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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. 33 minutes ago, TaoNow said:


    Ryan, as I think you know already, I only come on this part of TV to challenge those who like to use the term "disaster" or other dark scenarios to describe the Covid situation in Thailand without hard evidence.   


    You may think this is a pub, but it is a global forum which people around the world may read.   


    Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that posters avoid hyperbole, and back up any assertions about the situation of the epidemic in Thailand with evidence. 


    By the way, I am talking about the general situation in Thailand, not that in prisons, which I agree is deplorable.


    I have a strong interest in what happens with Covid-19 spread in Thailand. 


    But I think I have more experience in working with Thai government health systems data than most of the posters on these threads.


    That's why I will take you and others to task when the need arises.


    Be well.


    Quick question, does the Sars-Cov-2 virus behave differently in Thailand for some unknown reason than it does everywhere else in the world, and if not why are you expecting a different outcome?

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  2. 7 minutes ago, hotandsticky said:



    Do you normally put words in people's mouth's?


    I didn't say it was over.... I will say it is contained (apart from the prisons and parts of Bangkok that will take a bit a longer). Being contained that will see further movement from red to orange to green in the coming weeks.


    Now..... what have YOU got to offer to say that will not be the case?



    I will give you...


    the whole world and 503 days of real life data about how this virus behaves


    How's that?

  3. 22 minutes ago, tau152 said:

    Reading today’s COVID-19 update for Thailand, I note that the TOTAL number of cases since this ‘pandemic’ started 17 months ago,  is 111,000 with the recorded number of deaths attributed to it, listed as 614.  Doing the math reveals that the death rate works out to 0.55%!!  That’s right!  Only 0.55% or approximately one-half of one percent of those infected have actually died!  

    Further, given that the population of Thailand is currently over 69 million, the percentage of the population that has been infected so far is 0.16% and the percentage of the population who have actually died from it, is 0.00000003%!!!!!  


    For this, the country has been brought to a standstill, businesses closed down, its economy devastated and the populace shaking with fear.....mandated by law to wear face masks when outside their homes???!!!  SMDH and weep!!!!????

    You came out of lurking mode for this??

  4. 14 minutes ago, Sunderland said:

    Obviously the situation is improving and everything is getting back to normal. 

    If you take out prisoners, constructions workers, migrant workers, other foreigners, people who drink alcohol, people who smoke, people who went running without masks, naughty politicians, sick people, people infected by relatives or friends and frontline health workers, then there are probably less than 1,000 new cases in Bangkok today.

    Good news all round.

    Actual government policy!

  5. 18 minutes ago, Victornoir said:

    Globally, 2% of Covid cases have died.
    Asia, also 2%.
    Thailand 0.6% ???
    This totally invalidates the fears of underreporting expressed extensively by the Thai Conspiracy Brigade.
    100,000 cases should have resulted in 2,000 deaths.
    560 deaths correspond on average to 28,000 patients.

    No doubt that the champions of collective fear will find an explanation for this statistical anomaly.


    Some suggestions: the effects of the climate, Lao Kao repulsive, not enough testing on the dead, Covid fears chili, they hide the corpses under the carpet...

    It's magic don't you know?

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