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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. On 7/1/2021 at 7:47 AM, Bim Smith said:

    So the UK government are targeting vulnerable groups overseas but want to mass vaccinate its own population including children with an emergency use vaccine still under clinical trials. 

    For what it’s worth I think you will find the BCCT is not the UK government but a private organization and are certainly not involved in any vaccination programs in the UK.

  2. 1 minute ago, StevieAus said:

    What you are saying about poorer people not having access to better vaccines isn’t completely true.

    In the main those over sixty receive the AstraZeneca.

    I received mine last week along with my wife’s uncle and he certainly isn’t wealthy.

    On that day I was the only non Thai out of about 200 people most of whom arrived on foot, by bicycle or motorbike again hardly wealthy.

    The above attached to the wrong post I was responding to Aussienam

  3. 52 minutes ago, AquaThai said:

    And its Sinovac that was used in Phuket and they are opening Phuket!

    What you are saying about poorer people not having access to better vaccines isn’t completely true.

    In the main those over sixty receive the AstraZeneca.

    I received mine last week along with my wife’s uncle and he certainly isn’t wealthy.

    On that day I was the only non Thai out of about 200 people most of whom arrived on foot, by bicycle or motorbike again hardly wealthy.

  4. 16 hours ago, fangless said:


    This should be for the benefit of the general public and supplied by the Government at no cost to the public

    What the "$£$$%" has private hospitals got to do with this?

    If you read the article it states 4m Moderna towards the end of the year and a further 1m early next year for Private Hospitals.

    Why should they be excluded from supplying the Covid vaccines as they have been supplying other vaccines for years.

    Unfortunately they cannot obtain them directly only through the government.

    If I choose to use the private hospital system and pay that is my prerogative, but then again I don’t  suffer from Welfare State Syndrome.

    • Like 1
  5. 15 minutes ago, PEE TEE said:

    Sunday the 27th T0 June 30th Samui giving A.Z. to foreigners  under 60s and over 60s saw it myself as  I got my jab 

    Obviously not complying with official government policy but what’s new ?

    After saying that however when you look at the numbers the chance of it being fatal even for someone under 60 is minuscule.

    I am sure people have had adverse reactions to other vaccines and even died but that’s life.

    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, club said:

    If AZ is the only available vaccine, that's what your going to get whatever your age is . Thats how it works in   Thailand

    The printed information I was given last week when I got my AZ shot was that it was only being given to peopLe of 60 

    Those under that age can get Sinovac if they meet the criteria.

    From enquiries my wife has made with three private hospitals in Chiang Mai Modena and perhaps others “ will” be available in October 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, club said:

    Not true, 2 people died in June that were 47 and 50. 

    I don't know which country you are referring to but the printed leaflet I  received last week issued by the Thai government stated AZ was only for those people over 60

    The announcement by the Australia government in today’s newspaper stated pretty much the same

    What has happened in the past I have no idea as it seems to change daily.

    • Confused 1
  8. 22 minutes ago, terryofcrete said:

    Not approved in the US is the one that worries me. Means that when the US opens to tourists ... for example families going to Disneyland....they won't be allowed in if their vaccination was with AZ... That would include most UK people would it not ?  I would also be happy to be enlightened. 

    I have no idea unfortunately I am living here in Thailand and had my AZ last Thursday

    I have no plans to visit the US so will not affect me.

    It all seems to be “ a moving feast” so could all change next week.

    I believe Sinovac isn’t recognized in the UK and other places which I can understand.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  9. I live in Chiang Mai Province which is considered low risk I believe and received the first AstraZeneca shot at the local government hospital last Thursday with a date for the second shot on 16 September.

    I am 71 years old with no health problems

    Myself and several other expats registered at the hospital a few weeks ago.

    Service was excellent and professional.

    No priority is given to Thais over non Thais shots are administered based on when you register.

    My Thai wife who is a lot younger than me has enquired at the private hospital we use in Chiang Mai plus two others and has been told nothing expected before October.

  10. I cannot help you with locations but I live in Chiang Mai Province and went to see my local eye doctor who checks my eyes each year.

    I read the normal eye chart both wearing and not wearing the glasses I use for driving.

    He typed the results on his letterhead

    For NSW you need to email to [email protected].


    Make sure you add your name and driving licence no

    I received no confirmation from them but about 2 weeks later rang 61 13 2213 and was told it had been approved

  11. 5 hours ago, JonnyF said:


    I have a feeling the administration of the jabs themselves will take a lot of time as well. I had my first jab on Monday. It went like this.


    • Queue for a ticket like you do at the bank (10 minutes)
    • 30 minutes later move to a different room to receive some forms, check passport etc.
    • Took me 20 minutes to fill in 3 pages of questions (all in Thai language only). Fortunately our HR Manager was on hand to help me with this.
    • Go to another room for someone to check the forms were filled in correctly. 15 minutes wait.
    • Ushered to another room for someone to type the info into a computer (45 minutes wait)
    • Move to another room to get blood pressure taken (40 minutes wait)
    • Go to another room for the jab (15 minute wait).
    • Go to another room for 30 minutes post jab to see if there is a reaction (good idea).


