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Everything posted by mikeymike100

  1. This may be a bit off topic, but are Thai men expected to pay the same as foreignness regarding this sin sod?
  2. Yes, thankfully the Americans were not fooled by the left wing MSM this time and voted with their heads!
  3. Yes indeed, from the picture that bike must have been traveling at some speed!
  4. That is irrelevant, it has nothing to do with the article!
  5. Yes, it's absolutely wonderful to see them turn into jelly, great time to be alive...!
  6. With 10 year ban!!
  7. So are you calling the richest man in the world, an idiot?? Musk is a prolific inventor and entrepreneur whose innovations span multiple fields, so if he is an 'idiot' what does that make you?
  8. Once again Elon Musk is correct, the UK has become a tyrannical police state, Writing comments on facebook, or twitter can get you a prison sentence, while real criminals are set free!
  9. "Overall, we rate Private Eye Left-Center Biased based on editorial positions that favor the left. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the promotion of pseudoscience as well as mixing satire and real news that is confusing to the reader." https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/private-eye/
  10. Musk doesn't care about being called before an inquiry, why should he, of course they could always go to him? They could put it all on expenses and get the taxpayer to pay,
  11. If its a 'Non Crime' Incident why are police even involved?
  12. It seems the ICC only picks the crimes it wants to prosecute, bit like the UK Government!
  13. Did you miss out Tony Blair and George Bush for war crimes?
  14. Fully agree, but who is running the country, or at least supposed to be? Biden??? Maybe Obama still??
  15. Absolutely, the sentence would have been a lot worse?
  16. And very soon he will be the most powerful man in the world!.....again!..
  17. She went on vacation, but vacation from what, I mean she doesn't work?
  18. Correct, completely harmless, no teeth, no poison!
  19. I could say exactly the same about your sense of humor!!
  20. Oh dear, whatever it is your taking, you need to stop?😆😂
  21. Be real funny if Elon Musk buys MSNBC that would really have the lefties melting?? https://thehill.com/homenews/media/5006095-trump-jr-musk-joke-about-buying-msnbc/
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