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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. Something a bit odd about this story. That's must have been an awful lot of vaping, almost constant, and vapes aren't free. Where's a 10-12 year old girl getting the thousands of baht to keep vaping so heavily for two years. This is obviously an isolated incident. Was lung disease already present?
  2. This thread is just an open invitation for those who have lots of money to brag about they have lots of money. Who cares. We all manage one way or another otherwise we wouldn't be here.
  3. You know the saying. "Takes one to know one."
  4. Joe Rogan Blasts Justin Trudeau in Profanity-Laced Rant Leading Canada Toward Communism Profanity. LOL. Talk to an Australian. Profanity! Rant! No bias at all here folks. I wonder just how many Canadians would agree with this podcast all it's "profanities" and think Trudeau is all the "profanities" Rogan said. edit: Isn't a profanity a religious thing? This article is about politics is it not?
  5. Magnificent topic and well sourced. Has anyone seen this on MSNBC or The View yet? If not it won't be long. "Zelenskyy's popularity surges". Must be true.
  6. They will listen and cough up more money. Less US taxpayers subsidising the EU and NATO. Something tells me lots of Americans won't be too unhappy with this.
  7. I've posted links to war maps. You either haven't looked or if you did you didn't understand what you were seeing or if you did understand you will not see or refuse to see the reality. Russia is winning the war. This is a fact. To deny this is simply lying or delusion. BTW I support anything that needs to be cited with citations. As for ad hominem attacks, to say someone is suffering from a certain frothing at the mouth anti-Trump fixation isn't an ad hominem. It's a fact and a well demonstrated fact by certain posters on here. Trump, Trump, Trump. How's your blood pressure?
  8. It's not the low season. February is in the high season albeit the end of the high season.
  9. Thread's about Zelenskyy and Trump. If it was about Putin I'd have plenty to say and none of it good. Nice try but your comment remains in the drivel category. I wasn't sure if it was drivel until I read it. It's drivel alright and plenty of it.
  10. Wow! He definitely doesn't hold back this bloke.
  11. Wait! Somethings happened. Several rational posts in a row. Maybe the babies have worn themselves out from all their hatred and tantrums.
  12. I reckon Donbass will be the trade for Kursk. Crimea is gone. Won't be on the table.
  13. A salad roll with meat. Must be a vegan special. LOL. Looks delicious. Mango lassi very yummy.
  14. Crimea is most certainly gone as are most of the eastern regions that were ethnic Russian enclaves. As for where the negotiations go who knows but I must say it's refreshing to see a rational post that isn't simply frothing at the mouth anti Trump venom.
  15. What would be total victory for Putin? As for history not being kind to Trump how will it look upon Biden who allowed it to happen.
  16. Usual drivel. Don't you get bored. Can you ever post something like..."I hope the war is brought to an end" instead of the usual disorder comments. It's just pitiful. You are an adult aren't you? How's your rational thought processes going. You like some others on here it seems like rationality has left the building. The war hopefully will be brought to an end saving 100s of thousands of lives but your one and only focus is TRUMP. BAD, BAD, BAD, TRUMP. Madness.
  17. I posted previously that the only way this war will turn in Zelenskyy's favour will be the US, the EU and NATO going in or as an afterthought flooding weapons in. It's not going to happen. The Russian momentum will stop when the guns stop firing. Simple as that. Zelenskyy made a bad move going into Kursk as the weaponry and highly trained infantry that was sent in are desperately needed on the eastern front which is slowly but steadily collapsing. Apart from this the west short changed Zeleskyy by drip feeding weapons in and then it was pretty much what wasn't needed. A few F16's instead of a sht load of battlefield weapons. Madness but looked good in the press. NATO will not go in, the EU will not go in and obviously the US will not go in. Reality needs to be addressed here. Ukraine is on the backfoot and this won't change until the guns fall quiet.
  18. Tell me how it relates to this thread. Who is the collaborator on the ground in either Ukraine or Russia. I posted the definition. As for your attempts at personal attacks it's water off a duck's back mate. You'll have to do better with your pitiful baiting attempts.
  19. I guess you don't. As for "comic book range" (comics of course not being books but I'm sure you know that) the four volumes of Journey to the West was one of my favourites. TV adaptation was Monkey. Great show. I worked in my university library for several years during and after my degree. I've read a lot of books in my time. More than I can remember. Not anymore though. Lord of the Rings probably my favourite. I have the full trilogy in hardback. I've read the bible cover to cover, I've read Das Kapital cover to cover, Mein Kampf cover to cover and really the list goes on. Non fiction/academic and fiction. Comics I sort of gave up on when I was a kid. Loved them back then but grew out of them.
  20. Yes, synonyms are good. Not so useful when the majority of people don't know what you're saying though. Tell me how many times have you used the word quisling. My guess is never. Do you even know what it means? I'll guarantee you the poster doesn't and simply searched for traitor/synonym. So next time you try your little puerile personal attacks try thinking a bit more about them. As for more emotive than traitor you demonstrate that you haven't even looked it up. quis·ling /ˈkwizliNG/ noun noun: quisling; plural noun: quislings a traitor who collaborates with an enemy force occupying their country. Tell me how this applies to this thread.
  21. Absolute rubbish. The eastern front is moving west and for winter doing it pretty fast. Look at some war maps before you spout more of your unfounded comments. You don't have a clue so why make out you do. Russian troops are taking more and more strategic areas of eastern Ukraine. This is a fact. Russia has a much larger population to draw on for troops than Ukraine. This is another fact. As for male to female ratio Ukraine will be in trouble in the future as the 25-45 year old male population is being decimated on the battlefield. The war needs to end. Trump is trying to do this.
  22. Ridiculous comment. The poster used the term quisling instead of simply stating traitor/collaborator which is what quisling means. I suggest you keep up. New word for me I must say and a word I will never have the need to or want to use. As I said Google. Pitiful. Simply pitiful.
  23. I would rather a US/Russia alliance than a Russia/China alliance.
  24. If your going to call someone a traitor just do it. Don't try and show off by using Google definition synonyms of traitor. Pitiful.
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