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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. Prisoners building prisons for free is an excellent idea I must say.
  2. This kind of corruption plagues rural roads also. They build a brand new road and the builder uses less material than they were contracted for and then takes the money saved and keeps it for themselves. 12 months later the brand new road is filled will holes and the crew gets to come back and get paid again to fix the mess. I also bring this up to people and they seem very uninterested or even make excuses "yeah that's so they'll more work next year, it's smart" etc... Corruption is deeply embedded in the minds of the common man so I don't expect you can change this by throwing a few people in jail every so often.
  3. 250k is double the US average for programmers but I don't know what people mean when they say "tech" these days. This guy is on the high end of the global labor curve, let alone Thailand. But this has nothing to do with Thailand. It's a foreigner learning foreign currency that just so happens to live in Thailand. Those types should be left out of this analysis since it doesn't actually tell you anything about Thai people living in Thailand.
  4. 8 million/month??? Now that's pure corruption, especially given that police in Thailand are nearly worthless.
  5. Sorry I was using a more normal currency rate since it's so high right now and likely to come down.
  6. You're paying ~50k/year USD for a data analyst in Bangkok? That's probably way too much. According to Indeed the average salary in the US is 66k.
  7. Neo-colonialism, the new white mans burden etc..
  8. My wife has 18 years experience at a company in Chiang Mai (quasi-public but technically private) and she makes 50k/month + free housing (not great). Laborers at the same company earn minimum wage which is 7500/month and do side hustles to make extra cash (we hire 2 women to do laundry and cleaning).
  9. Stupid comment. Even motorbike riders need to change lanes at times do they not? Maybe they were going to turn also and they were in the correct lane for that.
  10. I don't understand what the problem is. In Thailand you can drive 50k over the speed limit, drunk, and in a school zone and the police won't even bother to notice. ????????????
  11. Well that's an obviously a mistake and cruel even.. Young Aussie man born in 2000, have fun competing with the rest of the world for limited housing and jobs. You're country doesn't favor you over anyone else in the world so don't complain if you lose out and struggle.
  12. The weed is the garden is the PERSON not the weapon. What about all the law abiding Thai's who lawfully own guns? Taking away their guns doesn't stop a lunatic with a knife.
  13. how much of the Thai police force is like this I wonder? These guys won't even enforce simple things like speed limits so what are they even doing or what their motivations are.
  14. Ok take away all guns and then have fun trying to defend yourself when someone comes and kills 20 sleeping kids with a knife. The police can't even get the scene of these incidents fast enough so what are you going to do?
  15. More than long enough to get wasted on Lao Kao and go on a rampage. Speaks to the quality of Thai beverages.
  16. Thai media often shows gruesome videos of accidents and carnage on the road. It's kind of normal here actually but this one is crossing the line I think.
  17. Exactly. He's 77. Does he want us all to empty our savings for him so he can maybe survive another few years? Rest In Peace sir.
  18. I'm not a Christian but I'm not a Liberal either. Get preprared to be replaced by the cult Boomer. Maybe if you spent less time promoting abortion and more time promoting families and children this could have been avoided.
  19. Long enough to know they're deeply buddhist (see my reply before this). Fair enough but that doesn't mean they're not buddhists. I'm not saying Thai's are moral or good people even, just that they're deeply buddhist and abortion flies in the face of their beliefs. If people are getting abortions it's going to be very secret and avoided at all cost.
  20. That's how I perceive it. Can't drive 5 minutes without seeing a temple. Find me a Thai persons house that doesn't have pictures of monks and shrines also. It's a deeply Buddhist country we're living in here.
  21. Interesting, so once you've legalized even 3 weeks without 3rd party consent you've basically legalized abortion as birth control. I know it's somewhere in the 90% range of abortions in the US are in cases where the fetus isn't threatening the lives of the mother. Anyways, the level of abortion is up to the Thai's I guess and how much they value family and children.
  22. Lesson for liberals: societies that kill their children will be replaced by people that don't. It may take 100 years but America will be repopulated with religious traditional peoples since they're the only group with actual replacement levels of fertility. Cult or not the future belongs to those that show up for it and that's not the Liberal West.
  23. That's an important point. If you're in the camp of wanting to protect kids from making dumb choices that ruin their lives they don't need 20 weeks. As mentioned I think the doctors approval may stamp out any abuse but that's yet to be seen I suppose.
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