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Posts posted by hotchilli

  1. 5 hours ago, billy54 said:

    I don't want to discuss the rights or wrongs of this , opinions' we all have them , but is this the thin end of the nanny state wedge , 

    Your opinion is your right or course...

    my "two penny worth" is last year at Songkran I witnessed a high speed accident with a pick-up.. watching the people sitting in the back thrown out onto the road & on-coming traffic like rag dolls was not something I want to see again...

    most were under the age of 20...

    6 dead at the scene, 2 later in hospital & 2 remained seriously injured for a long time..

    but hey.. if it's a non nanny state you want and can live with the consequences of "having a little fun" crack-on..

    Just my opinion....

  2. 8 hours ago, Songhua said:

    All those old foreigners who complained about it every year can now venture out without their raincoats and plastic bags.

    Wow so quick to disparage the "old folk" 

    but one thing that does come with age is wisdom & knowledge to keep ones thoughts to ones self until all the facts are out..

    maybe you should check todays date before posting any more !!

    "One born every minute"

  3. 2 hours ago, fruitman said:

    Wow they even revoked her license!! That's the first time this happened to a nast taxidriver..:smile:

    Revoking her licence probably won't deter her from doing something similar again.

    Just paying a fine & letting her go back out on the road to abuse people again is the only thing they can think of!

  4. 14 hours ago, Philthyphil said:

    Food hygiene in Thailand gets about a 1 out of ten.


    The way they use food handling gloves, touching the moneywith them still on etc makes me honestly believe they think the gloves are to keep their hands clean, not the food. 


    The grime and filth in an average shop house "Daam Sang" style restaurant astonishes me. Dirty walls, usually a filthy old paint bucket on the floor used for slops etc, quite often dead cockroaches on the floor, a filthy old rag they use to wipe the cutting board on which they chop vegetables, raw and cooked meats of various animals etc etc, no soap n the bathrooms, no hand washing facilities, filthy plastic chairs that never get cleaned etc etc


    Even the cleaner restaurants worry me as I have seen the markets where they source their food. 

    I think you meant minus 10 out of 10

  5. 3 hours ago, r136dg said:

    "Thais ask how did the police miss that one!"


    The same way they miss every traffic law violation happening every nano second.

    Probably didn't miss this one at all, the usual stop & check point would have cost the driver a few hundred baht and allowed to go on his merry way !!!

    Typical Thai mentality though, save money & time by doing it in one load/trip... give a Thai a little freedom & he'll take the piss !!

  6. 18 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    How about pointing your fingers at the police?  They do absolutely nothing here in Pattaya during Songkran.  The drive home from Central Pattaya last year was an absolute free for all.  Drunk scooter riders, weaving in and out (few with helmets), trucks with water cannons going down Sukhumvit blasting everything and everybody.  Absolute mayhem.


    A few years ago we went to Issan.  No booze sold at 7/11.  But right behind the station was a cooler full of beer that you could buy. 


    Place the blame properly.  On the police.

    He did place the blame on the correct people.. THE PEOPLE

    they are the ones who oragnise the events

    they are the ones who get drunk
    they are the ones who start the fights
    they are the ones who cause carnage on the roads

    they are the ones who've turned Songkran into a free for all

    He saying he wants the people to take responsibility for their own actions... not disobey the law.

    he doesn't want to invoke article 44 & turn Thailand into a police state just to stop idiotic people from killing themselves

    they should have the mentality to stay within the law which is in place now!!!

    YES the police should enforce the law as it stands now..
    It's not just the police at fault here !!!!


    Place the blame properly... On BOTH sides

  7. 10 hours ago, ezzra said:


    It's all for a show, that the government is " frustrated " at the sexy image

    of Pattaya, secretly they wish they a dozen more cities like Pattaya,

    do the math please, how many tourists Pattaya pulls a year and how

    say, a city like Cha Am that also has beaches and sea pulls in...

    Don't worry, Cha am & Hua Hin are being worked on, give it a few years & they'll be just like Pattaya.

    rail & sea links will link east with west for a sort term boost, developers are already building on every available plot.

    Resorts & homes going up everywhere.

    Once the tourists arrive in good numbers the Thais will move in with bars,restaurants, etc etc....

    Just give it a year or two....


  8. 7 hours ago, jollyhangmon said:

    So what is it then ...??


    > ... the usual festivities will play out on Khaosan and Silom roads as usual ...<  ^^





    ... left hand / right hand ...?

    It's simple... Khao San road is cancelled this year. everywhere else is as usual
    what's the confusion??


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