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Posts posted by hotchilli

  1. 7 hours ago, scorecard said:

    So how come these buses belching thick black smoke are even on the road?


    In the last decade and more there have been many headlines that they are banned and owners/drivers will be heavily fined if they are on the roads, etc.


    So how come they are still on the streets?


    Surely these vehicles are subject to some sort of annual check? Again the question so how come they are still on the roads?


    Seems to me the government officials responsible who are derelict in their duties and corrupt should be in jail and shamed specifically in regard to the current pollution nightmare.


    On the other hand if government officials ignore their duties why doesn't the PM send out an army unit to tow the offending vehicles into a compound and immediately totally destroy their engines?


    Then have the bodies of these buses (without engines) lined up outside the houses of the senior officials who are not doing their duties with the senior officials sitting 24 hrs a day for 10 days in the drivers seats, window open and with permission for anybody to abuse them and throw rotten vegetables at them?





    Annual check haha, I believe the equivalent to the M.O.T vehicle check here in Thailand is every 5 years !!

    Hence so many smoke belching machines still on the road.

  2. 10 hours ago, webfact said:

    “The problem with PM2.5 is caused by multiple factors, so everyone needs to work together to tackle with these pollution factors and solve the problem at the root,” Prayut said.

    How about bringing in an annual emission test for every vehicle on the road, not the standard 5 years between tests as it now stands.

    How many miles are clocked up in 5 years, that would get the vast majority of smoke machines out of harms way.

    Then tackle the outside burning, be it a factory, company even a temple where cremations take place every day, also farmers should be hit hard for crop burning.

    Then monitor every construction site for dust control.

    If he's serious about this issue then he has to get tough, no soft measures are going to clear the smog over cities which unlike most problems are invisible this one is there and will stay there for all to see until it's cleaned up!

  3. The causes of PM2.5 particulates are widely known, the reasons for the smog increasing is the inaction of the city officials who are blind to whats happening in their own backyards, too preoccupied with self righteousness than getting tough with offenders.

    1) Monitor all vehicles & test them for emissions, if it's over the limit get it off the road, or track, tough luck to operating companies or passengers, find an alternative.

    2) Check all companies are complying with emission operating standards, if it's not close it down.

    3) Stop all outside burning by farmers or companies etc,.

    4) Monitor all construction sites and implement dust control measures.


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  4. 2 hours ago, PhilippBKK said:

    Most idiotic move ever!


    Not if the adverse publicity it will bring gets the officials off their proverbial backsides & start doing something!!

    We all know this is being viewed around the world, if T.A.T believe it might start impacting tourism watch the power shift in the government house!!!

    • Haha 2
  5. As a retired ageing aircraft engineer I actually worked on Concord in my youth during my apprentice training.

    I would love to see a modern version of the supersonic jet brought back to life.

    In it's heyday there was nothing in the world that could touch it., and after it's sad demise there was nothing to follow it.

    At the time of the crash it was on it's last legs anyway, fuel costs, engine noise etc etc had already spelt the end to it's illustrious days & image.

    This time around I hope it will be put into service not just for the elite or the rich business man but made affordable to all.

    The original Concord only seated around 100 passengers thus the high cost of each seat!


  6. 5 hours ago, webfact said:

    The amount of PM2.5 dust particles in many parts of Thailand, particularly Greater Bangkok, has now exceeded the safety limit of 50 micrograms per cubic metre of air. 

    Only Thailand say's that 50 micrograms is the safe limit.

    W.H.O. the world health organisation state that 25 micrograms is the acceptable maximum limit, above that precautions should be taken as health could be impaired.

    Thailand have doubled that figure to suit their own poor standards, anywhere at 60+ is actually not just above the limit for health being effected it's far beyond the safe limits!!

    The Junta who have been in power have done nothing for the person on the street in the 5 years they've held the people in their grip!

  7. 5 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Obviously that might be true. But there could be other reasons and some of those reasons might be out of the riders control.

    I find it strange when people come to conclusions without having all the evidence.

    What's the point of blaming the rider if you are not sure if it was his fault?


    No other vehicle was involved, so it seems it was down to rider error!

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