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Posts posted by DrPhibes

  1. 3 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:
    7 minutes ago, DrPhibes said:

    You do know that urine is one of the cleanest fluids that comes out of your body unless you have a UTI and has been used as an anti-fungal remedy for feet for a long time (even today).  About 90+% water with salts and urea.  It's OK with the wife to clean (something about the aroma), she just adds to the other interesting things she likes such as boom boom booger skin treatment and brushing dried out sex crumbs from the bed in the morning with a sly smile on her face looking straight into my eyes.

    I feel a bit sick...was this really necessary?

    Sorry, should have waited until after you had your Civet cat processed coffee this morning ????

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Swiss1960 said:

    Peeing in a toilet while standing is disgusting. There will always be drops on the floor all around the toilet, no matter how hard you try to omit that, and I am pretty sure that you don't clean the floor after every time you pee? And here comes the wife sitting down and putting her feet on the floor you messed up.

    Ever looked at the floor around urinals in public toilets? There you see what I mean when I say that peeing while standing is making a mess of the floor around it, whether urinal or "normal" toilet. 

    Peeing in a toilet at home while standing is disrespecting your wife, because she will have to clean up the mess that you caused. 

    You do know that urine is one of the cleanest fluids that comes out of your body unless you have a UTI and has been used as an anti-fungal remedy for feet for a long time (even today).  About 90+% water with salts and urea.  It's OK with the wife to clean (something about the aroma), she just adds to the other interesting things she likes such as boom boom booger skin treatment and brushing dried out sex crumbs from the bed in the morning with a sly smile on her face looking straight into my eyes.

    • Like 1
  3. Usually, being very out of shape and shagging 4 ladies of questionable reputation over the course of a week while fighting serious constipation is enough to get an umbilical hernia.  No need for spending on a hospital visit!


    Seriously though, did have an umbilical hernia repaired 20 years ago in the the US by a Thai Dr no less.  Was not that big of a deal but be sure to follow the instructions for healing.  Don't try to cut it short.

    • Haha 1
  4. 20 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    This must be the first time in global history that a destination has 'won' travel recommendation destination of the year from a country that haven't and will not send any tourists in the same year.


    Absolutely daft award and story.





    I'm Phuket at the moment, Patong is pretty happening.  Not a Chinese in sight at the resort I'm at nor walking street.  Did overhear a South Korean couple at a restaurant.  Are they all up in Chiang Mai?

  5. 15 hours ago, Farmerslife said:

    Sorry but it just brought this back to mind;


    They're coming to take me away,
    Haha, they're coming to take me away,
    Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha,
    To the funny farm
    Where Life is Beautiful all the time
    And I'll be happy to see
    Those Nice Young Men
    In their Clean White Coats
    And they're coming to take me AWAY,


    I'm not sure if it makes for great tourism advertising copy though


    Shades of Dr Demento!

    • Haha 1
  6. 5 hours ago, MamaSan said:

    'Seems goPhuget.com requires BOTH 2 jab verification AND negative test proof (both required fields).  This is for domestic travel.  Any suggestions?

    I put the same pic of 2 shot vaccine verification in both the jab verification and negative test.  At one time negative test was required both for flight and driving in.  Software has yet to catch up with rapidly changing law.  Patong is happening!!!

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Jeffr2 said:

    What airline are you flying?  My friend just went from Swampy and they did check her vaccination card during check in.  Otherwise, a PCR test was required.  This was 2 weeks ago.

    Vietjet, non-stop Chiang Mai to Phuket.  I have my vax card showing my two Phizer shots.  I think with the gophuget registration I'll be good to go.

    • Like 2
  8. Making sure morning light comes in the room and don't do any screen time for about an hr before bed, the light frequencies will affect the natural hormones that affect sleep.  I also use earplugs to cut out out aircon and other noises and sleep like a baby.

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