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Posts posted by BigSnake

  1. I am concerned about the amount of talk of jogging in this thread.

    I think most here are no longer spring chickens and taking up jogging in later years presents a high risk of damaging your knees.

    I was a very active sportsman until my early forties then life changes stopped me doing much. At 50 I developed a bit of a belly and took on advice about jogging. After 6 minths I had major problems with both knees requiring surgery. Remember if your weight has increased by 20 lbs since you last did regular exercise you now have to carry this 20 lbs like a bag of sand around with you. As you get older and your body takes longer to recuperate this stress on joints as well as heart is dangerous.

    Living in thailand I know we all want to look healthier and indeed a bit younger but consider this,

    Walking around with a permanent limp or a stick will do even less for your image than a bit of a belly.

    Just think about it and if you really must then start very gently and if you feel any joint pain then stop.

    Yes, start gently/slow, but I might add a little visit/medical check with your doctor should be in order here. :o:D Good luck!!

  2. Yes i read it thanks but can i only get this document confirming my name and address in Thailand actually IN Thailand or can I do it at a UK Consulate ie HULL as I am NOW in the UK but will return to Thailand on the 6th of October the new car is due for delivery on the 10th of October?

    The UK Consulate you are referring to (Hull) is a Thai consulate and you need to get it from the UK Embassy/Consulate in Thailand. It only takes an hour or two or less for them to get you one since it is a standard request.

    Thanks now my next question is can my wife if she takes her marriage cerificate and a COPY of my passport and the chanote of my condo in my name do this for me or MUST i go in person as I am now in the UK. How soon does a car dealer need this letterie before delivery of car 1 day 1 hour?? sorry is is so drawn out :D

    Maybe I am off the mark here, but may I ask(suggest) why don't you just wait until you are in Thailand on 6 Oct 08 to buy the car? My guess it would save you a hold lot of hassle, not to mention the paperwork. :o:D

  3. Im buying a new car in October, can I have it in my name? Ive got a Non O Visa multi entry, I own 2 condos in Bangkok and am married to a Thai national but don't permanently live there just visit for 5 months a year I have an international driving licence not a Thai one, or do I need a work permit? Thanks in advance

    By the way Yabaaaa, I am guessing if you own 2 condos, in Bangkok and married to a Thai lady, paying cash shouldn't be a problem.

  4. It doesn't really matter if you PAY cash you can put it in whomever name. When I bought my 4X4 two years ago they(the saleman/lady) were talk trash about putting it my wife name, told them I was paying cash, after a few SECONDs at the boss desk, their tune change to not a problem SIR. No problem as long as you pay the cash, have a valid driver lincene(which you have) and liability insurance, which is require by Thai law. My take was other than cash, lincene and insurance nobody really care whose name the car is in. Sound like you were getting Hogwash on the visa/work permit thing from an uninform person. :o:D

  5. Nestle deliver to my home, 6 pack 1.5lt bottles(Bt60). I buy 10 six packs for Bt600. They cost about 67 bahts per six pack at lotus/Big C. NO delivery charge, just call Nestle's main office and within an hour or so a delivery truck is at my front door. Great service, place where ever you want it in your home. No hassle lifting and loading/unloading myself after a shopping trip to Big C or Lotus. :D:o They also deliver the 5lt bottles or an side they sale.

    It's a good idea instead of the hassle of carrying them from Big C/Lotus which i have done so many times.

    btw what do you do with the empty 5L bottles? Discard them at your rubbish bin or recycle?


    Recycle for sure. Have a big old bag in the back yard as we speak, will be off to sell them in the next day or so. :D:D:D. In addition I have about 20klo of News papers.

  6. Nestle deliver to my home, 6 pack 1.5lt bottles(Bt60). I buy 10 six packs for Bt600. They cost about 67 bahts per six pack at lotus/Big C. NO delivery charge, just call Nestle's main office and within an hour or so a delivery truck is at my front door. Great service, place where ever you want it in your home. No hassle lifting and loading/unloading myself after a shopping trip to Big C or Lotus. :D:o They also deliver the 5lt bottles or an side they sale.

  7. Three businessmen were sitting in a bar, drinking and discussing how stupid their wives were. The first says,

    "I tell you, my wife is so stupid. Last week she went to the supermarket and bought $300 worth of meat because it was on sale and we don't have a fridge big enough to keep it in!"

    The second agrees that she sounds pretty thick, but says his wife is thicker, "Just last week, she went out and spent $20,000 on a new car," he laments, "and she doesn't even know how to drive!"

    The third a blond male, nods sagely and agrees that these two women sound like they both walked through the stupid forest and got hit by every branch.

    However, he still thinks his wife is dumber. "I have to laugh when I think about it," he chuckles. "Last week my wife went on vacation to Greece. I watched her pack her bags and she must have taken at least five boxes of condoms with her. She doesn't even have a p*nis!"

    Pretty good!! :D:D:D:o

  8. I don't think the PPP really want Mr Samak back they were just made a GOODWILL gesture to let him go down with Grace :o beside why bring him back when Mr Thaskin brother-in-law is next in line to be PM. My Humble two bahts worth for what's it worth, for the PPP to bring Mr Samak back would be a dumb dumb thing to do by PPP and I don't think Mr Newin and the rest of the gang are dumb people. Enough said.

