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Everything posted by DrPhibes

  1. Nipply this morning in Chiang Mai. Was 11C at my house. Had windows open and an extra blanket on the bed. Slept like a (non-colic) baby!
  2. And for FATCA, Thailand is Tier 1 which means they provide information out but do not get information from the other country the person has an account at in.
  3. Route 66. The Pitstop is great as well and the Belly Buster is two meals for me.
  4. Great! More petite brown ones for me!
  5. At one time CA and Fed tax laws were very different.
  6. Not unless States rights are going to be trampled on. Which States rights are the hinge pin of the republican position given they want less Federal gov.
  7. Hope they already have a reduction plan. Tax reform is normally a multi-year plan involving gov and tax experts. Current individual tax laws are so intertwined, you change something in one area and transfers over to some worksheet that affects another part of the return. Even if Fed law is changed, you have to get state law to follow or you get two completely different sets of tax law. CA over the last 4-5 yrs has been moving away from following Fed law so closely.
  8. Didn't he pass due to skin cancer?
  9. I'm looking for somewhere in Chiang Mai to have my son formally learn chess strategy. He completely understands the piece moves and has trapped me more than once and got close to beating me. He does not get mad when he loses, just learns from it. He's 6 and speaks English. If anyone knows where this can happen, I would be truly appreciative for the info. Thanks in advance!
  10. I'm looking for somewhere to have my son formally learn chess strategy. He completely understands the piece moves and has trapped me more than once and got close to beating me. He does not get mad when he loses, just learns from it. He's 6 and speaks English. If anyone knows where this can happen, I would be truly appreciative for the info. Thanks in advance!
  11. Actually, my two older kids are in a program at KMUTT University in BKK (DD-CT program) where you do the first 2 years there then transfer to Digipen Technical Institute in the state of Washington to finish the last 2yrs, the son as a video game designer, the daughter doing digital graphic arts. They're gamers. The program has been tough and somewhat disorganized at times where the kids actually stayed an additional year which turned out unnecessary in the end, but too late to do anything about it. It is a relatively new program and the daughter reports that the freshmen are coming in under a better organized system than when they started. Digipen has been please with the quality of students that come from Thailand.
  12. Got a random Messenger request by someone posing he was an art student studying face poses and wanted me to send pics of my face. You connect the dots...
  13. If anyone can tell me why the big jump in flight price from Chiang Mai to Udon Thani I'd be appreciative. 2x the price of CNX to BKK
  14. Wait, that is the prince I sent money to help get out his out from the country. I'd recognize his pixelated face anywhere! My reward for my help is delayed now I guess...
  15. As a US citizen, the US is not part of OCED and Thailand is FATCA tier 1 meaning Thailand reports US citizen accounts in Thailand but accounts in the US are not reported to Thailand. If Thai authorities request my US tax returns, I'm out of here.
  16. Lord knows I've had to be cultured a couple of times after such happy endings!
  17. People wanted change so bad, they could not care who it was. I have friends in the space industry who have hung around with Musk. He is only interested in getting the gov regulators off his back so he can get to Mars ASAP. Could have been a goat running for pres, he would have backed him. As far as Make America Great Again, that means throwing us back to the 1940's/50's where the US was the only industrial country left standing after WWII and we were rebuilding the world. It was the rise of the Middle Class at that time. Prior to 1940, 60% of Americans were in poverty and the upper 10% owned 90% of the wealth. It is this latter data point that bothers me as the Middle Class shrinks and the ultra rich increase in % of overall wealth.
  18. Heading to Koh Chang with a buddy for the 1st time. No direct flight from Chiang Mai to Trat so must fly to BKK and then get from there to resort. Flight from BKK to Trat too expensive and wrong timing. Is there a taxi service that would take us from BKK to our actual resort on Koh Chang via the ferry? Thanks in advance!
  19. While we are on the subject of Amlodipine. I have marginal high blood pressure. Read an article in a medical journal about 5 yrs ago about a large study of giving people like me small doses of 3 different common BP drugs. Basically 1/2 the amount of the minimum dose I can find here in Thailand (have to cut the pills). Completely keeps me dialed in for the last 5 yrs for BP. All 3 drugs from the pharmacy, no need to see the Dr. Here are the drugs and doses: telmisartan (20 mg), amlodipine (2.5 mg) chlorthalidone (12.5 mg) Costs me about $0.45 per day. Funny note: The US now has a triple pill that is 2 out of 3 of the exact same drugs with the 3rd being an analog (functions the same) of the one I'm using. Discounted online pharmacy... $13.00 per daily pill. BTW, I also suffer a bit from BPH (have a naturally large prostate and beer seems to enlarge it), handle that with 5mg of Tadalafil (Apcalis in Thailand) daily and that works great. Had a tiff with a Dr at BKK Hospital who said it's only for ED (that would be 10mg minimum) until I pointed out it was originally developed for heart circulation with ED being a side effect and that, at 5mg, is commonly prescribed in Europe for BPH. Hope all well with everyone!
  20. Steampunk spunkinator! "I'll be back... and forth..."
  21. That means you may have to show your US return to Thai officials, not going to happen. You go on extension for your US return paying an extension estimated payment if you think your going to owe. Then you get the Thai taxes done/paid on income that is taxable under the US/Thai tax treaty, then take the foreign tax credit on the US Federal return. If a lot of income showing on the Thai return, it could lead to tax that is higher than the US rate. The US return would only credit the Thai tax up to the tax that would be paid on the US return on that income with excess foreign tax credit carried over to the next year.
  22. I think someone should have looked up smooth criminal (out if my head Deadpool!) before they titled the post although, that guy had to have some cajones to do what he did.
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