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Posts posted by hotchilli

  1. 7 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

    One thing most Thai governments, and more specifically, the junta, can do well, is to completely screw things up for the people.

    Bringing in new rules for vans and pick-ups on the eve on the nations largest movement of Thais, shows a complete lack of common sense.

    3-6 months prior and it may have been a lot different and allowing people to make alternate travel plans.


    On the contrary it shows complete common sense... this is the time of year most Thais die on the roads..

    why wait until after the holiday period when all the carnage has ended.

    I don't see how saving peoples lives equates to "screwing things up" ??

    It will never be a convenient time for Thais to comply with new regulations, or even agree with them. But in time they will see the value in having some road sense.

  2. 6 hours ago, jaltsc said:

    "...organised by the direct-sales company WealthEver."


    "Wealth Ever" for the scammers not for the scammed. It appears they have gotten their wealth from people who refuse to learn that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. These type of scams have been going on forever and will continue to thrive as long as there are people who want to believe that they can get something for nothing, and never do any research about the legitimacy of those who are offering such bargains.

    In the land of fakes & knock-offs it's hard to decipher if anything is actually genuine.
    Even the fakes are graded into what quality band they fall!!!

    As for cheaper than cheap holidays I would have delved a bit deeper before parting with hard cash, it's not like buying a cheap handbag!!

    Feel sorry for the guy buying 9 tickets in total.. Ouchhhhh !

  3. On 4/11/2017 at 11:50 PM, eldragon said:

    Bangkok is a tough place for socializing if you're in your late 30s/early 40s. Especially if you're not into the high-end scene. Then again, I don't know what people do at night back home if they're not into bars. Dinners and movies, I guess. Night markets are good, but they're a bit young. To be frank, you're gonna have a hard time meeting men, even for a platonic relationship. In case you haven't noticed, many of us enjoy the local women. I suggest cooking. Find a place with a proper kitchen. Experiment with some local ingredients. There's also travel. Take advantage of cheap flights, hotels, etc. if you can afford it.

    I agree with the travel idea, buy a one way ticket out of BKK to somewhere more sociable, either a plane or bus ticket.

    • Like 1
  4. 16 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Not sure what video you watched.

    The truck was on a lane that is not for doing the U-turn, does not use indicator.

    In a normal country I would agree with you,

    however the length of the truck dictates that he needs more turning area than the "U turn lane" width allows,

    yes he should be using his indicators etc, but then again, how many people leave their indicators on one direction while doing the opposite... I never believe anyone's indicators in Thailand, least of all with my life!!

    The truck should have taken more care, the car should have shown more observation and a little less haste.

    conclusion... both idiots,

    an accident waiting to happen if the twain should ever meet on the same stretch of road.. and they did!!

    Am I surprised by the outcome.. NO !!

  5. 4 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    I don`t believe a Thai would have the organisation skills to perpetrate a scam on this level. Bet, there are probably foreigners behind this who used these Thai characters as pawns in the game or the sacrificial lambs. I also bet the bulk of the money is no longer in the country and has been laundered out abroad.

    You can believe it... 6 criminal cases over the last 5 years, 3 previous arrest warrants... she knew exactly what she was doing, no help required!

  6. 3 hours ago, jaiyen said:

    They are only just warming up ! Wait for tomorrows figures. Over 93,000 nicked in 1 day ! Thats incredible. I hope the increased number of check points and publicity will make a difference, but I doubt it.

    What's alarming is the number of people driving unable to produce a driving licence...

    I hope the police take appropriate action with them, not just the usual fine & let them get back in the driving seat to complete their journey...

    I say this because last week I attended a driver licensing office & most of the exam takers failed to get the required points to re-new their licence. I asked what will they do, they just shrugged their shoulders, some said they would come back & try again, others said they would just keep driving.

  7. In the land of fake... fake holidays must beat the bunch so far.

    I had a friend who went to Japan with a Thai tour group earlier this year in January, she expressly asked if they would see snow as she hadn't seen it before, the two city destinations were Tokyo & Osaka.

