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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. Whilst this does sound very draconian, I suspect the general means wearing a tracker whilst in isolation only, not when you leave quarantine, as no one should ever accept that kind of loss of privacy. There was an article the other day regarding these covid trackers


    link: https://www.nfcw.com/2020/09/24/368157/thailand-tests-nfc-wristbands-for-tracking-covid-19-patients-and-at-risk-groups/



  2. 8 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


    Absolutely not. I suggest you review what happened in Northern Italy and New York City when it was "loose".


    No one has found a way to protect the vulnerable, even with mandatory means. Society is too inter-dependent.


    And note that there are deaths in people with no known risk factors, including young people.  Not to mention the many deaths that result from collapse of the health system, which happens when the virus is simply "let loose"


    What I think could be looked at, in locations where things are not out of control and the health system strong with plenty of capacity, is restricting  only those types of events that are known to be at risk for super spreading. Rather than more sweeping restrictions. In  other words, aim to  to prevent massive surges rather than all cases.

    6 months on for the initial phase of the covid crisis, scientists have learned a lot, but politicians are very slow to implement the necessary policies to fix things. It is now known that aerosols are the main vector for transmission not surface contact as has been the claim for a long while. Super spreader events confirm this. To put it simply, the virus is airborne, and that is why masks for everyone are of prime importance. 

    Vitamin D levels have also been shown to be a major factor in mollifying the severity of the virus's impact. Low Vitamin D levels have been found in up to 90% of severe cases especially those being hospitalized. 

    Taking vitamin D or making sure you get enough naturally from sunlight and wearing a mask at all times when in the community can only help. 


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  3. 2 hours ago, Chelseafan said:


    Very easy to blame the Government but ultimately its the general public who should take most of the blame.


    There is some truth in that, but it is 90% govt policy that is at fault. Current second wave was entirely avoidable, but business pressures from pubs and universities especially made things a lot worse than they should have been

    • Like 2
  4. Just now, pookondee said:

    And many are not even aware of the WORST issue surrounding the quarantine...


    Imagine testing positive, and having NO symptoms AT ALL..

    yet being dragged away by stooges, put in a hospital for X weeks,

    and extorted for ???k baht.


    You will quickly go from being the elite, valued tourist you envisioned, to virtually a prisoner to be milked.

    no thanks!!


    This will happen if you have had Covid and have antibodies or any dead virus particles floating around. Thailand cannot distinguish between them 

    • Like 2
  5. On 9/12/2020 at 9:35 AM, BoganInParasite said:

    The Thai wife and I enjoy Phrae but definitely prefer Nan, particularly the upper portion of the province where we live.

    Used to hate Phrae when visiting wife's family, but now I love it. We're building a house nearby, though would love to explore Nan and Phayao properly

  6. If Thailand was the very last country in the world to have Covid pass through its population it will still have come, and have been at the expense of hundreds of thousands of livelihoods. As I keep saying Thailand cannot in any way avoid covid ad infinitum. 
    As the rest of the world recovers Thailand will be the sick man of Asia.

    i think that is what the Dr is advocating for

  7. 2 hours ago, ukrules said:

    The thing is - 'emergency treatment' is not what you're going to get in Thailand.


    Test positive in Thailand and you're going for 'treatment' in hospital for weeks even if you're not ill and have no symptoms, you're not getting out until you test negative.


    This is NOT emergency treatment for most people. It's a preventative treatment for the good of society in general, I don't think the insurance companies will pay for this because it's not normal and it's definitely not an emergency. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think so.


    Hmm. Is that what they are doing? No way I would go to a hospital unless i was struggling to breathe, ergo need emergency treatment. Wouldn’t go to be observed. Stuff that!

    • Haha 1
  8. 4 hours ago, eeworldwide said:

    I think that thailand refuses or is unable, to view themselves from the outside perspective.


    What made Thailand a popular tourist destination in the past, was that it was

    • cheap
    • carefree
    • accessible
    • fun
    • exciting    

    People came to Thailand because it meant they could get away from the bureaucracy which plagues the west; one could come here and clamber on a motorcycle and travel on pavements. You could dash away and be anonymous at a full moon party, or go up north and get lost in the jungle and fall in love with some crazy isaan girl and have mad sex parties until dawn (if that floats your boat) or you could take the family to a high-end resort in the south and have all manner of fun on boats and beaches.


    You could be a pretty broke student backpacker with $50 in your bumbag, and you could stay in a crappy hostel and meet up with other fellow stinkies, and hitch it down to the south and have an adventure and make friends for life.


    You could go kickboxing and train with some of the best in the word. Go rock climbing, sky diving, snorkelling and deep sea diving, and all at competitive prices.

    You could finish it all off with a couple of hedonistic nights in Bangkok, which might still only cost you 1500-3000 baht, if you weren't completely insane ( less than that 10 years ago)

    You could visit the silk factories in the north and go camping in Kao Yai, or if you were elderly you could receive great medical attention and get pleasured by a pretty nurse into the bargain.

    If you were american you could have a stab at setting up a business pretty easily ( it would fail after a year or 2  - but still have some fun).


    Simply put, that has all gone; poof! Up and disappeared like a fart in the wind, never to return.


    It was going downhill long before Covid, and now it's well and truly gone forever.

    The problem lies within Thailand and their inability to appreciate tourists and to integrate - and hell - even to learn the bloody english language properly.


    Nobody is getting on a plane to stay here anymore.


    As long as covid exists it will be over.


    Thailand needs to accept that the world is not standing at the departure gates across the globe straining at the leash to get here - and even if and when they DID get here - they'd soon find out how deathly BORING it is now!


    There's a horrible pall of depression hanging over everything and the current political situation is further dragging everything down and is like a powder keg waiting to blow. 


    You can't have FUN here anymore.


    Pattaya is dead - its all GONE. The fun was in the relative anonymity - the great melting pot hodgepodge of people from all over the world - getting lost in clubs in Silom and China town and waking up hungover with a bad tattoo  - it's all gone. It's over.


    Stupid hairbrained "Schemes" are not going to solve it  - because nobody is thinking about thailand. Nobody wants to come - everyone just wants their lives back - and that starts at HOME. And HOME is screwed because some Chinese clowns wanted to eat bats for dinner.


    All I can say is thank god that era is well and truly over. 

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