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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. Thai PBS just won't let it go. It comes in waves during certain seasons. Nothing has changed since 2020 in this regard so why don't they just shut up about it already? We know.
  2. LOL everyone got it and the government destroyed the economy by closing borders for over a year. Not to mention the cost of needless COVID prevention measure. Total fail.
  3. It's literally just a tax harvesting plantation at this point.
  4. No, but those things happen outside of this context on fairly regular basis.
  5. Exactly what China is doing also. Peas in a pod.
  6. Does this only apply to PayPal accounts linked to Thai bank accounts? I just opened my account and I didn't see any notifications. What ever it means it's just one more reason why Thailand makes it difficult for foreigners living here and people should reconsider. Boomers now retiring en masse now should be paying attention to this in particular.
  7. What that graph is showing is the people who were vulnerable got ill first and then rates fell as potential victims who were left were more robust. Impossible to say what effect the vaccines had at this point. Correlation doesn't equal causation etc... etc...
  8. 100% chance this is total B.S. These so-called vaccines do nothing to prevent transmission and this is now public and well known information outside of the 3rd world. Sounds like Thailand is stealing US media talking points from January 2021.
  9. I was talking to some Thai guy in a village the other week and he commented on my dog (see the photo) he said he had a dog also and I ask what breed. The guy literally said "oh you know the kind that's really big and likes to bite people". This was an otherwise normal middle aged farmer but he thought this to be a totally reasonable thing to say. Shameless idiots.
  10. The government is staffed by the people from the village so obviously we get nowhere. No easy fixes here without replacing the government with people from another culture.
  11. What for? I think they're just doing busy work to justify their pay check so it's probably best to not get upset about it but it's still annoying.
  12. they're still seriously doing house visits after 11 years?? That's just abusive in my opinion. No reason whatsoever for that. They told me only once at Chiang Mai but we'll see about that!
  13. That's all fine but only one time! More than that implies they think you're a fraud or they're just being intrusive for the sake of it. I would be annoyed if I was the OP.
  14. I'm doing this for the first time in the next 2 weeks (I'm under 50). Not sure what I'll have to do but I need a neighbor witness. At least they said it was only the first year (Chiang Mai). The fact they make you re-apply with a stack of papers (in duplicate!) every year is bad enough without them entering into your personal life.
  15. That's intrusive. It would make me feel like a criminal to be honest.
  16. What does education do if people don't care? Thai people know right and wrong but they don't care. Following the rules is inconvenient so why bother if there are no consequences?
  17. That's hilarious and shows a better sense of humor than I see with most Thai's. I 100% support this. ????
  18. That sounds like communist nonsense to me. No reciprocity between people with wealth disparities means the high and middle is dragged down the level of the bottom. When you go shopping do you adjust the prices to match the annual wage of the employee selling to you?
  19. LOL. seriously what are they doing? Burning leaves and sitting outside playing loud karaoke perhaps?
  20. Yeah I know of a project from Chinese around where I am also. They even put up Chinese language signs and it's clearly occupied territory now. Not a good vibe. My guess is that they want more of this though. 100% they are planning to sell out of the country.
  21. As mentioned this may be to attract property developers from China or India etc... One rai is enough to build a large condo or small housing project. Property developers will absolutely have 40MB to get involved on this scheme and many Chinese are trying to move capital out of China now. IMO housing projects are really turning Chiang Mai into an American style s*hole with nothing but busy roads connected to cookie cutter housing projects and it's even worse because the houses have basically no lawn and are crammed together. If Chinese get involved in this it's going to get much worse.
  22. Americans should learn a lesson from this (I sure have). In "my" country there are entire areas I can't go to unless I speak Spanish or prefer their particular culture (even if I was welcomed which is debatable). Often times the cheaper areas outside of towns are now occupied by foreign cultures and kids have no cheap alternative to move out of their parents house. All of America is totally ghettoized like this now and it's one of the reasons I like to live in Thailand. Here's a racial dot map of Chicago. This is how Thailand will look if they really opened the floodgates: Thai's have it even better. They can come into America, buy houses, speculate on land and then go back to their home country and discriminate against Americans and not have to worry about the American following them back and doing the same here. How is this good for Americans? So honestly they're right to limit foreign land ownership but our countries need to do the same to them. Maybe then we can come together and have some agreement to allowing land ownership but under some strict and equitable rules.
  23. Land speculation is already rampant in Thailand. I see it all the time. "Investor" buys land while it's cheap, splits it up into smaller plots and then raises the price 2x. Adds no value to the economy and makes life difficult for poor and middle class people. Why don't they just make this illegal first and foremost?
  24. Another person died on the road outside my house last week. I wish they would "monitor" that situation instead.
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