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Posts posted by sanemax

  1. 1 minute ago, Puyai said:


    I had a child in the same circumstances. Saying you cannot take the child out of the country without the documentation is pure fantasy. I have taken my child out of Thailand with his British passport on numerous occasions and never once had any sort of trouble leaving the country.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect



        I did mean on the very first time that you take a Thai born Child out from Thailand on a Foreign PP . You cannot just get the Child a PP and then leave Thailand .

       The Child would have no entry stamp in his PP and immigration wouldnt let him leave .

        You would need to obtain legal documents allowing him to be taken out of Thailand and his mothers consent would be required .

    This is the procedure for ummarried Fathers, things may be different if you are married to the mother

  2. Children with no Nationality can attend Schools and Prayruth recently stated that ALL Children in Thai Schools will be given Thai ID .

       As you are not married, you have no legal Parental rights , you are regarded as just being the Childs mothers boyfreind when She had a baby .

        You will not be able to take your Child out of Thailand without the Mothers and Courts permission, even if the Child has a Aussie Passport

  3. I am in the same situation, I have a three year old born to a Burmese Mother and my Boy has no Nationality at all , at least one Parent has to be Thai before Children can get Thai ID /Nationality .

       If you get him an Aussie PP, Visa issues will only rise after you have taken himm outside of Thailand and then when you bring him back, Children do not get fined or banned if they overstay

  4. 2 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    It has to be extension related IMO. Also note he was not blacklisted.


       Then wouldnt the normal procedure be to give him 7 days to leave or if he had technically over stayed, then to make him pay an overstay fine ?

       It seems strange for the IO to put him on the next flight home .

    It also seems odd that his Lawyer spoke to the top guy at Immigration .

    Maybe his Lawyer made his case to vigorously (which he should be entitled to do) and if the Lawyer was in the right, rather than Immigration admitting they were wrong, they just sent him home ?

       It could also be that his original Visa was issued with "not all the correct documents" and the Lawyer threatened to take it further and rather than being exposed, the IO sent him home ?

       Just giving possibilities 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Read the rules. Prostitution can be included in the discussion, but not specifics. I can't say how much they charge or what one did on this forum, but I can certainly say they are down Loi kroh.



      Although admitting  participating in illegal practices in Thailand is against TV rules .


  6. 22 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

    I wonder if the Immigration Officer(s) felt personally offended by something the OP said and provided him with one of the worse outcomes.


      Do IO have the authority to do as they did ?

    Can they just march people off to the airport and put them on a flight with no legal process or rights of appeal or anything ?

    • Like 2
  7. 6 minutes ago, ttthailand said:

    The only busy place in town is near the river, The Good View restaurant is packed every night but is mostly locals. A few bars around the bus station is also happening but again, it is mostly Thai tourists and locals.
    The millions of Chinese that came the last few years chased everyone else away. Now the Chinese flow has slowed but the damage is already done... greed from brainless people killed the golden goose, being high end farang tourists.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


        The Good view is packed everynight , seems to be with Chinese and Felangs , havent seen any locals in their . They either do extremely good food, as it isnt that cheap, or, as I expect, it had been featured in guide books .

       I dont think that the Chinese coming to CM has nothing to do with felangs not coming here .

      Chinese blend in with the local populace and they are hardly noticed and the Chinese are generally OK , the sometimes big groups can be annoying, when they block the way .but they hardly cause any issues or problems .

       Chinese have had some bad media coverage, but they are generally OK

  8. 3 hours ago, Sparkles said:

    I would suggest that most tourists over 60 after  temple visting ,elephant camps,shopping malls and all the tacky "attractions ' are well knackered and hit the sheets well before midnight.

    Your clasification of age groups and their habits is pure specualtion.I'll get back to my theory that its a very small percentage that want to be out scouring places to party after midnight.Add up all the "early morning" drinking venues and you have a very small number of people compared with the 1,000's of others tucked up in bed. 


