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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. On 6/24/2021 at 10:23 AM, Thaiwrath said:

    In any normal country, certain people would be held accountable for such a vaccine fiasco, and dismissals would be inevitable. 

    But here, with his "whatever will be, will be" attitude, things will continue, and things will get progressively worse.

    Nothing short of shambolic by this unelected regime.

    Before you start criticizing what is happening here have a look around the world and you will see good examples of shambles

    In particularly my own country Australia where it’s an embarrassment as they lurch from one farce to another and that’s an advanced developed country.

    For what it’s worth myself and several expat friends have received the AstraZeneca vaccine and we were all very impressed with the service provided

    • Sad 1
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  2. 3 hours ago, clivebaxter said:


    The OP does not look like a company appointment, the roll out appears to be a shambles from what I have seen. 

    You maybe have be looking in the wrong place, myself and several expat friends have received our first AstraZeneca shot from the local hospital.

    Very orderly and professional not a shambles in site.

  3. 15 hours ago, dinsdale said:

    Not enough and not soon enough. Read this and compare.  UK is going to use this jab a 3rd booster shot this autumn (northern hemisphere). 60 million more doses. If 3 shots are needed it will be the end of next year at this rate for Thailand. These grandiose statements bear no weight with me as time and again they are proved to be just grandstanding nonsence. 


    You can hardly compare Thailand and the UK re infections, lockdowns and other restrictions together with the time they have been in place.

  4. 8 hours ago, canthai55 said:

    Not in CNX - Hang Dong - late last year

    I live in Fang, I know the Head Office in CNX will accept them not worth the up to six hour round trip.

    The local Immigration Office arrange the residency certificate and I get both licences for 6 years, can handle that

  5. 6 hours ago, ericthai said:

    you wouldn't be able to do a passport swap at a land boarder anyway. Immigration will want to see your exit stamp and wont allow you show an exit stamp in one passport and then use another passport. You would need to fly out. 


    Have you wife make some calls, this is Thailand rules aren't always followed... a little gift can go a long way.

    It’s not for me I was responding to the post where it suggested he do a” quick border run”

    I was suggesting it couldn’t be done.

  6. 1 hour ago, GinBoy2 said:

    Hmm I get where you are coming from here.


    The fact that German passport number will be recorded on the marriage document could be an issue, but I'm not an immigration attorney, and God knows I don't fully comprehend the machinations of USCIS.


    Now my gut feeling would say do a quick border run, then re-enter using your US passport as a tourist, get married, then another border run and re-enter with your German passport which I assume has your visa.


    That I think would work, since you currently entered on a German passport and would leave on it.


    You would enter on a US passport and would leave on it.


    Then enter on the German one that you exited on in step one

    I am curious as to how and where you could “ do a quick border run” considering, unless the situation has changed recently, that most land borders are closed.

    With the requirements for leaving and re entering the country by air such as quarantine that again is hardly going to be quick.

    • Like 2
  7. On 6/18/2021 at 2:54 PM, WineOh said:

    I think I can.


    As Thailand is a Buddhist country and has a solid conservative core, many older Thais view drinking as a sin.


    Hence why, since the ultra right-wing conservative army stole power in 2014, there has been a war waged on the alcohol industry via heavy taxation and regulation.


    Ultimately the junta would love to do away with drinking all together, though they know that it is practically impossible so they opt for the next best thing - milk as much money from the sale of booze as they can whilst simultaneously being actively seen trying to discourage the promotion of alcohol to appease their right wing core constituents.



    The high levels of taxation and restrictions on when you can buy alcohol have been in place for many years and long before the current crowd took over.

    Its interesting that Thaksin never took any steps to remove the restrictions.

  8. 11 hours ago, kickstart said:

    I went on 9th May to renew my motorbike and car licence , no smart queue ,just went ,they said I could renew my bike licence that day  which I did ,but not my car licence ,that would involve me watching the video with horde's of other people .

    They just said come back when the situation improves ,fact that my licence ran out on the 11th May, to them  that was immaterial

    I just hope I do not have to rush back to the UK ,for I use my Thai driving licence to hire a car. 

    I would be more concerned about your car insurance policy, if you have one.

