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Everything posted by StevieAus

  1. Ask him about the Air NZ aircraft that crashed in Antarctica. It's like people saying Qantas is the safest airline but they have been lucky with their share of near misses Read the report into the 1999 incident when the Qantas 747 overshot the runway in Bangkok ripped off the front landing gear and at least one engine. Was declared as a write off Qantas paid for the repair to avoid it being shown as a loss. Yes and I worked for Qantas as an engineer Happy to fly most Asia airlines apart from Garuda Air India.
  2. Thanks for the information much appreciated
  3. Thanks will pass on
  4. Thanks will pass on
  5. Sorry I thought "my title was required"
  6. I never seen to get into the correct forum so apologise in advance. I have a Thai friend with what I call a record player which isn't working I believe a German brand Does anyone know of a repair shop in Chiang Mai or failing that Bangkok Thanks
  7. I will look at the video but I am forming the conclusion that it's either leave them as they are or remove them which is a huge job about 80+sq metres plus take out the furniture etc I was wondering if just removing the tiles without the underlying cement which attaches them would lessen the mess.
  8. How do you think pilots with other airlines gain their experience it's through flying? Anyway the aircraft are usually on auto after takeoff
  9. Thanks for the response I think it will go onto the back burner if it does get done it will have to be with all the tiles removed. The only reason I raised the issue is that they are high gloss, in hindsight should have used something else all the bedrooms are parquetry.
  10. Thanks
  11. Thanks
  12. Thanks for the information
  13. Yes I have thought of that but we have two bathrooms and a toilet that are lower. I am just trying to get ideas at this stage it might end up not happening if it's not practical.
  14. The reason for not wanting to remove them is the work involved and the mess they would need to be jack hammered as they are set in cementcement and it's a big area I have some of those tiles that look like timber and they are pretty good not slippery. I am just looking at alternatives as it is a main area it needs to be hard wearing but will not use material that's cheap and no good.
  15. Hi I have a room of about 85 sq m surfaced with 60cm high gloss ceramic tiles, the tiles are all secure and the house about 13 years old. I would like to resurface if possible with a timber look material but not ceramic tiles and preferably “ non slip” I would appreciate any suggestions particularly something that will adhere for long term. I obviously don’t want to remove the existing tiles Thanks Stephen
  16. For the record it’s “ being hoisted ‘on’ your own petard” I only said that you could be sued in Australia and other countries if the statement isn’t true . I never said that in Thailand you could only be sued if the statement was untrue. As a retired lawyer from Australia I am well aware of the law relating to defamation in Thailand and Australia where in relation to the latter, I took action against several individuals who foolishly posted defamatory comments on the internet.
  17. It's not only Thailand you can be sued for defamation in other countries including Australia if you post comments that are found to be baseless. Criminal defamation is over the top but that's the law here.
  18. Thanks for the response
  19. I use one but these are the rules they apply in Chiang Mai
  20. Unfortunately as are many of the rules or the way they are interpretation especially in Chiang Mai
  21. My money doesn’t come from the UK but Australia I also have an excellent relationship with the bank staff once I change over it shouldn’t be a problem thanks for you contribution.
  22. Thanks that’s what I will do
  23. Thanks for your reply and information, depositing the funds isn’t an issue it just didn’t seem logical, but then what is at times when dealing with Immigration. The only reason I want to change is as stated, that is , I tire of them trying to claim that the money is not coming from overseas. They don’t seem or want to understand that not everyone receives a government pension, in my case it’s a private pension and I use OFX for the transfer therefore the code they want to see doesn’t appear. It’s just part of the price of living here and their attempt to extract a “fee”. Thanks again for the explanation.
  24. Thanks for the information that was something that did go through my mind however when I renewed the retirement extension I obtained a multiple re entry permit as we will be making two overseas trips next year 2024 so if I followed your method that would somehow need to be cancelled. Looks like I will just deposit the 800,000 baht the monthly money will still come in so that will meet their requirements. Its a crazy system sometimes !!.
  25. I have used the income method for more than ten years to obtain the RetirementExtension at the Chiang Mai Immigration Office. On occasions they have tried to dispute that the income wasn’t sent from Australia as the bank book doesn’t show the code they want. I have been able to provide documentary evidence that the money was sent from Australia and suspect that this was just an attempt to obtain a “service fee” I renewed my extension on Wednesday and mentioned to the Immigration Officer that next year I was going to change to the 800,000 baht in the bank method. He stated that as I was changing method the money would need to be in the bank for one year for the first year. My understanding was that it only has to be in the bank for 2/3 months and made no comment, My original visa was a Non Imm O. I would be interested as to which is correct.
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