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Posts posted by hotchilli

  1. 13 hours ago, fantom said:

    I think it is far more likely to be simple choking. Quick application of the Heimlich manouver may well have made the difference.


    1.He was thai and familiar with som tum. no one else in the household suffered

    2. 'whacked on the back and noodles flew out'

    3. 'started gagging.'


    I don't think Thais are familiar with the "Heimlich maneuver"  even in Pattaya you might get a strange look !

  2. 19 hours ago, scorecard said:

    Condolences to all and RIP for the young lady.


    I wonder if the venue operator needed / had a license to conduct this type of party?


    If it did need a license was there any form of inspection to approve that the set-up was safe, etc?


    If it did need a license but none was applied for how come the appropriate authorities are not continuously checking things like this?


    With no insurance I guess the answer to most of the above is no...

    how can you organise a public event with no insurance cover in this day & age.. incredible!!

    Considering the parents have lost a daughter & a man has lost a wife I would take him to court and sue him for every baht he owns!!!

    Maybe he will consider insurance in the future!

  3. 5 hours ago, faraday said:

    But at least he is attempting to address the whole road safety issue, rather than just implementing a poorly thought out law.


    Instead of just heaping criticism on this whole debacle, why don't people suggest some workable solutions?


    Or is this just yet another opportunity for tv members to denigrate Thailand again?





    How about NO PEOPLE in the back tray of trucks !!

    Thailand get use to it, live with it and stop crying about it !!

  4. 27 minutes ago, toofarnorth said:

    " Hey te luk , I have got the car back  , lets go out to celebrate with a beer or six "

    My thoughts exactly... got the car back honey, stung me a bit but we got enough baht to go out and get hammered again tonight

    we can invite our friends to the bar, all stand around a table with a bottle or two of whiskey, drink till 3 am and drive home shit-faced

    Songkrans over so the BIB won't be around !!

  5. 4 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    "Drink driving remained the main cause of all road accidents or 37.72% , followed by speeding, 31.02%.

    Motorcycles were accounted for 81.58% of all road accidents, while pickup trucks 8.37%"


    There is your problem, now solve it, how ?


    Zero alcohol & speeding tolerance for driving/riding


    If caught speeding over 30km's in a built up area, and or with any alcohol reading, loss of car motorcycle followed by:


    Heavy fine starting from 20,000 baht upwards depending on speed and blood alcohol reading at the time


    Loss of license for 3 years to life depending on speed over the limit and blood alcohol reading at the time


    Criminal conviction recorded


    Jail time ranging from 3 months to life, depending on speed and blood alcohol reading at the time


    Problem solved easily if you ask me

    The Road Safety Centre under the Department of Public Disasters Prevention and Mitigation will be in touch with you shortly for your input...

  6. 21 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    I'm not sure why they seem to be patting themselves on the back here. 283 dead in four days is absolutely disgraceful.

    I note that the number of accidents are actually higher than previous years, so the fact that the deaths are slightly down is probably just good luck, although enforcement of the seat belt laws is quite possibly the difference. Clearly the Drink Driving message has totally not sunk in, with more than 300,000 cases in five days!

    You cant's stop people who are hell bent on committing suicide, the problem is when they take innocent lives with them!

  7. I have an older model Nuvi 250 (I think 10 yrs old now)

    Bought and used in the UK for one year before I relocated to Thailand

    The original Thai map I used on SD card was only 80mb the latest update I have is a 2016 version 800mb & the unit is having trouble displaying/processing the extra info etc

    my question is:

    As I don't need the pre-installed European maps on the main memory, can I delete these in any way & install Thai map to the main memory?

    If so pls give details how to achieve it....

  8. 2 hours ago, edwinchester said:

    Absolutely staggering figure for those charged with drunk driving over only three days.

    It is obvious, for whatever reasons, people do not give any thought as to the consequences of drunk driving.

    Maybe that has a lot to do with there being no real penalties should they actually be caught.

    If they handed out one year automatic bans for drink driving plus a hefty fine then maybe the message might just start to get through.

    Same for driving with no licence, absolutely staggering number of offenders... it shows that in the past fines for no licence hasn't made a difference, money for the police & the drivers/riders just get straight back on the road again.. sheer madness.

    It should be an automatic ban, if you re-offend during the term the vehicle is crushed.

  9. 2 hours ago, tompelli said:

    As the numbers of people driving without a helmet is close to the number who don't have a licence. Just think about that...for every motorcyclist driving around without a helmet, there is also one without a licence. An entertaining road trip game...

    36,000 plus drivers without a licence is rather worrying...
    I hazard a guess they either failed a test & just took to the roads regardless, or didn't even bother to take a test in the first place.

    These people should be banned from driving automatically with a 6 month jail ban suspended, vehicle confiscated..  if caught behind the wheel again then inside you go!!

    But I know many people who are failing the test & continue to ride/drive regardless, citing " well I need to get around" what else can I do?

    Imposing the above ban might help them to come to the correct decision.. learn/practice & take the test again !!!


  10. 18 hours ago, ChakaKhan said:

    Wonder what the families of the dead think about songkran

    and do they continue the same behaviour the following year


    As they say the lesson is repeated UNTIL it is LEARNED



    In Thailand they don't learn the lesson, you can repeat it a thousand times & they still won't get it.
    most countries do learn from their mistakes & lay the blame firmly on the accident & prevent it from happening again.
    here they quote bad luck, karma, Buddha's will, in fact anything except the truth

    which is... drink driving, speeding, unsafe driving practices, in fact the list is endless.
    And yes next year they will have forgotten it all & repeat the process.

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