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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. I think that's the key point. I would be very surprised if they allow women to use abortion as birth control like they do in the US.
  2. Thailand is a deeply buddhist country that doesn't tolerate all kinds of immoralities. I fail to see how this buddhist country could get behind 20 week abortions. To answer my own question I think this is a matter of bread and circuses. The government fears loosing control so they're tossing the peasants red meat. Smoke weed and bang sluts without consequence, just don't turn your anger towards us.
  3. Perfect description of Thai rednecks. I don't know these types of Thais too well so I'll take your word for it.
  4. 17 years for 10 months a year actually but I'm 40 now and I don't really know what the 20 year olds today think. From the people I know they actually really cherish children and the thought of abortion just don't factor in. Sounds like a repeat of what happened in America. Parents let the kids run around and have sex as teenagers and then the obvious happens. I didn't think this happened so much in Thailand but maybe it's the same these days.
  5. Why are the doing this now? The few Thai's I've spoken to about abortion are horrified by the idea and see it as a deranged thing to do. They won't even put their dogs down who have terminal cancer so why this push to abort fetus which are 5 months developed? I haven't seen polls but I seriously doubt this is popular.
  6. I wore it everyday for 2 years when it was a mandate and followed the law in the counties I was in. I'm talking about NOW when it's no longer mandated and the world has moved on except for Maskland.
  7. It's called not being a coward and getting on the right side of issues early on. It was masks this time and next time it will be some other nonsense to comply with. Something you're totally opposed today will become mandatory, the majority of people will take it up and then you'll comply in order to make them feel comfortable. That's the pattern people are stuck in today. There's nothing rational or moral about it. Just the sheep following the Shepard.
  8. No one is acting they're actually afraid of a virus for many months. No behavior has changed at all except for the masks. It's obviously just a matter of good manors now.
  9. The problem is it's putting extreme social pressure on the rest of society. If a critical mass of people start doing anything it becomes a cultural norm and it extremely hard to break. Most people wearing them are doing so because of pressure, not because they really want to.
  10. So what actually is the origin of these dogs which are so potentially deadly. Just I did a little search and found this: Interesting, bred for a "cruel blood sport" they say? Well that explains a lot.
  11. World World III won't be fought in the trenches but in the Soi's.
  12. I may go that route if I can't find of any of these examples posted for sale. I like the idea of the side rack because you can fit the entire bike. Sadly on one of my bikes the old frame broke and the only one I could find in Chiang Mai last year has a built in seat post which is an awkward shape and would be difficult to insert over a post. If you could get the wheel locking mechanism I bet some local metal work guys could be rig something up like those pictures.
  13. Yeah just looked on Aliexpress and I don't see those bike racks but I do see those surfboard racks. Any idea where I could find one of these?
  14. Interesting I like that. Since it's SE Asia also maybe I can find one on aliexpress. Yeah it would upset the balance of the bike and prevent any hard turns but that goes with the territory. You could probably setup a dedicated bike just for this purpose pretty cheap.
  15. That's looks amazing! Needs to be imported though I suspect. Any idea where to find one? What I used to do was tie the frame down horizontally so your bike was now like 3x wider. Totally dodgy.
  16. I forgot all about the most obvious solution. ???? Not sure how I could setup a rack on that though and I hear they're pretty hard to drive. Something covered maybe be nice also.
  17. I used to have a setup where I could detach the front wheel of my road bike and hang it off the back of a rack on my motorbike so I could transport to a destination to ride but it was clumsy and not very safe so I stopped. My question is, what is the smallest/cheapest vehicle available in Thailand which I could use to transport a road bike on? I've seen some electric vehicles and various mini-cars but I don't know what they cost or how exactly I could setup a rack to transport a road bike. It doesn't need to go far, maybe 20 kilometers or so so something on slower side is not that bad.
  18. Or one for J&J which is what I have.
  19. I hear now and again that the status of "fully vaccinated" resets after some period of time since these so-called vaccines only offer protection for some limited period of time, which is well less than 12 months. This is of course just the opinion of some government in the world trying to impose a vaccine mandate but we don't know who/where is going to come to which conclusion. EDIT: here's a random example I found https://globalnews.ca/news/8919947/covid-canada-update-fully-vaccinated-definition/ of people debating the issue of fully vaccinated. The idea is out there so it's best to take note of it. snippet:
  20. I wish they would explicitly say this instead of using the term "fully vaccinated". I still haven't seen where this is stipulated from an official text so it leaves open the possibility of some staff reading something in to it.
  21. I read on http://thaiembassy.com (is it even official?) that you need to be full FULLY vaccinated and their conducting random tests. This is why I rushed out to get that ATK test last minute because I thought I could get refused at one of the checkpoints since the card is older than 12 or even 6 months. There is a limit on the time of the vaccination? Where is that stipulated?
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