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Everything posted by StevieAus

  1. I think it would assist if they concentrated on trying to teach the kids to speak English rather than worrying about the grammar. Also I have come across teachers trying to teach them English in Thai not sure how that works. The other issue is that when they go home they naturally speak Thai so there is no practice. I find with my six year old who speaks excellent English that apart from with me and my Thai wife she speaks Thai expected I suppose.
  2. I see many comments on this site regarding corrupt police and here we have you encouraging such actions. The mind boggles !!!
  3. In relation to the police pressing charges the same would apply in Australia and I believe the UK. If the victim is not prepared to give evidence in court the police will not usually charge the alleged offender. If the police witness the assault a different situation.
  4. The problem is that as with most other government departments each office makes its own rules and these Amphurs are no different. I experienced similar problems years ago until as suggested below I produced the brown envelope. All the problems evaporated and I then received VIP service. You can also get a pink ID card as part of the process.
  5. I am interested in some of your comments and if I may say they are incorrect, I am married to a Thai lady and have a daughter. We have in addition to our home two businesses and several blocks of investment land. Utilising the User Fruc provision my name is also on most of these. Regarding your visa you can have a retirement extension or marriage visa the cost of both is minimal. What are the extra costs you pay as a foreigner ? Your daughter if you choose can receive almost free education and medical treatment if she is Thai. If you choose for her to go to a private school and receive treatment through the private system as do I that is your choice as it would be in your home country Regarding the cost of the visit of your wife to the US if she was not married to you how much would It cost and how easy would it be? My Thai wife and daughter can visit Australia at no cost and do not need a visa as they are also Australian citizens although not born in AUstralia, does your country not give them this ? If you were a 50 year old Thai male and had the equivalent of 800 00 baht that you were prepared to leave in a bank account in your country could you turn up on a flight, visa exempt and stay indefinitely? I doubt you could, certainly not in my country Australia, or any western countries I can think of. In conclusion if you have lived here for twenty years, if the country is so bad why haven’t you retuned to your Utopian homeland ?
  6. I cannot imagine that the two organizations to which you refer,would have any concern about relaxing the restrictions on the sale of alcohol between the hours of 2pm-5pm as they would only gain. After saying that however despite the law it is freely available if you know where to ask, including most hotels in tourists areas. I suspect it is more related to the influence from the conservative side of Thai society and the Buddhist influence, they are all terrified that they will suffer in the afterlife if they don’t comply.
  7. 200 liters of gin would keep me going for a long time. If you can produce some that tastes like Bombay Saphire you have a customer.
  8. I think you sum it up succinctly, also a fifty year old Thai male couldn't arrive in Australia visa exempt and as long as he kept 800,000 baht in the bank stay there I definitely. I cannot think of any other countries it would happen either.
  9. I live in the North and myself and many expats got two shots of AZ from the local hospital without any drama and for free. Later got a Moderna which had been pre ordered and paid for plus another Modena for free. Sinovac never mentioned.
  10. I may not have spelt it correctly but it’s the “ local language” they speak in the North.
  11. You are fortunate that you are able to speak Thai, one thing that has been reaffirmed do to me since living in Thailand and experiencing my daughter learn English, is that I am pleased English is my first language.
  12. Obviously dealing with different places than me over the last eleven years and also had great service from local Makro.
  13. I have found in recent years that most of the big companies, banks etc including my insurer have people who speak pretty good English. I have found you have to listen carefully and speak slowly. I do admit that as my Thai is very very basic it is handy to have the wife who speaks the National Thai, Lana and good English to assist.
  14. I got caught with some spares sent from the UK a few years ago probably because they came through DHL or someone similar. If you can send them by normal mail they often seem to slip through without the tax.
  15. Some government person made a comment about your point recently, to the effect that private organisations can require you to wear a mask if they so wish. Despite what many may believe I understand they can refuse to allow you to enter their premises without giving a reason.
  16. As I mentioned below I do exactly the same as you from Australia but using different company OFX which doesn’t put it directly into my Bangkok Bank account but through an Intermediary. Do you know if Transferwise will send money from Australia?
  17. Are you still using Wise? I have used OFX an Australian company for over 10 years and have been happy with the service, rates etc. It seems they transfer the money ‘ elsewhere’ in Thailand before it comes to my Bangkok Bank account hence it showing BTN and not FTT. Wondering if I open a Kasikorn account it will fix the problem. Failing that I suppose I have to just deposit the 800,000baht. I don’t want this drama with Immigration.
  18. I have held a Retirement Extension for over ten years using the income method Each month I transfer far in excess of the amount required, from a private pension and receive a smaller amount from a government pension to an account in my own name at the Bangkok Bank. Both entries show a code of BTN in the bank book. The helpful Chiang Mai Immigration are claiming that the above code should be FTT and does not reflect that the transfer is from overseas. I suspect that this is a ruse to extract a service fee. Has anyone else experienced this problem?
  19. If you look at the statistics from Australia, UK etc you will see that it is the younger drivers who have the most serious accidents hence the higher insurance premiums.
  20. It’s not ludicrous at all as there are many food allergies that can cause serious problems and can be just as dangerous as a muscle strain. My former wife suffered from coeliac disease and always informed restaurants before ordering food. If you have a physical problem it is stupidity not to inform the person who is treating you the same way you should inform a medical person if you have specific medical issues, allergies to drugs etc.
  21. How does this expert suggest that a psychological study of the perpetrator be carried out, considering that he is dead?
  22. I am curious as to what would be the advantage of leaving Australia using a British passport if you were born in Australia and hold a passport from that country.?
  23. Many I have seen already are, although beauty is in the eye of the beholder !
  24. One of the regular posters on this site posted a link the other day for obtaining a retractable baton from Lazada. He claimed that it certainly deters dogs. Maybe it will work equally well with humans.
  25. Yes a man after my own heart, although my local Immigration office which I pass daily only requires the passport for 90 day reports and are so pleasant it seems a shame not to visit. I suppose using an agent could be argued as creating employment or redistribution of wealth. I will pass on the marriage part as I don’t want to keep losing half the house.
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