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Golden Triangle

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Everything posted by Golden Triangle

  1. Thanks for that, I'll stick to my diesel if you don't mind ????????
  2. When these aged clowns start to pop their clogs would it be extremely bad form to go to their funerals and cheer as they slide the coffin into the inferno ? Asking for a friend !! ????
  3. I use the Alum deodorant sticks, some come with a very slight scent, but cheap at 7/11 or Mini Big C etc, I'll dig up a picture in a second or 3 ????
  4. The watch I'm waiting for arrived in Chonburi at stupid o clock this morning, at 16.20 hours I received a call from FedEx saying they were going to email me a form which I need to complete & return, anyone have any idea of what this form may be.
  5. I'm well aware of that study, I was referring to people who won't vaccinate but want to ditch masks, open bars and carry on as before with no thought for the safety or wellbeing of those with compromised immune systems or carry a higher risk due to underlying problems before the majority have had the chance to be fully vaccinated. And different studies conclude different things - some say the viral load is less etc etc, so nothing is set in stone as yet.
  6. @KeeTuaAre you reading this ? Would you like to comment ? Did you read the link I posted ?
  7. This is about as close as I can get for now. https://aseannow.com/topic/1231798-pm-no-flood-worries-this-year/?do=findComment&comment=16828790
  8. I give up - Buakhow to BPH how long on a motorbike taxis 10 maybe 15 minutes max, if you wait long enough they'll no doubt come to your room to save you any effort.
  9. But, but, but - He said no flooding !!!! Wasn't mother nature listening to the great omnipotent cha cha ??
  10. I'm expecting a watch to be sent by the UK manufacturers in the next few days, I have paid in full and the company [ Bremont ] has already paid the duties & taxes 5%: £84.79 plus 7% vat £124.64. They are used to shipping to Thailand as they have outlets here, it was a special price for serving or previous members of a specialised military trade. Hopefully Thai customs & FedeX won't have the gall to increase those already paid duties & taxes.
  11. A decade on from The Great Flood is Bangkok going to slip under the waves for ever? One can hope ???? Rate this topic
  12. Funny as <deleted> it don't take much to make the BiB look stupid but high on meth and stealing a bus followed by the cop car is the icing on the cake, well done mate. ????????
  13. And to think that some posters here applauded his actions at the time 55555
  14. Oh that's a real shame, I see that you're in BKK, now, if you were in my neck of the woods in Pattaya I would invite you in, offer you a beer or two, maybe even a G n T or red wine, get you a little bit tipsy, then murder in some gruesome manner, desecrate your corpse then fly back to the UK and deny that I had ever been go Thailand. ????
  15. Well it was my birthday yesterday, me and the mrs had a rare old time celebrating, we had food delivered, beer & wine and the mrs made a delicious cheesecake, yeah we broke the the law, 2 of us drinking at the same time but what the hell ????????
  16. And with a totally burnt out disco on the ocean side, and buildings on either side damaged, plus the fact that City Hall have said categorically that operating licences will not be renewed we all wait with bated breath to see who will win, the operator's or City Hall ??
  17. So very sorry to hear of your loss Mike, stay strong mate, many here have been through similar and no member here is ever alone in an hour of need.
  18. Not quite sure how to respond to this. Embarrassed comes to mind.
  19. No I read it as well, not that long ago I think, surprised that you would ask for a link, surely your heart sank when you read that proclamation.
  20. I can eat all of that apart from the Tripe & Trotters, tried em both but not a fan, and I'm a London boy born & bred, 12 years in the army introduced me to many cuisines ????
  21. I'm well aware of that, I'll soon have my 2nd jab and won't therefore be at a bigger risk, if I do catch it then hopefully I'll only be unwell but not dead which is preferable ( as far as I'm concerned ) my main point being that there are people who intend to not get vaccinated and still want the benefits of society.
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