  9. Yes, the rainy season friend. I love it, to me it mean a green green rice field, a great harvest for the Thai farmers and maybe just maybe a little profit for the rice, if ONLY they could cut out that DARN old middle MAN. If I am lucky no in-laws needing a loan because could not grow any rice. :o:D:D:D:(:D

  10. My guess is Mr Samak will be out of Office before 23 Sept 08, if the court rule against him. Hear Mr Samak is off to Isan(Udonthani) I guess to rally his

    supporters, let's all hope there are NO clashes between PAD and the Pro Govt supporter. Boy guy need all the help and support he can get.

    If by chance he does make it to speak at the UN and there is a Coup in Thailand, he can Chill Out with his Lame Duck Buddy, George W. :o:D:D

  11. In my modest British opinion there are far too many silly american expressions used here... such as "chilling out".... what a ridiculous expression!! But worst of all, in my modest opinion, is the (incorrect) usage of the expression "enjoy". If I´m not mistaken, the verb "to enjoy" requires an object...i.e. you enjoy something. It is incorrect to wish that someone "enjoy". Any other opinions on this totally insignificant topic????? :o

    Yeah, Chill out, calm down friend it will lower the blood pressure, you will live longer. Just my thought. Cheer Mate. :D:D:D

  12. Not really another poll .. but a poll I came across on CNN's website.


    Quick Vote

    Would the political crisis in Thailand stop you from traveling there?

    Yes 70% 4141

    No 30% 1738

    Total Votes: 5879

    'Nuff said?

    No, just keep out of the way, Thai people are quite capable of dealing with their political problems.

  13. Not really another poll .. but a poll I came across on CNN's website.


    Quick Vote

    Would the political crisis in Thailand stop you from traveling there?

    Yes 70% 4141

    No 30% 1738

    Total Votes: 5879

    'Nuff said?

    No, just keep out of the way, Thai people are quite capable of dealing with their political problems.

  14. What is my best visa option?

    I am too young for a retirement visa. I have been married to my Thai wife for 7 years. I have 2 English sons by my ex-wife who are attending school in Thailand on ed visas. I work overseas and have my salary paid into my Thai bank account so monthly income is not a problem. I don’t want to go back to the UK every year on a set date. I almost certainly wont be available for 90 day reporting.

    I only get 2 weeks leave every 3 months at the moment so I have been flying in and out on 30 day stamps for the last 2 years but I am about to change companies and will be home a lot more often.

    May I suggest you check this web site: thaivisa.com, yes this one you are currently read it give info on all types of visa and what is require to apply for each visa. Sure you can find one to fit your needs. :o:D

  15. State of emergency announced in Bangkok

    PM to have absolute control; PAD to go on protesting despite state of emergency; more people join protest at Government House, pro-goverment protesters dispersse

    BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej Tuesday announced the state of emergency in Bangkok following a clash between the pro and anti-government supporters early in the morning.

    Reasoning that some groups of people caused disturbances in Bangkok that affect the peace and security, Samak announced the enforcement of the Emergency Decree on Public Administration in Emergency Situations in Bangkok.

    The prime minister's order also appointed the army chief to be in charge of enforcing the emergency decree in Bangkok.

    Thai PBS said the PM's order would exempt the enforcement paragraph 1 of Article 9 which prohibit people from leaving their houses, meaning peole can still go t work.

    The station said the announcement would prohibit gathering of more than five people.


    But the state of emerency authorises the authorities to evict people from any place or prohibit them from enteirng a place.

    The state of emergency also prohibits news publicity in a way that terrifies the public.

    The state of emergency also allows the authorities to detain suspects for seven days and would prohibit people from making illegal entries into government offices.

    Pro-government protesters dispersesd soon after learning about the the emerency situation announcement.

    But the leaders of the People's Alliance for Democracy said the protest would continue at Government House.

    Thai PBS reporter reported from the scene that more people came out to join the rally Tuesday morning.

    Democrat Party MP Sathit Wongnongtoey said the state of emergency would allow the prime minister to have absolute control.

    Sathit said it seemed that the government foresaw the violence and state of emergency. He said the prime minster and People Power MPs indicated the violence would take place when they spoke during a debate on the political crisis Sunday night.

    -- The Nation 2008-08-02

    Mr Samak absolute power, I don't think so; if I read my Tea leaves right the Army Chief, Gen Aupong is the MAN with the BIG Stick in the big Mango. Thus far the Gen has shown great restraint.

  16. Had a farang mate caught drink driving at the Kamala police check.

    Out of curiosity, what is the standard practice re payment? It cost him 30,000bht. Which to me sounded a lot. Is it automatic deportation if convicted through the courts?

    And yes, he knows he shouldn't have been drinking and driving, and yes, he should have caught a taxi or paid a driver. So please spare me the goodie two shoes replies. What's done is done.

    Yeah yeah, I know you don't want to hear this but I think your friend and any drunk/drinking driver that get off with a Bt30,000 fine should think his/her luck that they didn't kill somebody; then how much to the vitcim family, bt30,000??? yeah right and they are left to suffer for a life time. To the point, standard practice for drunk driving a small fine: Bt2000-5000, maybe point on driving records. If I and think many other had a vote it would be Bt100000 fine, mandatory 5 days in jail.

  17. Chaing Mai is one laid back City, I have no doubt you will enjoy it. You might enjoy a brief trip to some on Wineries. They reminds me a bit of Napa Valley, Calif. Some great silk shopping prior to you departure should be in order. :o:D:D ENJOY!!

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