    Both policies for our two cars state that you have to have a current driving licence.

  9. 23 hours ago, Excel said:

    Well start shaving at 15 but due to my nature and continuing loss of blood I gave up having a wet shave after 1 week and to this very day have never had one since. Around that time my Dad bought himself a Remington electric shaver but I guess as he had always wet shaved he could not get accustomed to it and being a blood donor I guess he wanted to help and gave it to me.


    That Remington was the old foil type and I'm guessing but it lasted me about 3 years until one day it was giving more scratches then cutting hair as the foil had split in a few places. Couldn't get a new foil so bought another foil type, a Braun I think. Same thing happened after around 2/3 years so binned that and bought a Philishave and have been using them ever since to this very day. I shave every day as I hate having beard growth, always have done as it not only irritates me I also think it looks scruffy as if you can't be bothered to look after yourself. I know many like that look but I don't , never have never will. The last 20 years have seen these types of razors vastly improved and nowadays a very close shave can be had.

    I have used Braun for years and you are right the technology has greatly Improved in recent years.

    Braun recommend replacing the foil after two years but I have never had them last that long.

    I have found the best way to get a good shave and to make them last is to use an electric pre shave, don’t apply too much pressure and keep the head and foil clean, the models these days allow them to be cleaned in water.

    • Like 1
  10. On 6/17/2021 at 7:24 PM, Kenny202 said:

    Apart from using poison I was hoping maybe an old skool deterrent sprayed on the floor at night...vinegar, soapy water something like that they don't like. There are actually lots of stray cats in the area but probably rats are bigger lol. If it ws a bigger room I'd throw a Jack Russel in there clean em up in a night 

    Maybe I should loan you one of my four, nothing unwanted lives long in our place, rats, mice, snakes, stray cats etc.

    • Haha 1
  11. 6 hours ago, the green light said:

    I think the only effective vaccines are the Pfizer and  Moderna..Chinese and AZ are not effective.

    Latest news  from the Internet

    "Costa Rica said Wednesday that will not purchase the Sinovac vaccine from China. - Some places using China's other vaccine - Sinopharm - have had unexpected surges in virus cases." 

    Bottom line, they should allowed tourists vaccinated with Pfizer and Moderna  only into the country with no quarantine. They are 90% efficient


    I wouldn’t have anything from China injected into my body either but you are wrong about AZ.

    Have a look at information from countries where they know what they are talking about, I wouldn’t hold up Costa Rica as the flagship on advice about vaccines.

    • Like 1
  12. 14 minutes ago, timendres said:


    My apologies for the wording. "Exorbitant" in the eyes of most Thai people. When I showed my bill to a few people, they were shocked at the cost. Of course, for me, a US citizen, the entire bill for major surgery was less than what the overnight room would cost me back home.

    I think the people who are shocked are the ones who come from countries that have a health system that does not require any payment, or perhaps Thais who use the 30 baht system.

    Personally I find the private hospital costs here including dental are very reasonable for the standard and care provided and certainly compared with private treatment in Australia.

    Unfortunately there are many people around who think everything in life should be free.

    • Like 2
  13. 20 hours ago, Wuvu2 said:

    Nothing to do with "entitled" or "free". Access to the vaccine for farangs - at any price - is currently a clown show in Thailand.  There's no reason Americans should not have access to some of the 500 million vaccines the USA decided to give away as a publicity stunt for Biden's first trip abroad.  I still pay USA taxes - I've already paid for those.


    I - like you - expected nothing from the US government, until they decided to give away hundreds of millions of doses and announced that they have the infrastructure capacity to deliver 80 million doses by the end of June.

    I believe the UK and Australia governments have made similar announcements so don’t feel too bad you are not alone.

    • Like 2
  14. On 6/15/2021 at 3:56 PM, timendres said:

    Private hospitals, such as Samitivej, which I use, charge exorbitant prices for Thais and foreigners to begin with. So they are not applying any "multiples" or special "foreigner rates". I believe BumRunGrad to be the same.

    I am interested as to how you  define “exorbitant prices” and what you compare them with to reach this conclusion.

    If it is Government hospitals there is no correlation as Private hospitals receive no government funding.

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