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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. 32 minutes ago, DonaldBattles said:

    It is my opinion without proof that these two ladies entered Tachilek Burma illegally. They stayed in a Burmese hotel together for 6 days before they returned illegally. One went to Chiang Mai and the other checked in to the Bangkok Chiang Rai Hospital and tested positive for the Covid 19 virus. I believe they contacted the virus in Burma. Bangkok Chiang Rai  is a very expensive private hospital. Without big money you can't stay there. I suspect that they were in Burma on a business trip that lasted 6 days.


    Except they crossed over Moei River in Tak not Tachilek according to press

  2. 7 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    The usual output pipe is between 1 ¼” and 2” so probably at least 15 minutes.


    To empty a 2,000L tank in seconds you need a much larger pipe, probably 10”+ ???? 


    I did wonder, as an aquarium buff, I know a 200w 25000lph pump would empty a 2000l tank in less than 5 minutes through a 1.5" pipe. Greater head and longer pipe run will make a difference.

  3. Glacial rate of progress could be the mantra of this govt..


    In March 2013, the transport minister revealed that only one company would be selected to run all high-speed train routes, scheduled to be operational between 2018 and 2019.

    In November 2014, Thailand and China signed a memorandum of understanding agreeing to construct the Thai portion of the transnational railway running from Kunming, China, to the Gulf of Thailand.

    In November 2015, both parties agreed to a division of labour. Under the framework, a joint venture will be set up to run the project.

    In February 2018, the Thai transport minister stated that the contract for the first phase, the 253 km Bangkok to Nakhon Ratchasima section, will be issued by May 2018.

    The first phase of the line to Nakhon Ratchasima has been divided into 14 contracts, with contracts 3-7 to be auctioned by June 2018, while contracts 8-14 will be auctioned before the end of 2018.[8]


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  4. 19 hours ago, carlyai said:

    I bought a submersible pump that I didn't use. It is a Saxon 750 W, not one of those thin stainless ones for bore holes but a bulky one with a base.

    I want to feed my irrigation system with a larger pump and was thinking of putting this pump inside the 2000 L  water tank instead of buying a new centrifugal pump (cheap charlie). The tank is not stainless, one of those brown ones.

    Will the start torque of the pump cause issues or scaring of the tank?

    Can you think of reasons not to do this?

    Wouldn't a 750W pump empty your tank in a matter of seconds?

  5. 2 hours ago, StevieAus said:

    Perhaps you should ask what Indonesia and other countries, whoever they are, are doing to obtain the vaccine for their own citizens before you start criticizing Thailand.

    Irrelevant. If Thailand has been granted technology transfer for the whole region instead of Indonesia then that is a problem if Thailand thinks it can vaccinate it's own people first



    The officials' comment came after a senior official at the Health Ministry said last week that Indonesia had missed a deadline for a $250 million downpayment, or 50 percent of the vaccine order value, to AstraZeneca.

    "In the deal (with AstraZeneca), it says there is no product yet, so the downpayment will be used to build a production facility in Thailand," Achmad Yurianto, who was at the time the director-general of infectious disease at the Health Ministry, told IDN Times news website last Thursday. 

    "In another clause it said, if there is a failure in production (of Covid-19 vaccine), they are not to be blamed. So, we did not place an order," Yurianto said. 

    So basically Indonesia and others will be paying for the construction of the facility in Thailand. Anyone who thinks Thailand is right to vaccinate its own people first whilst other countries citizens are dying in their thousands has a very warped moral compass

  6. 11 hours ago, Showtime said:

    Thailand is not exactly the biopharma capital of the world.  I can't think of one reason why Thailand is even trying to come up with its own vaccine.  Even if they are successful then there is the challenge of producing it and distributing it.  Who exactly is going to be available to produce this vaccine given all the producers will already be engaged with the other vaccines?

    Exactly, there is no point in this at all, it is a farcical display of Thai pomposity

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