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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. 2 hours ago, ukrules said:

    Yes, I suspect it's a combination of humidity and temperature.


    For example, do you know just how humid it is in Wuhan?


    Wuhan :



    Bangkok :



    Not much difference, eh. Of course the temperature is very different.


    Perhaps 'absolute humidity' plays a part.


    So I think we're looking at humidity plus temperature.


    Humidity plays a big part because the main transmission vector of the virus is by aerosols, not by droplets, not by touching things. Unfortunately health organizations are scared of this because they think people will also be more scared of what is essentially an airborne virus

  2. 15 minutes ago, greeneking said:

    I would genuinely like to know what benefits you see. Many flights of 5000 baht or less and a flight time of 110 minutes are on offer already.

    I would enjoy the journey, but after the fun trip my next trips for business or holidays would be by air. Transporting goods does not need to be done by high speed trains. Many Chinese tourists have very short holidays and want to be somewhere in the quickest way i.e. fly.

    Mostly personal, love long train journeys, love Laos and South West China so all good for me and others like me. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, 3NUMBAS said:

    tedros has claimed that herd immunity wont happen and a yank has had a dose of covid twice so look s  like antibodies dont last long

    You cannot base that idea on a single case who tested positive twice just a month apart, meaning he likely never got rid of it. Covid19 is nothing special anti-bodies will last as long as they do for normal coronaviruses, so about a year

  4. Laos broke ground in 2013 on their portion of the railway, have bored 75 tunnels and are on target to start to open in 2021. Thailand is miles behind, and will hold up the project for years to come. The railway is supposed to go to Singapore, so the Bangkok-Padang Besar stretch has to be built as well.


    I don't think many of us will be alive to see it let alone use it

  5. On the face of it this is very good news for Thailand, but like all things in Thailand, probably not what it seems. So just where is this vaccine supposed to be made?

    There is the GPO factory in Saraburi which was planned in 2007 supposed to open in 2013, but delayed until 2017 and is capable of producing 2 million doses of vaccine per year. 

    So if that is the govt plan, then it is going to take quite a while to vaccinate even half the population.

    Wonder who will be first in line?


  6. On 10/10/2020 at 10:15 AM, John Drake said:

    Timely. I became quite ill on Wednesday evening, with headache, fever, and nausea. No sore throat. I don't know what the problem actually was. With fever mounting continuously, by yesterday afternoon I remembered I had bought a bottle of Fah ta lai Jone capsules right before the lockdown. Took four of them after dinner and in less than 90 minutes the fever seemed to break. Took three more at bedtime last night. Woke up and no fever. Coincidence. Could be. Might be just having worked through the illness, whatever it was. Don't care. Next time, I'll take at the first sign of fever.

    I think that its where it does help, reducing fever symptoms quite quickly 

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