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Golden Triangle

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Everything posted by Golden Triangle

  1. I'm well aware of that, I'll soon have my 2nd jab and won't therefore be at a bigger risk, if I do catch it then hopefully I'll only be unwell but not dead which is preferable ( as far as I'm concerned ) my main point being that there are people who intend to not get vaccinated and still want the benefits of society.
  2. I bought an IPTV box years back, this is my 2nd one, as the first generation was un-upgradeable, I paid one price once, no monthly subscription, it came fully loaded with all the apps I need, don't watch a lot of sport so don't bother too much with that, I get all the latest series, UK & USA, all the latest movies, often before they've been seen in some cinemas, just waiting for the latest Bond movie ???? Cost me 4 k baht about 5 years ago, NO MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION. It just plugs in to an HDMI port, select series or movie and away you go.
  3. I wonder if pattaya still has a beach again after tonights onslaught ????????????
  4. And the guy on the TV daily CCSA briefing assured us before it opened that at 90 cases a week it would be halted, oh lordy lordy, what went wrong ????????????????
  5. Sorry to hear that Kwasaki, how long you been living there ? And what were your thoughts when chief clown proclaimed no flooding ?
  6. I've had one AZ, the 2nd one is at the end of October, that's AZ as well, same for the mrs although a couple of weeks difference between us, I have also paid for 2 shots of Moderna at BPH, they were for the mrs before she got accepted for the free AZ, we will now convert those to booster shots 1 each at some time in the future. ????????????
  7. Yep remember it well, read it on this very forum, our PM, such a funny man - no sorry, I meant clown ????
  8. Slightly off topic but not completely, most of my siblings and I were born in the 50's, my brother 3 years younger than me contracted Polio, fortunately he had already received the vaccine, he still ended up in an iron lung though, he recovered with no side effects which in those days I believe were leg calipers, horrible things. He went on to serve his country in the British Army as did I & my twin brother. And the British Army don't just take anyone, they have standards.
  9. This is for all you antivaxxers, you don't seem to realise that although you refuse to join society as a whole & use the hackneyed phrase ' we don't know how this will affect us in years to come ', yet you want to go to bars, use the shops that I or my mrs use, go get a massage, go to the gym or cinema or a 100 other things that people like to do. Well I don't want you spreading the foul disease anywhere near me thanks and prefer you stay in the confines of your room, condo or house, shop online and drink alone at home, because you are all social lepers. And I really am a believer that immigration should ensure your compliance by refusing to extend your stay in the kingdom if you refuse to conform to society and get the necessary 2 shots, unless it's a one shot vaccine of course.
  10. Pretty sure that years ago there was a shop on Soi Siam country club that used to sell everything related to the police & army, police motorbike helmets, badges, Hi vis jackets, the lot, will have a look for it next time I'm down that way.
  11. You will eventually get a reply similar to this. ???? Thank you for your correspondence of 29 June and 19 July about British National access to COVID-19 vaccines in Thailand. There are no plans to roll out the UK’s COVID-19 vaccination programme to British nationals overseas. As with all other forms of medical treatment, British Embassies, High Commissions and Consulates do not provide vaccinations to British nationals resident in, or temporarily visiting, a foreign country. We are closely monitoring the provision of vaccines for British nationals in all foreign countries, including Thailand. The Thai government has confirmed that they are making the vaccine available, free of charge, to all resident foreign nationals. However, we understand your frustration as the vaccination programme is currently restricted by limited supplies and in some areas, has been temporarily suspended. We have also been informed of situations where some British nationals have been turned away. As a priority we are working with the Thai government to ensure equal access for British nationals and to gain clarification on when the vaccine programme will recommence fully in Thailand. The Thai national vaccination programme is working on a prioritisation basis starting with the most vulnerable: those over 60 and with underlying health conditions. British nationals will be eligible when they meet the criteria of the relevant priority group and there are vaccine available. Further information on phases of the rollout is listed on
  12. Whilst I agree with you post wholeheartedly I find it strangely ironic coming from an American whose people have had 4 years of Trump & now Joe Biden who nobody seems to want, I will say I'm a Brit and don't really understand your politics, but at least both guys were elected in free and fair (?) elections, unlike here where the pratt stormed in ( nearly ) all guns blazing. Don't worry Mike, it'll be alright on the night ????????????
  13. This faux government hate people complaining about how bloody useless they, trouble is they don't do anything the populace can praise them for. ????
  14. I didn't fanny around at all, I had my 1st jab on 9th August, 2nd jab as stated earlier, I was on 6 different lists waiting for notification from one or all of them, I was on every list the moment I became aware of them, expatvac, expat. consular, British Chambers of Commerce, plus some of the local private hospitals, I have also paid up front for the Moderna vaccine as and when it arrives, I will now convert that into 2 booster jabs for me and the Mrs when it arrives. I wouldn't call that fannying around, just cos you can't get a bj or happy ending massage with your usual beer isn't my problem is it.
  15. Better safe than sorry as far as I'm concerned, I don't get my 2nd AZ jab until the beginning of November, someone has seen some sense at last. Sorry for guys & girls waiting to get back here or for your gyms, bars, massage parlours etc to open.
  16. Same here, visited many times, both cemeteries, free, Hellfire Pass, I paid and so did my Thai Mrs, Same price if I remember right, the museum by the main cemetery, the railway museum, I believe we both paid the same price & last but not least, there is a grubby museum by the bridge, privately owned, I wasn't impressed with that one at all, can't remember what we paid for that. That's the only one I can think of that might have dual pricing.
  17. Surely he told everyone that there would be no flooding just a couple of weeks ago ?? I thought so. https://aseannow.com/topic/1231798-pm-no-flood-worries-this-year/?do=findComment&comment=16828790
  18. I know more than a few people that enjoy a decent cigar, that was fine when working away for a month and bringing a box back for their month at home, many due to covid haven't worked since the start, they tried buying here but that was price prohibitive so gave up. I often enjoy half a bottle of red wine in the evening which the Mrs & I share, a bottle of cheap Chilean red costs 380 Bht, that's £8.31, probably buy similar in the UK for £3.00. Ridiculous price.
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