    Total process over 3 hours for a single jab. I arrived early and it wasn't particularly busy there either, presumably due to the vaccine shortage. This type of process severely limits how many needles can go into arms each day, even if they had unlimited vaccines.


    Maybe they could streamline the process? Have a standard form that can be filled in prior to the visit? Turn up with the form and show ID, then get blood pressure taken and the needle in the arm (could these 2 processes possibly be done by the same nurse?). 


    I know in the UK they have a 'grab a jab' scheme where you can just go to a supermarket or a mall or whatever and just walk in. A few questions and the needle is in your arm. Maybe that's why they rolled it out so quickly? Too much to ask here?

    A lower slower process than where I live and less information needed.

    It seems to be a shambles in Australia and we are supposed to be an advanced country

    However you know how they like paperwork here I needed a new bank book the other day as mine was full.

    (I think they stopped using bank books in Aus about 20 years ago)

    It was virtually the same as opening a new account.

  12. 2 hours ago, club said:

    Probably because  other countries have already banned it, Temporarily stopped using it and are donating it such as Japan. I believe Japan still uses Pfizer and Moderna. Also its been recommended for people over 60 . Doesn't help people under sixty does it? 

    The only country I am aware of that has completely stopped using AZ is Denmark.

    Others I believe are restricting it to those over 60.

    Happy to be enlightened

  13. Just now, StevieAus said:

    I was vaccinated at Fang Hospital Chiang Mai Province on 24 June with AstraZeneca after previously registering at the hospital.

    I am 71 years old with no underlying problems.

    Vaccine date was delayed by about 2 weeks

    Service at the hospital was excellent and very professional and given a date of 16 September for second shot.

    No priority given to Thais over non Thais.

    Other expat friends treated the same

    Missed the side effects next day felt generally unwell and tired but nothing serious

  14. I was vaccinated at Fang Hospital Chiang Mai Province on 24 June with AstraZeneca after previously registering at the hospital.

    I am 71 years old with no underlying problems.

    Vaccine date was delayed by about 2 weeks

    Service at the hospital was excellent and very professional and given a date of 16 September for second shot.

    No priority given to Thais over non Thais.

    Other expat friends treated the same

    • Like 1
  15. 59 minutes ago, mfd101 said:

    If you were to look at the figures for covid infections & deaths in Oz & NZ, you might have a better understanding of why they have been a bit slow on the vaccinations. Being remote islands is helpful.


    Quite apart from the EC stealing millions of AZ doses early on that were destined for Oz ...

    From what I read in the media and talking to friends as recent as last night it’s the administration of the vaccines that’s the biggest problem.

    The Federal Government obtain them and the States administer them

    The usual recipe for disaster too many layers of bureaucracy.

    • Like 2
  16. 6 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

    So private hospitals in Thailand are so "poor" that they cannot afford to buy vaccines?  Hard to believe.  I have contributed(paid) a small fortune to a major private hospital in CNX for years and they always had a lot of people 'working".

    I will not "pay" upfront without a few guarantees:


    1.  A definite vaccination appointment date

    2  Guaranteed 100% refund if the appointment is not met

    3. The right to cancel within 30 days of the appointment with a full refund


    I already know the answer:  NO, NO, and NO.  

    Well that sounds as if you will not be getting your vaccine


    6 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    The government?

    Its citizens?

    Which government and which citizens?


    As far as I know everybody in Thailand is supposed to get free vaccination. It just takes time.

    We don't live in a so called 1st world country. And looking at 1st world counties like i.e. the USA and the UK and am happy about that.

    You can add Australia to the list for me.

    I have already had my first free AZ shot here with an appointment for the second on 16 Sept

    • Like 1
  17. 6 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

    So private hospitals in Thailand are so "poor" that they cannot afford to buy vaccines?  Hard to believe.  I have contributed(paid) a small fortune to a major private hospital in CNX for years and they always had a lot of people 'working".

    I will not "pay" upfront without a few guarantees:


    1.  A definite vaccination appointment date

    2  Guaranteed 100% refund if the appointment is not met

    3. The right to cancel within 30 days of the appointment with a full refund


    I already know the answer:  NO, NO, and NO.  

    Well that sounds as if you will not be getting your vaccine then.

    • Like 1
  18. You don't need to be Einstein to realize that the biggest problem facing Thailand now is the lack of sufficient quantities of vaccines.

    Unfortunately motherhood statements by Stanley Kang and his ilk are not going to change that.

    A more practical approach would be for the organisation to seek donations of the vaccines to Thailand from the 35 countries they represent.

    PS not Sinovac please.

  19. 11 hours ago, Nojohndoe said:

    Unfortunately for many it is the only option to be had.

    Compare a military command which if  refused to follow has (usually) repercussions .

    Thailand has survived multiple internal historical medical/ infectious calamities.

    I doubt a sincere declaration by an "Ex Special Forces,Former Bar Owner" will dictate the fortunes of Thailand one way or another in reality.

    I suppose the only relevance is that someone in a pub told him.

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