otherwise.
  25. i have never found a site such as you suggest that works.
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