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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. 7 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    Piped water is a very recent introduction into Thailand. There was no significant history of using copper, a very expensive material, so since the system is so recent Thailand went with the most cost effective material. 
    That some PVC may leach substances into the supply is possible but any materials leached are far far less dangerous than the lead leached into the water supply in western countries.

    Sorry for hijacking the thread but is PVC reliable? And comparable lifetime to copper?

  2. 2 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

    Can you define these terms...do you know what they mean in this context? To my knowledge, the new virus varients aren't more "infectious" than other varients...they both float about in the air on droplets/aerosols expelled by already infected persons. You either inhale an infecting quantity of virus and become "infected" or you don't. Are you saying with the new strain a smaller quantity of virus or a shorter exposure time will cause infection? Wearing masks and proper personal hygiene and avoiding mass public or private gatherings is still the best way to prevent infection with any of the virus varients. 

    I know you're a bit of a smart *rse, but perhaps if you know as much as you pretend, you would know that the new variants are more infectious, more worrying and pass quicker through the community because they reproduce quicker and therefore pass on a higher viral load when expelled. 


    * and it's variAnt


    here's a link from people more knowledgable than either of us https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4944

  3. 1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

    I am seriously tired of this miserable affair. Continued simple trade between the UK and the EU really should not have been that difficult.

    Stunning that at the eleventh hour they still cannot resolve issues they have been working at for God knows how long.

    While short term no deal would hurt the UK, and EU, I wonder how long Macron will have a job when French fishermen have zero access to the fish they rely on catching?

    You have to hope some sanity finally pushes these two sides into a deal of some sort.

    Fishing is the last apparent sticking point, from what I have read, the UK want a reduction in EU access to UK waters of 80%, whereas the French, Spanish and Danish do not want to lose anything, ie they want 0% loss. 

    Rumours are circling that a compromise of around 35% reduction may be agreed by both sides but the French from what I understand are less than happy about this.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, rabas said:

    Thailand is using "race and trace" rather than broad testing because of the situation here. They are providing very detailed information on almost every case, where they went, and who they contacted. In one case they included the person's bathroom habits because they had covid diarrhoea. I really don't want to know more.

    Yes I get that, and that does seem like a good thing, but a better assessment of the outbreak could be made if the percentage of positives is known. At the Seafood market in Samut Songkram it was  almost 50% of tests that came back positive

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