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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. The people in question were basically committing fraud in the eyes of immigration but I don't think they were overstaying. The government thinks people are planning to commit fraud using these various visa categories so they're going to crack down on them. Same story with people "staying too long" on tourist visas. It's all technically legal but immigration sees potential for fraud.
  2. That doesn't make any sense because the crime being committed is they are staying too long in Thailand without the proper visa. For young people under 50 who aren't married the only realistic option is the elite visa which is too expensive for most people. Thailand continues to have no good options for young people who want to stay long term (more than 1 year) and work online.
  3. there's lots of talk around blot clots right now and COVID, vaccines etc... better get it checked out at a hospital.
  4. no way I'm not going to do that. I'm going to submit to criminals and get my property violated. Getting my bike stolen or whatever is better than going to jail. I could blame Thailand for being 3rd world blah blah blah but it's just as bad in the US with their protected minority classes.
  5. Your standards are too low. If he would have gotten shot and killed that would have been fine by me. What you're basically suggesting is that if you try to steal from someone at night the worst that can happen is getting attacked and wrestled to the ground until the cops come, unless of course you get away first. Fine, make that the rule but at YOUR house but many of us don't want to play that game.
  6. yeah if you can steal 3 leather sofas on a motorbike maybe you deserve it more than the owner.
  7. I had to shovel off multiple mounds of sand that collected over a road a cycle over often as it was getting dangerous. Took me a good hour as I worked away alone on the side of the street as people drove passed staring. At least I got a couple thumbs up. The year prior on the same road some people broke a bunch of bottles on the road and covered it with shards of glass. After avoiding it for a week and it was clear no one cared I came back to sweep it up myself as I was going to be flat eventually. Thai's don't care about the commons. That's why it's still a 3rd world country in essence. Oh well.
  8. Are you saying that theft is actually really common in Thailand given that you leave homes unattended? Thailand seems really safe to me but I've never left a house uninhabited for weeks or months unless it was a rental property.
  9. Isn't Samui full of people who keep holiday homes and wealthy people in general? I've never been to Samui but Phuket was like that. I feel like I don't hear about this kind of thing often in Thailand so it makes me curious.
  10. he had 3 leather couches and 4 air cons across 3 homes, motorbike, TV and probably kitchen appliances. The houses were wooden even. The only questionable thing is why he had 3 houses, otherwise seems pretty normal to me.
  11. Are these common items to steal? I never considered the fact someone would unmount and steal air con units. Leather sofas are difficult to steal also and I would think difficult to sell even. All of these trips and transporting would take hours so I thought this was the kind of thing burglars avoided.
  12. If our visa is up to date then what possible are they checking for? Even in the case we get involved with the police they notify immigration for us, coming to our house gains nothing. Maybe if they can prove some guy is overstaying his visa and they know where he lives then fine go to their house, but if you're in good standing I fail to see what this will accomplish except to intimidate us.
  13. Immigration in America and from what I can tell is in the UK is a disgrace. They badger normal law abiding citizens and turn a blind eye to even the most erroneous illegal immigration. I don't want Thailand to do that by any means. Doing 90 day reports is already paranoid and onerous, especially in the case of people who haven't moved in many years, but doing routine house checks would be a whole new level for them. Again, if we're known to be following the law they shouldn't have this paranoid need to come to our house.
  14. Officials in uniform coming to your house suggests you've done something wrong to me or perhaps just an act of intimidation. If they know you're there they shouldn't need to actually come unless they think you're lying or doing something you shouldn't be and they want to catch you in act. Why else do these visits?
  15. They'll have a very detailed answer for that I promise. These people are hard core autists.
  16. No. Go watch one of their videos on YouTube or wherever. Filled full of very detailed arguments and data. I think it may be a game for them even.
  17. I've watched a flat earth video once and I was impressed at how detailed their case was. Some of these people may be autistic but they're higher I.Q than average. It also shows good character that they're willing to take such a wildly contrarian position and defend it. If this was a security guard maybe I would question them but this is a math teacher so they obviously have a good mind to begin with. No questions I'd rather have a high I.Q autistic math teacher than a boring do it by the books type.
  18. That's seriously paranoid. Like most things they're get bored and stop eventually but this is a good way to make us feel like criminals.
  19. Yes but the police aren't able or willing to enforce laws so this new one means nothing. Nice try Thailand.
  20. nice. Where? I bet you married some hill tribe women. ???? Weather in CM is <deleted>. I'm over it.
  21. Thanks for all the information. Yeah this is going over my head so I should get a lawyer. I must say that I'm very skeptical you can get around the laws against foreign land ownership by getting a 30 year lease. Why doesn't everyone do that then? Something not addressed here is the fact the property is marital asset, right? How can you divorce and then expect to hold the property afterwards? In my other thread I was merely hoping to liquidate the property 50/50 but there was doubt as to if that's even possible.
  22. Zebra crossing, median lines of roads, the police themselves are part of the cargo cult of Thailand where they believe that by mimicking they have have actually implemented. It's black magic by superstitious people and doesn't actually exist as such.
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