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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. It's just as bad if not worse in the colonies across the pond. The government has zero regard whatsoever for young people trying to start their life. They'd rather let you sleep on the street than prevent random foreign investors from outbidding you on homes in the town you grew up in.
  2. But they're never going to get that. If wealthy people actually wanted to come here they would meet those requirements and have come already. Problem is they would rather be in some developed country with clean air and safe streets.
  3. well you make very little sense and come across as a Thai boot licker but I can't understand your big brain arguments well enough so who knows.
  4. These numbers are hard to believe but If that's true then maybe the US should abolish all traffic enforcement like in Thailand? It seems having people hold licenses is not helping the US either and maybe they should do away with that also.
  5. So all the road rules we follow in the US have no results? Thailand has no enforcement of anything driving laws (outside of check points) so that would be the US should follow and stop enforcing all laws? Help me understand how this could be true.
  6. Is what you're saying across all these comments is Thailand is actually safer and has overall better drivers than developed countries like in Europe or the USA and it's actually just our bad reasoning skills which is leading us to believe it's dangerous? Nothing you're saying appears to be anywhere near reality so I'm struggling to understand where you're coming from.
  7. Where are you getting that from? That would mean the extensive laws and enforcement in the US are actually producing worse results than Thailand who has no active enforcement of anything, even speed limits. The only possible explanation is that Thai drivers are so highly defensive (because they can't' trust anyone to follow any laws).
  8. This defies reasoning. You're either in serious denial or haven't actually been driving in Thailand long enough to understand what's happening here. If you knew what you were talking about you'd know basic things like speed limits aren't observed or enforced and people routinely enter roads without yielding.
  9. Education isn't the problem. They know better but they're impatient, inconsiderate and willing to take dangerous risks at the expense of themselves and others. Again, look at the videos for reference. Hundreds of crashes caused solely by bad behavior.
  10. You're trying so hard to avoid the truth. All our opinions are coming from real world experience driving and they are generally true. Thai people are driving dangerously regardless of road conditions. It's not possible to drive the way they do without having these kinds of accidents. It's all there in the open for you to observe if you're willing to objective but you seem badly brain washed to believe that all people are the same and Thai's must be driving to the same standards as any other people.
  11. Yeah but I wasn't a racist until I started driving in Thailand. ???? Watch a few of these videos and see if you notice any patterns.
  12. Have you seen these people drive? Your road stands no chance.
  13. Where has sexual liberation and the sexualization of children been coming from in the world over the past decades? Not Africa, Asia for the Middle East, It's coming from secular European and Anglo-sphere countries with the USA being the vanguard I would argue). It's a big debate and not something we can't go into here but it's a undeniable fact something about these countries is promoting these ideas. That's why people are questioning what about secular liberalism is causing this and where's it's going. Remember it wasn't that long ago Obama in the US said marriage was between a man a women. Fast forward today, transexuals are a protected class and sexual matters are being taught to younger and younger people in schools. Research this if you're not following the trends but it's pretty clear where it's leading and I argue it's baked into liberal mortality (no I'm not a Christian or Mulism etc... so don't ask me to answer for them).
  14. Notice the sheer amount of child sexualization in the media today and compare that to 30 years ago and ask how we got here. It's a slippery slope and the direction it's going is obvious. just one recent example is this: https://www.euronews.com/culture/2022/11/23/fashion-label-balenciaga-pulls-ads-featuring-children-with-bondage-teddy
  15. It's not against the rules to clip posts, that's a feature to make following the discussion easier. Good day.
  16. Ok, then I'll ask: what if the child consents, was the child harmed then?
  17. Calm down. I'm saying from the secular/liberal perspective it's reasonable to conclude that if the child is not being harmed then it's not immoral. That comment was a perfect example of that. This is just philosophy I'm talking about.
  18. I was just listening to a podcast and the guest said this is the exact reason he abandoned Liberalism, that being there was no liberal/secular argument against child sexual exploitation. This is a perfect example of that.
  19. You want the army enforcing vaping? Maybe you should moving to North Korea for a better experience.
  20. My wife works for the Thai Tobacco Monopoly ( they recently changed their name I think) and the government is basically killing the business by taxing it such a degree they can't compete with higher quality foreign tobacco. None of this makes sense to me though since they're basically now killing both markets.
  21. I think we agree with each other but it's getting to tell anymore...
  22. ...and in the eyes of the general American population.
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