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Golden Triangle

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Everything posted by Golden Triangle

  1. Strange, no link in the OP to get some background on the announcement, usually a link or at least a back story, ie: at a press briefing ( a question answered ) or a BOT/MPC meeting, or nervous investors asking questions. I'm gonna pop over and look at Bangkok post & Nation sites ????
  2. Far too many wokes occupy this forum, do they really think that the government will step aside because the electorate despise them ? Think again.
  3. Seems like more than one blaze happening from the vids I've seen, is that pic Bali Hai or or further up the street ?
  4. Seems like a massive fire happening in walking street area now https://www.facebook.com/100015219376581/videos/271260291484939/?sfnsn=mo
  5. They must have these speeches on laminated cards, I seem to recollect hearing these very words last year - and the before, before, before, before etc ????????????
  6. He'll no doubt be doing his best Canute impersonation, Actually, remove a couple of letters, stick the rest in a scrabble bag and see what word you can come up with ????
  7. It should be closed, send everyone ( tourists ) home, what the hell is wrong with the people in charge ? No balls to tell the powers that be that it's failing in a spectacular way ? That it's putting the locals at risk ? Not the tourists to blame, it's the locals, infecting each other, krap vaccines, the said initially that at 90 infections a week they would close it down, now it's 200+ a day, but guess what it's still wide open. Pathetic.
  8. You've all been told many many times " it's designed to do this " ????????????
  9. Very true, but I don't have dogs, never wanted dogs or cats or any animal for that matter, I have said it before & I'll say it again, if city hall give me a gun licence, 9 mm pistol and ammunition I'll clear any Soi dogs they want.
  10. I would rather eat a thick juicy steak cooked the way I like it rather than some putrid pretend veggie version.
  11. I suggest you read the attachment provided by Roel, very enlightening.
  12. That explained it perfectly, thank you for taking the time and effort to assist me ???? ????????
  13. I had my first jab on 9 Aug, I had some red wine with dinner & a few bottles of beer as well, that was the night before, when we got home after the jab I had the same again, no problems to report, also at Samithivej in Sriracha they don't bother with blood pressure check, even better ????
  14. My sentiments exactly, they should stick to their salads, nuts & tofu, never have I understood this craving for stuff that looks & supposedly tastes much like a real burger ?? Weird people.
  15. So, if you weren't married, have 3 kids & a secure employment you would stick 2 fingers up to the vaccine ? Will your wife be getting the vaccine or have you brainwashed her as well ? Don't know how old your kids are but will they be getting vaccinated when the time comes ? Talk about double standards.
  16. And there was me thinking you would be a man of principles and stand up for your rights, shows how wrong one can be.
  17. Of course I know who he is, a deputy PM & the health minister, but that's not what I asked, anyway thanks for the reply, apart from the "this is how it's done in the Thai language" I was expecting something deeper maybe more profound. I have 16 years history with Thailand & have been living here since 2011, I have tried to learn Thai, all to no avail unfortunately, and there was absolutely no need for your 2nd line.
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