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Posts posted by hotchilli

  1. 6 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    The biggest offence here is the using of bad words. Murder? Meh. Bad words? You've shamed someone! 


    Taxi drivers are a public service. They should have change. She didn't hand over 1000 baht, It was 100. At the very least the driver should have 40 baht change. It's just the usual zero planning and zero care again. Always the customer's fault 'cos apparently customers should more professional in Thailand. 

    It's the usual taxi response to this situation, 100 baht note for a 60 baht ride... hoping for a "okay keep the change reply" !!

  2. 9 hours ago, jaiyen said:

    So how will they seal the bottles? Or will they be unsealed so anyone can go in a shop and easily open the bottle and drink from it and put it back.


    They are talking about the plastic wrap seal on the outside of the actual cap to the bottle.

    The cap itself will have the usual safety seal that will indicate if the bottle has been opened or not.

  3. 3 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    Here is aother murderer that needs to be taken to court, then killed off quickly, Thailand does not need

    people like this continuing to breath air.


    Why waste valuable court time... he didn't give his wife or gran a hearing!!

    treat him like a mad dog.... take him round the back & dig a hole "as my old man used to say!

  4. Rice planting and harvesting machines have been available for years... they've never replaced the thousands of Thais doing it by hand

    If Thais refuse to buy the machines then how can they take over their jobs....

    same as construction sites, you might see one machine but an army of manual workers all digging with shovels!

    Only in Foreign owned factories such as Honda, Toyota etc where you can see true automation because it's dictated by speed & profit!

  5. 4 hours ago, Prbkk said:

    But of course it doesn't act as a deterrent, proven time after time around the world. It might meet the need for vengeance, might make people feel safer...but it will not serve any useful purpose .

    Makes me feel a whole lot better knowing they won't be back on the streets sometime to do it again !!!

    If it stops one other person from trying the same thing then it has served a purpose...

    plus justice has at last been served !

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