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Everything posted by StevieAus

  1. I speak very little Thai but the issue is I think, that while some foreigners think their Thai is too a high standard it is not spoken the way Thais speak. I suspect that it is for a number of reasons, tonal, the fact that in the North for example Lana is used more than National Thai and people in different areas have there own accent and slang similar perhaps to what occurs in the UK. We have a friend who claims to speak Thai well but my wife and one our friends cannot understand him and tell him to speak English to them as both speak fluent English.
  2. If the electricity system in house is properly installed with breakers, safety switch etc as is my house the chance of a fire is negligible. If it does occur and the house is concrete the roof beams steel and the floors tiled, what is going to burn ?
  3. You are so right missed that must learn to read to the end despite the small print.
  4. That might be ok if you have been visiting the UK not every passenger arrives from that country. Compare it with the price in Thailand for relevance.
  5. Well here is is your answer and it’s not smart arse. The first line should should give you the clue if the article was written here they wouldn’t say “British tourists heading abroad” this site takes articles from elsewhere and this article was most likely from a publication in the UK.
  6. I contracted pneumonia a few years ago after Influenza A, was promptly treated and recovered. My wife had a rota cuff tear repaired six months ago, again fully recovered. The medical treatment here in Thailand is excellent cannot imagine why it would be better in the UAE. I will send him the names of our doctors at Chiang Mai Ram hospital.
  7. Thai post do a pretty good EMS one day delivery service and some post offices open on Sunday. A few years ago I sent a package EMS on a Saturday morning and it was delivered 150kms away on a Sunday.
  8. That might be okay with Amazon where the goods come from a central location and they have a pretty sophisticated system. However in Thailand many of the items advertised on sites such as Lazada come from individual and often small companies not Lazada itself. Ii can imagine someone living in Chiang Rai ordering an item located in Phuket and the cost of getting it delivered in one day. Also in the example I have quoted the distance is approximately double the length of France
  9. So what culture is it that allows it to happen elsewhere around the world and far from isolated cases
  10. Re the your last sentence that can happen in any country or with any woman and of course we all change over time “ familiarity breeds contempt”
  11. I think you are pretty spot on with the online shopping it is certainly convenient and you can locate what you want without searching through the shops and the delivery fee here is very small. I will not buy clothes online but my wife does for herself and our daughter.
  12. There has been a similar problem in Australia where cane toads we’re introduced in Queensland to control beetles in the cane fields. They are out of control and spreading south. Similarly, early English settlers introduced rabbits and foxes with devastating consequences.
  13. If you care to read my post I stated that they are “releasing a lot of prisoners”I never stated that they were releasing murderers” Perhaps you should remain mute if you cannot comprehend.
  14. That’s all anyone receives Thai or foreigner, or are you suggesting a separate level of compensation for foreigners?
  15. Happens in other countries as well particularly the UK 20 years is about average for murder. Read recently that in that country they are releasing a lot of prisoners who have served half their sentence as there is no room in the jails for new prisoners.
  16. Why would you be silly not to take advantage of it? I visit the Immigration office once a year with my lawyer at an appointed time and leave about 10 to 15 minutes later with the retirement extension legally in my passport. The 90 day reporting takes about 15 minutes a year out of my life. I don’t think that’s too complicated.
  17. Never had a problem with the company I quoted paid out for seven operations without question and also for my daughter on several occasions. Obviously you have to be able to pay the premiums.
  18. It’s not only Pattaya I live in the North and know a few who do the same I see advertisements even on this site offering that service. For me I will stay on the right side of the law and will never provide a reason to leave me vulnerable.
  19. I have been here 14 years using a retirement extension originally arriving with a Non O? and have never been required to take out medical insurance, The 90 day reporting takes about 14 minutes a year out of my life. Sure I have to keep the money in the bank but everything in life comes at a cost and I cannot think of too many Western countries where non citizens or unless married to a citizen of that country one can arrive without a visa and stay indefinitely, certainly not in Australia my home country. As far as the ever changing rules and hoops you have to jump through don’t recall any changes being applied to me.
  20. If you have the money take out a Health/ Hospital Insurance policy with a reputable company like Allianz/Ayudhya before you are 65 years old.
  21. What are the ever more bureaucratic hoops retirees are jumping through haven’t seen any more I have to jump through. Try retiring in a Western country of which you are not a citizen or married to a citizen of that country. Ninety day reports take about 16 minutes a year in total out of my life.
  22. Children are abused all around the world unfortunately I don’t consider Thailand any less safe than most other countries
  23. Everything in Phuket costs way more than it should from what I have observed, however I think that is only noticed if you live here and are able to compare with other places For people visiting from Europe etc it is still probably considered far cheaper than what they would pay at home.
  24. The same could be applied to you don't post if you don't want a comment.
  25. Thirty years old hardly young and inexperienced, a great role model for the pupils. The fine is about five or six hundred pounds hardly a fortune. Don't break the law it's not hard.
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