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Posts posted by BigSnake

  1. I got an email this morning, our annual Petroleum conference that was scheduled for Phuket next month has been moved to Malasia, it got me to thinking, are you looking at putting off your plans for a Thailand holiday until this blows over? Are you worried about violence towards foreigners in connection with PAD? I live up Khon Kaen way 50% of the time, and no one i know has experienced any problems yet, just curious!


    Transportation around the country maybe a bit of a problem for farang, otherwise I have seen no violence toward farangs. I say, if you decide to come, just use good judgement and avoid crowds/prostesters and you should have an enjoyable visit to LOS. :o

  2. Guess I am lucky never had a problem with the Thai Postal service. You might try DHL for home to home service. May cost a little more but; "you get what you pay for". By all mean use Western Union if you need to send money. Most people are honest, no need to temp the bad apples. :o

  3. Most Thai girls don't go out looking to have Casual Sex. unlike their male counter part. I my mind's eye most women are the same(likewise) the world over. Acourse hookers are excluded, you would that think most them would carry condoms; if not they should. :o:D

  4. I'm wondering if American football is shown much on TV there? Is it broadcat on regular TV? Cable TV? Avaiable on satelite? I would like to be able to watch it from my apt.

    And another question. How expensive is cable tv or a satelite?



    Some years back TV 3 broadcast the Monday Night game. That is no longer the case. Your best bet now is some of the pay for view companies.(True)some local cable networks.

  5. No Reverse Culter Shock here. When I arrived at LAX and was greeted by family and friends felt like I had never left. I think mainly because I was always in touch with family and these friends via the Internet and a call of two to family members. Not even a problem when I got behind the Wheel of my sister Chevy Blazer. Only PROBLEM, darn old JET LAG!! Any suggests on over coming jet lag will be welcome. :o:D

  6. I'm reminded of the old story of the Indian mahoots and their elephants.

    At night they would loosely tie a rope around one foot of each elephant and go to sleep.

    A young boy noticed this one day and asked: "Those elephants are so strong, they could snap that little rope without even noticing. Why doesn't the elephant simply walk away during the night?"

    The old man told him:

    "when the elephant is very young, we put the rope around it's leg, and it learns to stay. It accepts that when the rope is around it's leg, it stays in that place. You must do this right from the very start. If the elephant has not learned and you try to put the rope on later, it will not work. The elephant will do whatever he likes and there will be nothing you can do about it."

    whatever he likes". . .]


    Ray, just grin and bear it, remember TIT, This is Thailand. It could be worse, example: a lazy brother-in-law hanging around, a 30 year old step-son that think his mom, your wife owe his the world, trust me on this one your household is not so bad. :o

  7. I met a G-Club girl 10 months ago and have since fallen in love with her, going back as often as 5 times over the last 10 months just to see her and spend time with her. When we're together we behave exactly like a normal couple would - holding hands, hugging, plenty of kissing and even the occasional sex, but whenever I brought up the topic of being together "officially" she would have (in my opinion) a ton of excuses, from not being able to maintain a relationship based on trust because of where she works (in a G-Club) to not deserving of me (I'm a Senior Manager earning considerable wages in The World). That apparantly has never stopped her before - she also met her last boyfriend in the club where she works and maintained a relationship for about a year. She may work in the nght scene but has values and principles, treasures her body and is insightful and mature. I find myself thinking about her all the time (even after so long) and she has only bothered to contact me once every few days. She's done plenty of sweet things for me and when we're together it feels like bliss but she just wouldn't consider the idea of being together. I even sugegsted before my last visit to her that I'd be happy if she would just recognise me as a boyfriend even if it's only for a few days, but was greeted with a cold "This isn't a game. We're not in the movies." Lest any of you start generalising or stereotyping G-Club girls, let me come out and say now that she's thinking of quitting all the time and even bought a restaurant recently with the aim of getting out. She keeps her feelings to herself most of the time, doesn't splash out sweet nothings like your regular gogo girl and would seldom even acknowledge that she misses me (if she does at all). She's extremely shy about verbal declarations which I find strange. Do Thai girls all behave like that?

    Am I the childish one? Should I move on? Or is she worth the pursuit?

    "Just don't understand Thai Women" Hello there how are you, WELCOME to the Club.

  8. Hi Guys

    anyone know any Pharmacies in BKK where I can get good price viagra/cialis/kamagra?

    You might want to check with your local MD first, ie; health and safety reasons first. Just a thought. :o:D

  9. Good question!! Some might call them names, Lebsos and other vulgar things. I think they are just women working legally, some tourist in the mix just enjoying a stay in Thailand(los) just like there male counter part. I by chance on one occassion was setting near three farangs ladies at a local night spot in Nong Khai awhile back and from my view point they were enjoying watching the old farangs men making complete fool out of themseleves over the sweet little local girls. :o:D:D

  10. No drop in Pressure here, I have a nice inexpensive water pump. Had a problem some years ago without the pump, but now all is well. If I was you I would take the wife and make a little trip to Marko, Tesco Lotus, or Big C; they as well as many more retailers have some decent inexpensive water pumps. Price range Baht 2500-10500. Mosey on over to a shop near you. :D:D:o

  11. Cypermethrin, which is a stick of white Chalk you can buy at most local market for about five(5) baht. Most any shop that sell pet food/pet supplies(dog collars,flea spray etc). Good stuff, sure beat that smelly old spray and more effective in controlling the pesky little thing. Just be sure to keep out of reach of young children(1 thru 6 years old) :o

  12. Yes, if giving full rights as afford to all Thai Citizen, ie; Thai ID card, right to own land, vote, run for public office(if quaified) job of my choice, passport, etc etc. Why not?? I don't think it will ever happpen in my life time, Oh well so be it. :D:D:o for a short visit.

  13. So, what's your problem?? You say there is no Hard feelings toward her(?) She was honest enough to tell you the truth, which is a bit on the rear side for most Thai lover. No I don't think you are stupid; of all the hormones changes that you say he when thru it would have been difficult for a season pro to know the prior gender. My guess and best wish is this a Blessing in disguise for you. Best of Luck!! :o:D

  14. Similar problem, thought it would get better as the son got older, didn't happen it was just the opposite. He is now 27 years old married, no kids of his own yet, thank goodness. Life is fine until he comes to visit his mom, which is once or so a year, after a day or so he will drank(get drunk) cause problems. Know this is not much help in your case; just wanted to let you know you are not along when it come to a Thai Stepson. What can we do(??) beat me, other pray for a short visit I don't have a clue. Tough love don't work; mom wimp out because she love her baby so much. :D:o:D:D

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