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Golden Triangle

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Everything posted by Golden Triangle

  1. Heavy rain, flooded roads, flooded houses & cars, how is stuff going to be delivered to the flooded stores ? How are people going to get from their flooded homes to the flooded stores ? in their flooded vehicles ?? Just a thought.
  2. The usual problem, to much concrete on what used to be forest or grassland, the soil would soak it up ( to a certain extent ) now no soil to soak it up, just more buildings & concrete, so you get run off, which people don,t like.
  3. My first time here was well researched, I researched for myself and a mate, it had evrything I needed, so inb answer to your question, Yes
  4. I usually wear a pair of socks, if it gets really cold I might put a T shirt on, usually a pair of socks cuts the Mustard.
  5. We got a cashiers cheque when we bought the new car, it had the name of the dealer on it, all went very smoothly, that was 8 years ago, don't think anything has changed.
  6. I just keep 800k in a seperate account, it's there year in year out, I would prefer to keep it in an interest bearing account but I cant be bothered going to the bank every few months to move it about. I don't understand why immigration are against us keeping it in an interest earning account, most unfair in my book. ????
  7. George Best said something fairly similar to that many years ago.
  8. Be wary if you have pets ie: dogs, I had laminate flooring in my lounge in the UK, I also had 2 Rough Collies (long hair) so when they got wet no matter how many towels I used on them they reained damp for a while. it played havoc with the the floor tiles, along with their claws, man I was forever sanding and re varnishing the floor.
  9. I read the link before I made any comment, the road was dry, all I said was the roads look dry but they are sly, then you chimed in, what point are you trying to make ? ?
  10. Some dummies inhabit these pages. No names no pack drill, you know who you are. ????????????
  11. Me and the mrs went to the UK (about 4 or5 years ago ) in July, both of us felt cold all day, everyday. We were glad to get back here.
  12. Chaindrite powder & spray are the way to go, when we first rented this house it was overrun with Cockroaches & ants because it had been empty for so long, not seen a cockroach in months, if I do see one I spray the area with Chaindrite & a liberal dosing of said powder, soon sorts the buggers out.
  13. Those Thai roads a very sly you know, they may look dry but...............
  14. What age are Gen Z people ?? I really have no idea, I'm pushing 70 what does make me ?? And don't say crusty ????????
  15. I start about 1500hrs everyday & finish about 2330hrs which is sort of bedtime, I'm a creature of habit ????
  16. I had one of those, totally Bo.....d the suspension on a Nissan I had many years ago, it was dark & raining, I wasn't driving too fast but I managed to find the deepest water filled pot hole known to man, cost a fortune to repair, ☹
  17. Do these idiots believe the <deleted> that spews forth from their mouths ?? Honestly, thick as PS and twice as smelly.
  18. I keep meaning to buy one to give the noisy dogs on our soi a shot in the rump, hopefully shut them up and make them move away from our soi, anyone got any experience of trying this method ??
  19. Such a cute cuddly little bundle of fun, Put the <deleted> lot down including their dumb owners.
  20. Smells a bit off to me, I've never had to pay utilities separately, always been in the rent, and from what I've read on here in the past it is a lot cheaper than that. Hopefully others will comment on here so you can get a better picture of what others think.
  21. Everytime the say brace for heavy rain & flooding we get nothing, I feel cheated. ????
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