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Posts posted by BigSnake

  1. I read an article BP, that he was in Hospital, Liver Cancer, but doctor wouldn't not confirm or tell anything without consent of patient. It also state he maybe going abroad for treatment. Know he is facing some jail time if his appeal fail. Maybe he is just getting some rest, whatever the case I wish him good Health and a good life. Hope he is smart enough to stay on the sidelines away from this game with the PAD> :o:D

  2. These guys and ladies are very very good at their work and for my two baht worth they a paid way to little for the service they provide. Bt240 for an hour is low in my book; I found a few in ISAN for as low as Bt100 per hour, a nice tip made a bit of different in my case. Massage is hard work blind of not. I wish for better pay for them all. :D:o:D:D

  3. Short answer: homesick, go home. Now having said that, what about a pet, dog, cat, goldfish(good) not much care needed. There are many Homes for the Aging all around Thailand sure there is one near you, no doubt the elders would enjoy a visit from a Farang, only thing it will cost you is a little time(which you seem to have on hand) and a little gas to get to and from. Just check around your area I am sure there are groups in your community that would WELCOME :D:o assistant from a Farang Volunteer. :D:D

  4. My guess many guys like the service they provide, no strings, service and go, however BEWARE of your belongings(wallet). However the very best thing you can do is give them a wide wide BERTH. :o:D

  5. You can pay for most of your needs in Baht, Hotels, Embassy. I wouldn't advice anyone to carry to much cash anywhere anytime, however Laos is a developing country and there are a few ATMs, (BBL SCB KTB) I was once told(not confirm) that you can only withdraw Bt Two Hundred per Day(200)(??) So might want to carry as much cash as you think you might need. Good luck, hope you have a wonderful trip. Drop us a note here a let us all no how things go. :o

  6. From my visit there in route to Nong Khai(visa run) it's a nice laid back town, many shopping centers, Big C, Tesco Lotus, Markro, KFC, MK, not to mention the many 7/11 store, we count 12 around and down town, on a recent stay over. Many Western Pub, decent western food to highlight the Isan spice. My guess you might just grow to love the place. Even Old Roger Cructh, Bangkok Post Sport Editor has given it a :o thumbs up many time. :D:D:D:D

  7. Could be a little of the Fear Factor in play here, fear of making another baby so soon, six month old can be a hand full for a young mother. just a thought. How old is she? Is this the first child for her?? Sound fairly normal to me, my guess is if you relax, help out with the task of take care of the newborn she will come around in due time. :D:o

  8. Steve99 I have no WAY of knowing if she is playing you; but can tell you one thing don't never EVER under estimate the Thai women, if nothing else 95% of them are STREET Smart. :o:D Hang in there Sport, just watch your back, maybe ask for a little oversite from an on the scene Buddy.

  9. I might be wrong (it wouldn't be the first time), but don't you need to get your driver's license in the same province that you live?

    Good point, Deke. I think you are right on. From my experience it is indeed true for Thai people to obtain license. Wife brother was working in BKK(Taxi driver) license expire had to return to province for license, plus new ID card. OVER to Y'ALL :o

  10. Yes, folks it goes without saying this has been a very active rainy season so far; one of the most active I have seen during my 16 years plus in LOS. Thank my luck stars and a little planning I don't live in a Flood prone area. I wouldn't care much for the snakes, rats and other creatures that would be seeking dry ground in my area. :D:o

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