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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. 6 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

    Well there is , as the article illustrates, a way out, I doubt that this Thai government will take it though.

    I don't think there is because the govt will not do as the article suggests and that is my point. The level of anxiety over covid is beyond anything manageable at this point. Nothing except full vaccinations for every Thai will alleviate the problem, and Thailand will definitely introduce a no jab no entry policy at some point soon.


  2. 3 hours ago, jaizan said:

    A warning.


    It has come to my intention that insurance companies in the UK are selling insurance with specific Covid-19 cover. 

    However, this may be invalid for travellers to Thailand based on the way the insurance companies interpret the requirement to declare pre-existing medical conditions.


    During the application process, we are normally required to declare any medical tests we are waiting for.    Anyone going to Thailand has 3 scheduled covid tests. 

    According to (for example) Sainsbury's Insurance, if you don't declare those tests, their policy is invalid, despite it having a specific covid-19 section.


    So the Sainsbury's Insurance policy is invalid for travel to any country that requires you to take a covid test.    This is not at all clear during the application process.  


    Of course, if you only need an insurance certificate for immigration purposes, this is not a problem.    However, if you actually want medical cover, including for when you fail a covid test in quarantine and are sent to hospital, do check to make sure the cover will be valid.



    Sorry but I don't get this. Why does having a covid test invalidate the insurance? Having a test is not having a pre-existing medical condition so why wouldn't you just declare it?

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