         I have never heard anyone who had just came back from holiday  say "We had a great time there, we were in bed by midnight everynight"

        Before the curfews , bars were open until the last person left, which was quite often in the early hours, 5AM there would always be bars still open,  are you suggesting that as soon as the curfews were enforced, people suddenly changed their minds and didnt want to go out until the early hours?

       Destinations all over Thailand (which dont enforce the curfews) stay open until the early hours . Tourists go to BKK , the Islands and other places and stay out until the early hours , are you suggesting that as soon as they come to CM, they decide to start going to bed at midnight ?


  9. 4 hours ago, stament said:

    Never ceases to amaze me how a thread on high season or tourist numbers can get so popular with most posts fitting into the same 3 or 4 categories yet we are on 6 pages already. I read the first page and have no need to read the others which I am sure will largely be much of the same.



        That just doesnt make sense .

    How can you claim that all the posts in this thread fit into 3-4 categories when you have only read the first page !!!!!!!!

       You are making a summary on this whole thread basing it on just the first page !!!!!!

  10. 34 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    1 AM now, I shall go for a look around LK

    Most places had closed and locked up, a few places had a few people finishing off their drinks . One place was open, behind closed doors , but that is quite a hostile place , people in there are hostile and aggressive , if you dont buy them a drink 




  11. 7 minutes ago, Chicog said:


    But Mike's disappeared all over the place didn't it? I heard he sold up and went to more lucrative climes.

    Let's face it, it wasn't that good, just a bit of tasteless gut luggage for late night partygoers with the munchies.

    Hasn't the boxing ring one turned into a pizza or kebab place or something?


       Mike Pizza and Mikes Burgers were two different things , not the same . Although now all have gone .

       The boxing ring one is now a bar and the other one opposite loco Elvis  still sells burgers, just a different name .


  12. 2 hours ago, WinnieTheKhwai said:

    4am on weekends.  Recently after Spicy closed, Spotlight was still going just fine.


    But erm.. what's this legality you speak of?  :)  



        Sitting there watching girls on stage in bikinis looked bored and leaning against posts and moving their arms around a bit gets a bit dull after about 2 minutes .

       Its a Go-go bar for a specific clientele , its for middle aged men, usually on their own to sit and leer at females in bikinis , not for everyone

  13. Just now, KhonKaenKowboy said:

    You can tap on a number of the LK bar's doors and they will let you in after hours....still not a good value, 



        You may get the occasional bar that puts the shutters down and lets the people inside finish off their drinks , but if you go in there , theres usually four drunken people standing at the bar whispering  in the dark with no music on .

       Wandering the streets at 1 AM knocking on doors isnt my idea of a night out.

    Theres also the possibility that if the RTP do show up, they could start asking for I.D. and as I dont carry my PP around with me , I could end up getting carted off the the Police station , I havent heard of that happening so far , but theres always the possibility .


  14. 12 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

    As for not being able to hang out until early morning what percentage of tourists or locals for that matter want to be drinking after midnight, 5% ?

    If you do on a regular basis suggest you may have a problem:smile:


        I do not know about percentages, but most over 60's like to be in bed by midnight

    Under 50's tend to like to stay up a bit later and under 30's tend to stay up until the morning ,   Zoe and Spicy used to get going about 1 AM - 5 AM and Lucky used to get going about 3 AM- 9 AM .

       I've seen hoards of young felangs at 1 AM between Spicy and Zoe looking for a place to drink and dance and they all go home disappointed

  15. 4 minutes ago, dhream said:


    The 'mega club' called Mandalay was pumping until dawn back in April, havn't been since as I was drinking with a younger crowd, and the entire security are off duty BiB, so it was the place to be back then, is it still a thing?


       It closed down for a while and then re-opened recently .

    The thumping music has stopped and it closes about 1 AM .

    It seems like a place for younger dressed up Thais , rather than for casual older felangs

  16. Is Thailand experiencing a general tourist slump ?

    We have had threads about Pukett , Udon Thanni , Pattaya , CM and Ko Samet all being very quiet and I ve had numerous posts on FB groups staying in various places stating that their hostel is empty and where is everyone

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