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Posts posted by DrPhibes

  1. 36 minutes ago, gearbox said:

    I think it is going to be a big success...9:05 Bangkok time and the Thailand Pass web site already overloaded or down ????





    Yup, have a buddy who is coming on Nov 11th who had just uploaded his last piece of COE documentation when he got a rejection notice and a congratulations for being one of the 1st to be able to use the Thailand Pass system.  Not a happy camper.  Waiting for a report from him as he tries to use Thailand Pass right now.

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  2. All activities aside from huddling in your home eating only food you have grown yourself increase the chance of spreading COVID.  This is a thoughtless desperate attempt to quite protesters but could be used by any local BIB to extract a "look the other way fee" for any number of people in a group together in the country since there is no quantity or other definition of what constitutes a "gathering".

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  3. 10 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

    Nah that's in your defence. What games do you play with him, paper machete, build stuff with cardboard boxes, what story's have you read him, can he swim ??? 

    Please read my second reply to this post.  He would be swimming if there was no COVID the last 2 years.

  4. 1 hour ago, StevieAus said:

    Whilst I am sure that it is very important for a three year old to know about the black holes in the universe and the human body, I wonder does he, or is he allowed to tear himself away from the tablet, to play with toys, look at books, draw pictures, ride a bicycle and more importantly play games with other children?

    Perhaps following such pursuits might be considered old fashioned in some households but not in my home.

    My five year daughter is also very smart and has formal education, but I also want her to enjoy life as a child which as we know passes very quickly.

    I certainly don’t want her spending the bulk of her life glued in front of a tablet, which according to a couple of specialist pediatricians I have spoken to  isn’t particularly great for the eyesight.

    Please see my second response to this post.

  5. 4 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

    Yeah, sure! It´s excellent, for all lazy parents that can´t <deleted> themselves with enough interest to tech their own children.

    And, I can guarantee this is no comment from a person who does not know. You on the other hand, has probably not studied all the reports regarding effects of to much and too early screen time for children under the age of 7. I suggest you go back and study before you let the next verbal fantasy hit the writing board.

    Lazy isn't it, the tablet augments our other teaching such as chalk number find maze on the driveway, clay, paint, flashcards, reading to him, etc... Can't be with him every single second.  I'm working and mom is cleaning the house/cooking/gardening/etc... There is no daycare (which he loves) available now due to COVID.  This keeps him educationally busy along with other creative toys while we are busy.  The warning on screen time is about viewing junk and reduced verbalizing and socializing.  The kid is a chatterbox explaining his videos and there is no group socializing until COVID is a bit more under control.  P.S., his older brother (1st year in KMUTT) is studying to be a game programmer and his sister (finishing HS) going into the same program as a game designer.  About 2 yrs after college (last 2 years at a uni in the US) they'll be pulling in $80 - 100k USD in a job each loves and should have legs until they retire.  Both play multiple music instruments, daughter paid modeling gigs, both avid AOW scuba divers certified as soon as legally able, and have been self-sufficient for years (alone a couple of months once with uncle doing a "Hi and Bye" 1x a week).  We moved to Thailand during their teen years to give the them these opportunities without putting the wife and I in the poorhouse (man those teens can eat Thailand bonus savings!) or child services showing up at our doorstep because some childless crazy cat lady thought we were doing something immoral in the eyes of god (apologies to childless crazy cat ladies everywhere).  Our family is not lazy, were busy ????

  6. 4 hours ago, StevieAus said:

    I renewed my retirement extension at Chiang Mai a week ago.

    They didn't deal with the 90 day reporting which was due.

    I dealt with it at the drive through outside.

    Maybe because mine is based on marriage?  They did take the wife and I inside to interview us and then presented the passport with the 90 reporting in it and the date of next reporting already stapled into the passport.

  7. 10 hours ago, fusion58 said:



    The constantly-moving goal posts and being treated like a criminal have convinced this expat that it's time to move on. Already working on my exit strategy.

    Same here on exit but a year away as I have a HS senior in school and want to make sure the two kids are OK alone in University in BKK before I leave them 1/2 the planet away from us.

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  8. On 10/26/2021 at 9:49 AM, Jeffr2 said:



    “We believe there is a more permanent loss of workers driven by a large number of older workers taking early retirement. The thought of returning to the office and the daily commute may seem unpalatable for many people and with surging equity markets having boosted 401k pension plans, early retirement may seem a very attractive option,” they noted, adding that border closures will have curbed immigration and slower birth rates mean fewer young workers are now entering the workforce.

    About 10 aerospace engineering friends of mine are taking early retirement.  Their retirement investment accounts/real estate have done so well there is no financial reason to postpone it.  Cashing out their expensive So. Cal homes and retiring in Arizona, Colorado, the Carolinas, and Texas to a larger paid off house 1/3 the cost of the one they sold while shifting their blooming investment/retirement accounts to much less risky investments, their done having to make money.  The aerospace companies suffer because decades of experience for each one of them is walking out the door.  Not everything about engineering is in a specification someone else can read.  Some might do contract work to stay busy on projects they find interesting, most have picked up hobbies and other things to keep them occupied to produce a more fulfilled life.

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  9. On 10/20/2021 at 4:29 PM, ubonjoe said:

    You will still have a 30 day under consideration period.

    Not sure but I think Chiang Mai immigration is starting it the day your extension ends now.

    How long do you plan on being out of the country?

    That is correct Joe, went in yesterday to do my extension early (CM allows 45 days ahead) and they told me I have to come back Dec 28th to get the stamp (not happy), 30 days passed the expiration date of the extension.  Do I have to keep seasoning the money until I get the extension stamp? Thanks!

  10. That served by a young strumpet you met the night before that was so pleased the way things went the previous night and early next day that you awaken out of the morning/afternoon amour-haze to the smell of strong fresh coffee and bacon/eggs she found in the fridge!

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