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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. Maybe you'll answer in the other comment, but what does your lease say exactly? Whose name is it and what are the terms and conditions? Thanks. EDIT: getting off the computer tonight so I'll have to respond tomorrow.
  2. I don't get this still. Why did you lease the land in your wife's name? how does that help? I assume you paid for the property yourself so why does giving another 180k cash help? Sorry so many questions!
  3. ohhhh so the long term lease isn't possible with non-Thais? That defeats my entire idea then.
  4. Are you referring to the usufruct here? I started another long thread on this topic and this was brought up many times.
  5. I'm not following. The lease can't be longer than 6 months or if we own the land longer than 6 months a lease can not be appended or transferred? In your case your wife owns the land outright, so what is the lease about?
  6. Ok so I'm planning to purchase some land with my wife and I want to protect the case of her death and me being evicted from the land, especially when I'm too old to recover from the loss. Secondarily if there's a divorce (amicable of course) and she would be willing to allow me to purchase back her 50% share of the property. I was thinking if there was a will part of it could be transferring the land to family member who could then lease it back to me. She's not close to most of her family (the ones she is will die well before us) so it seems possible to me the land will be transferred to one of them whom I've never met and am not close with.
  7. So when you buy the land can you arrange the lease at the land office during transfer ?
  8. Does the lease originate on the chanote, how does it get there in the first place? You purchase the land is transferred so I assume the lease starts then providing you set it up, but who has the authority to do that?
  9. I'm curious, I know there exists 30 year land leases in Thailand but is there some limitations on who has the authority to issue these? I mean, can anyone Thai citizen owning land produce one of the these contracts through a lawyer or does the land authority need to give permission and have various conditions etc...?
  10. Well I could manage to seal the hole up with silicon or tape around it but that's about it. If I need to be messing with the wires I should probably have the land lord get someone to do it lest I make it even worse. ????
  11. Well all the wiring from the house is run underground and under cement even so I can't see where they're going from there. All the wires are technically underground but I can't see if the ground itself is attached to a rod or anything. Is it really possible Joven 500 doesn't have this safety feature you guys are referring to? Looking at https://www.joventhailand.com/en/product/water-heater-joven-500/ I don't see it in their current 500 model either. In the mean time I'm going to at least make some seal around the wires so water can't slash in. I doubt the landlord will know anything about the wires but she's extremely cheap so I can expect she's cutting corners anyway possible.
  12. If you don't mind could you please post a picture of a unit which has this? I don't exactly know what you're referring to. One of these units isn't more than 2000 baht I think so I'm happy to buy a new one if I need to.
  13. No I just see the water pipes underneath.
  14. You mean remove the metal cover? I don't think I even have a screwdriver here so I'll need to track one down.
  15. Yeah it's Joven 500 but from 2012. It says clearly on the side it needs to be connected to ground and has warnings etc... I'll go outside a little later and track down the wires. This is a crappy little wooden cabin (weekend getaway) which is built to the bare minimum of standards in all regards so you can expect anything.
  16. Yeah I'll need to track that down outside or find the land lord. Good idea many people pointed out. Yeah I think I've seen that button on other models (it said press to test or something?) but this seems to be the cheapest entry level Joven and is missing one. There's a picture of the breaker but I don't know what to look for. If there's an earth maybe it's hidden in the back and I nee to track it down outside.
  17. I've just noticed this wiring in the shower of a rental. Sorry the photo is dark but those wires are going into the shower and the hole isn't even sealed (usually there is a rubber ring I think)! Not only is the conduit not completed they've stripped the wire casing even well before inserting into the shower. The way it looks water could easily splash in there even though this hasn't happened in the over 1 year I've been renting this little wooden cabin. How bad is this? Does it require immediate attention?
  18. Watching videos of people retiring in South East Asia they always mentioned how Thai's can barely speak English and this is major factor when considering retirement. Don't they get something like 10 years of English in school? Either the education or the students must be defective.
  19. Maybe that means they're becoming middle class and not willing to waste their valuable time on trivial things. Many trades people in the US have a minimum cost to come to your house, even if they do nothing. On the other hand it seems many Thais aren't motivated by money as they already own transportation and have free housing. I don't blame them myself but it is annoying if you need some help but then maybe I should be blaming myself for being lazy. ????
  20. In typical Chinese fashion they put the entire sign in Chinese and probably only spoke Chinese or would take Chinese customers.
  21. Classic. This is something you're supposed to get over by the time you're out of yours teens (at the latest!) but so many Thai's never seemed to learn how to handle conflicts. It would be a nightmare to actually work here and rely on these people in real life situations. Blows my mind how people pull it off.
  22. Until last Monday and then it flipped back. Even getting rains again now. Once this blows through it should pick back up.
  23. "One man's trash is another man's treasure"
  24. I was just in Pai over the weekend and those dirty pot smoking hippies are going to be devastated if these new rules happen.
  25. Probably because the people being studied were in their late 70s and 80s where health risks increase each year anyways. Every single time there's some catch or little omitted detail. Not falling for it.
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