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Posts posted by sanemax

  1. 19 minutes ago, WinnieTheKhwai said:


    Newsflash:  Very few businesses cater to felangs exclusively anymore.  They either went out of business or adapted.


    And some, after adapting, are more successful now than they have been in a long time..




        That sign is the original sign from Spotlight, or its been there for at least six years , written in Chinese .

       It doesnt make sense that you are using Spotlight as an example of a business that has adapted and become successful, when Spotlight hasnt adapted at all, its always been that sign .

        Theres guest houses that typically cater for foreigners, backpackers , these businesses are suffering, some are still offering off season rates and now its high season , these cannot adapt as there just isnt the demand from Thais for this type of accommodation .

  2. On 12/4/2016 at 5:10 PM, cyberfarang said:




    4 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

    All this 'tourism is dead and Chaing Mai will pay the price' seems vastly over blown when you see how much business Thais seem to be able to bring.


       Although Thais spending tends to go into different pockets to felang money .

    Its the businesses that cater for felangs which will suffer

  3. 10 hours ago, millwall_fan said:

    Don't ask them how much it is or they'll assume you want a private hire. Tell the driver where you want to go, if he nods get in and give him 20B when you get out. 


      Sometimes though, when I get to my destination, the driver asks for more money, say 50 Baht , so I always confirm the fare before I get in .

       Sometimes its 20 Baht . 

    If theres a few people its usually 20 Baht each , and if Im on my own and no one else gets picked up along the way, they usually want a bit more .

       I do think that they are being fair, because some simply refuse to take me places for 20 Baht


  4. 17 minutes ago, thai3 said:

    There has been no proof at all that anything the op has claimed is not true. What has been proved is that there are many cynical types on here who have a very rosy view of Thailand and immigration officials.


       It really hasnt been proved that there are cynical types on TV . The general consensus is that there is more to this story that what has been told , which, quite clearly there is .

       It is extremely unusual, practically unheard of for a person to be taken from a visa extension application to an airport and sent home .

       It really isnt being cynical , its being practical .

    The OP is quite clearly not telling the full story

    • Like 2
  5. 25 minutes ago, kenk24 said:


    20 baht is an obscene price? 


       Quite often, more often than not red cars will not accept 20 baht for a fare , Tapae gate to the bus station and they usually ask for 100 Baht , although , if you ask enough of them, you can get it for 50 Baht .

  6. On 11/20/2016 at 6:47 AM, jobin said:

    Y anyone would use Uber rather than a tuk-tuk is beyond me.  Go local, that's my motto.  But if you live far from the city, can't speak Thai, have no personal wheels, perhaps Uber is of some value.  

    Well, i'm a Luddite regardless.  Have no smartphone so I'm 'out of the loop'.


       Uber cars are also local , Thai drivers  just the same as Tuk-tuks .

    I do hope that uber replaces tuk-tuks

    Tuk tuks are noisy dirty air polltters  and they mostly drive around empty of customers , filling up the roads , driving at speed and erratically and constantly harassing felang passers by asking them if they want a tuk tuk 

  7. 4 hours ago, Puyai said:

    Yes that is correct. We do have the same surnames and I am named as the father on the birth certificate.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


       Thanks for the info, just one more thing .

    Which documents did you meed to get your child a UK passport ?

    (Yes the required documents are listed on the UK Gov website , but some of the required documents do not exist, like the mothers birth certificate and Trendy house said that all stated needed documents are not all necessary, so, I was just wondering which documents you provided to get your child a UK PP . I was going to apply to get my son a UK PP, but all I have is my PP and his birth certificate , which has my name on it)

  8. 2 hours ago, Puyai said:


    Yes, I had to take my child out of the country for the first time too. You need his birth certificate to show he was born in Thailand. No other letter from the mother or documents from the Amphur were needed.

    I am only speaking from personal experience. Other posters I'm sure have had different experiences.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect



        Just to confrim tht we are talking about the same thing and wires havent been crossed along the way :

       You were not married to your childs mother and therefore had no legal rights at ll over the child .

       You didnt go to Court to obtain any legal rights over the child

    You just got your child a passport, took him to the airport and flew away without any permission from the childs legal guardian or the Courts .

        Immigration at the airport accepted a birth certificate and they didnt question why he didnt have an entry visa in his passport .

    Even though legally you were not the childs guardian and you had no legal right to the child and therefore the child isnt legally yours, the child belongs solely to its mother , you were still able to take someone elses child out of Thailand with just an empty passport and a birth certificate ?

       Is that correct ?


  9. 10 minutes ago, Dazinoz said:


    Thanks for the info.


    So does this apply if a father, like you and me, in this situation leaves the girlfriend and baby he is not legally required to pay child support?


    Before anyone gets upset about the question, thats all it is a question for interest sake.


       Nope, not legally required to pay any child support at all

  10. 4 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:


    Correct. My girlfriend (now wife) is Laotian and I am British. Our son was born in Thailand and has a Thai birth certificate. We had no problem in taking him to Laos to visit granny, twice, and then back "home" to Thailand, and only showed the birth certificate at the border.

    Now he has a British passport and is included on my Extension of Stay, as is my wife.

    We've already visited the UK twice and he's still not 2 years old.



       Yes, but his Mother was there , so that is her giving permission , I was talking about if the Mother wasnt there and didnt give any permission .

        Very different circumstances to a Father taking a Child  out at an airport without the Mother to a Mother taking her Child back to a neighboring Country for a short visit

  11. 1 minute ago, Puyai said:


    Yes, I had to take my child out of the country for the first time too. You need his birth certificate to show he was born in Thailand. No other letter from the mother or documents from the Amphur were needed.

    I am only speaking from personal experience. Other posters I'm sure have had different experiences.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect



       Was this recently ?

    I believe that immigration have implemented new rules in the last few years in efforts to clamp down on child trafficking .


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