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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. This was before I shut the doors downstairs in the morning. It's sealed up now but it still can't get below 150 in this area. I've ordered another one as I only have 2 and one is at work with the wife.
  2. Today is maybe a record for smoke in Chiang Mai. I measured 440 PM 2.5 and 550 PM 10 this morning outside my house. I wonder if this fire is contributing?
  3. obviously wrong since I saw first hand in my own life.
  4. I used to have a friend in his early 20's that was gay and once he entered his 30s is turned out he was straight now! This was Denver CO where gay lifestyle is celebrated as a triumph against the conservative Christian majority. I 100% believe this was social conditioning that convinced an impressionable person. What's even more interesting is that he may have not actually done anything gay with another man but was hiding it to keep up appearances. That would mean he was a closeted heterosexual! I bet there's many more of these now....
  5. To be fair if you see a person that looks like they're from the Middle East isn't there a great chance they're Muslim? Those countries are all like 90%+ Muslim right? Americans in particular have been so badly brainwashed into thinking stereotypes are evil they forget they're often true. Even more telling is when it comes to Thailand they assert stereotypes constantly. If you have any record on this forum I bet we can find statements likes "Thai people are...." and "Thai people do ....".
  6. Questions: 1) Is 100% of intelligence genetic and if so why is this not the same for sexuality? 2) Explain the very recent steep rise of young people in America claiming to have some sort of LGBTQ identify. https://www.axios.com/2022/02/17/lgbtq-generation-z-gallup
  7. What did you expect in Maskland? I have barely seen a face in 3 years now let alone any smiles.
  8. If you leave on amicable terms she may be willing to sell to you her portion (50% or whatever you agree on) and then you can transfer it to your daughter. It depends on how honest she is and having children will really help here. As for the law I think they're supposed to liquidate the assets upon divorce and you could transfer it your daughter that way right? I know people told me in reality this never happens but that's technically the law I think.
  9. Instead of walking around in Pattaya with a shirt on why not take it to the next level and actually join the Ukrainian army?
  10. You can do this online? CM immigration told me to come to them at immigration. I never filed this thing once in 10 years and they never bothered to check until just this last year (after paying a 1600/baht fine I think).
  11. Those bums! They told me this also by multiple people. They don't even know their own laws???
  12. It sounds like you live here and know what you're talking about. but do you know what I'm talking about? People constantly burn leaves in their yards instead of collecting them and composting them. Just the other day some monks at a temple were burning a pile of lives directly outside of some containers they built in the forest to store the leaves. Those particular monks were too lazy I guess and didn't bother. The common thread of all your comments is that you hold these people to a lower standard (the bigotry of low exceptions we call it).
  13. How much of the food consumed in Thailand is grown by hill tribes? I doubt there's even any good data on this. I see them transporting this food for sale daily so it's not like we're talking about food which they need to eat or they personally starve. I bet you can easily replace these particular hill tribe famers with Thai people who are under regulation (in theory, won't happen in practice). They can't produce enough food to survive without burning can't they? I don't care what they do but they need to follow the rules like everyone else.
  14. Do you know what I'm talking about though? Literally forest fires that happen every year and you can see them burning at night even. They only burn the forest floor though and don't reach the branches at least.
  15. This all falls on the heads of the government to ban the practice then, but obviously this isn't going to happen in Thailand. I would be happy if local governments enforced burning bans on people needlessly burning rubbish and leaves as that would at least let me know it's illegal and start to change the culture. Even today where I am the air cleared up to a reasonable level (can see some blue skies even) and people are out burning leaves because they can't be bothered to dump them in the forests that are everywhere.
  16. What about the forest fires in the mountains? That's what catches my eye. Those burn uncontrolled for weeks and we don't even see them unless from satellite images. Agreed though 100% chance nothing changes unless the farmers are replaced by another system.
  17. So we're all held hostage because these particular people don't have any other ideas? This can be applied to any person polluting in order to make a personal profit. What if some family had a profitable business that involved dumping contaminated water into the river, do we all have to tolerate this until we can find a better system for them or a new job? The answer is of course no, so why is there this double standard? They need to be given a dead line in which to stop and then ban them if they don't figure it out. The only exception to this would be if it could be determined this would crash food production and people would starve but for that I don't have the answer.
  18. Interesting, yeah I've seen some of that but I haven't traveled as much as I should. I do see those mountain crops from the Hmong (I have a house in Samoeng and they're the dominate tribe I think) but I haven't seen any more burning then is typical from the average Thai farmer on the flat lands. I've never caught them in the act but it's either the hill tribe or the Thai/Burmese/Thai Yai peoples that are in the area burning the forests, which is widely destructive since once they fires start they can travel for weeks. Those fires are burning constantly even if you can't see them from the road and especially not from the city. Since you're on my same page I'll say how depressing it is to bike up a mountain (I'm a cyclist) and when you arrive at the summit it's wasteland of filthy shacks and African levels of poverty. What a shame since they have the nicest location in the whole country in my opinion. Totally wasted on idiots like that. I joke with my wife how great it would be if the Japanese colonized them and built lovely little gardens in place of their villages. Yeah, I have baggage with these people after living around them for years....
  19. This really blows my mind, even for Thai immigration. You have a valid visa and want to leave the country, as if that's strange for an expat. Totally unacceptable behavior in my opinion. I think I may go to the airport in advance and see what happens. If they refuse, immigration is close by anyways. I'll let you all know how that works.
  20. Good question. I'll go into the airport itself instead of immigration if this is allowed. Indeed they even told me to go the airport to get one when I got my non-O initially.
  21. Yeah see that's why I want to avoid that place. If I go after lunch I get there before 1PM but it's always a zoo. Takes at least 3 hours with traveling from the north of the city.
  22. Flying to Vietnam direct from CNX so I should clear immigration there.
  23. Politics is such a scam. He's just some guy who knows others guys. None of it means any more than that.
  24. Thanks that just answered my other question.
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