    Yes was the answer snow is guaranteed,  
    I told her to check the history of snowfall in Tokyo over the last 50 years as to my knowledge they have very little if any snowfall to speak of annually... she didn't check saying the tour guide said they would have plenty of the white stuff.

    She went & guess what "no snow" even when this year it was falling with abundance all around.

    I don't trust any Thai's when they're selling you something, check check & check again...

  8. 2 hours ago, Toscano said:

    I didn't see anybody in the car , maybe there is a slight downward slope and the hand brake hadn't been applied .

    Not sure what video you were watching?

    He didn't stop because of numerous reasons why Thais are distracted at the wheel...

    not sure who was thrown out of the car, as it spun it looks like it could have been a passenger ... another day on Thai roads.

  9. All dressed up for the occasion thinking it was just going to another cat walk day.
    Had a similar experience last Thursday, accompanied a friend who went to renew their licence.
    Lots of worried faces going into the exam room. lots of disappointed faces coming out when they hadn't achieved the minimum 45 required points. Felt sorry for my friend, I'd been sitting outside 7 hours with his g/f chatting, he did ok all day but only got 44 points in the exam   Ouchhhh !

    They said sorry you failed, you'll have to come back & try again. Seems they've got tough this time.


  10. 4 hours ago, ajarngreg said:

    The experts have now called on manufacturers of bikes in Thailand to use available technology to limit speeds to 90 kilometers per hour.


    Just falling on your head from a bicycle can kill you. Nothing makes any sense if people do not wear good helmets. Not the plastic crap ones. 


     The educational system is also at fault. Watch three kids driving to school on one bike and neither cops nor teachers do anything? 


      Would such a speed limit prevent accidents? I doubt it. 




    Asking Thais to limit the numbers of people on a bike would be like asking Thais not to allow people in the back tray of a pick-up truck.

    They would kick & scream, protest all day long... how can I get 3 kids to school at the same time etc etc

    Maximum 2 people, both wear helmets, minimum rider age 15, after passing a test & riding instruction at an approved school.
    Start to introduce a system where points are allocated to a licence for offences committed as well as fines.

    When a set point limit is reached the licence is revoked for one year.

    Same for car licences.

  11. 5 hours ago, CliffH said:

    Things for the visitor to do in Pattaya on Wednesdays and Thursdays....

    1)  Sit on the beach where there is virtually no shade and get fried

    2)  Walk aimlessly around shopping malls

    3)  Sit in a bar and get drunk

    4)  Sit in the hotel room


    Is there anything else you can do in Pattaya?


    Is there anything else to do at any beach resort... sounds like you've actually named them all.

  12. As usual Thais are crying out foul play over this.

    You cannot stop their fun or road madness by applying road laws which have been in existence for many years in other countries and have been proved to save lives.

    Thais will always say if you do this my business will suffer, if you do that I'll lose money, if you do the other it will inconvenience me etc etc and so it goes on.

    Well this is 2017 and it's about time Thailand caught up with the rest of the world.

    It's widely know Thailand is #2 in the world for road deaths & injuries so now it's time to get tough & smart, apply & enforce some common sense laws.

    No longer can Thais just do what they please and to hell with the consequences.



  13. 3 hours ago, captspectre said:

    I don't know who wrote this but he/she was SPOT on! it needs to be read by every Thai citizen and gov't official especially the PM! but it won't because the thai's are set in their backward ways and will  continue to kill each other daily. with all the "entitled" people getting away with murder, what do you expect.?

    kudo's to the writer, hope he can keep out of jail.


    I agree with the original post & this reply, it's a two way street.
    Clear & concise laws of the road need to be drawn up by the government & hammered home at the driving institutions
    The Thai public need to observe the laws of the road & practice safe driving.
    Road markings, traffic signals crossings etc need to be clearly marked & observed.

    Harsh penalties for offenders who break the law.

    Eventually it might get through to all concerned.

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