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Everything posted by kwilco

  1. ...clearly a Brexiteer!
  2. There's one! How about the moon landings??
  3. When I see an OP like this, I have to read it. It's great to see the climate deniers, conspiracy theorists and flat-earthers jostling for the position of most ignorant.
  4. Sriracha sauce - allegedly from Sriracha, Chonburi but made popular by a Chinese American contains no tomatoes
  5. Called ketchup a British word... You are clear,y one kf those people who come to Thailand and eat pies and hips and has never eaten pha thong go
  6. I'd hate to think what the food is like at your place. Read the label it says ketchup. The name is derived fro m the BRITSH pronunciation of a Chinese/Malay word for a spicy fish or mushroom sauce..it was the AMERICANS in fact Heinz, who decided to put loads of ripe tomatoes in it.
  7. Silly man...that's ketchup, the tomatoes and sugar were added by America. Tomato sauce is what you use in cooking.
  8. Italian tomatoe sauce nearly always contains sugar But I see no conclusion.
  9. You need to remember that there are people in Thailand who remember times when they had NO food and couldn't afford it..... nw with a new up and coming middle class it is very difficult not to spoil a kid when you can afford to.... the background psyche is that you never know when it might stop. For many Thai people fat means wealthy.
  10. ...and they'd be wrong in so far that like any country,sugar consumption has increased but not so dramatically in Thailand as it has traditional,y been there.
  11. The North East is still ovwhelmingly pro Red shirt. They would also win a majority in any straight election. His links with the Northeast are at best tenuous ...he is a son of Bangkok and the mi.itary and a progeny of the Queen's guard This is just a thinly exiled attempt to try and make inroads into that demographic. It could most likely backfire.
  12. This now seems a free for all with every crank/quack dietary nostrum being dypug up and aired. ALl, food is good for you, it stops you dying. Weird one-sided diets are da group especially over a long term.
  13. Its original OK ....They have grown sugar in Thailand for centuries, it is an integral part of Thai food.....someone needed to do their research. Before cane there was palmsugar etc etc.. Thailand does have a diabetes problem as a public health issue which stems from both an I creased middle class and the problems of a society that is industrialising and part of an industrial poverty diet. Thailand is the only sugar self-sufficient country in the region. Now is the busiest time of year and the sugar harvest is in full swing. But firms of sugar get mentions back at least until the Ayuthaya era Thailand problems are no different from any industrialised country and singling out pha thong goh is a joke. Which itself can have no sugar.
  14. Milk and sugar in black tea comes from the Indian tradition of Chai Tea green tea is usually made with sugar and milk too. coffee in Thailand is usually served with Chinese tea chaser as a palette cleanser. Sugar is used a lot in Thai recipes because they grow it. There is very little sugar in pha thong goh....however condensed milk usually contains a mass of it. But all this pales into insignificance compared to a western breakfast of coffee and donuts or a full English! PS what do you mean by "anglophone" in this context?
  15. PS MSG is a myth started by an Asian TV chef in America in the 1960s. There is no scientific evidence to suggest it is particularly "bad" for you....
  16. None of this is "bad for you" they are all essential foodstuffs. To put it in basic terms,you need food to live.It is when populations get wealthier that's one foods are over eaten. This happens particularly in the West. America fir instance has seen a fal, in average life expectancy due ti food related and overeating problems. Thailand too has started to see this, especially amongst children. However to single out pha thong go as a single source of the problem just shows ahow little this health official knows about his own job. Incompetence like this is likely to do more harm than good
  17. Eating anything everyday is not healthy
  18. A they haven't "always" been coming. B how about 7600 visa extensions in Phuket alone?
  19. Not really, that is a constant for all electorates around the world.... this image making is done by those in power and shows their limitations ........ i think that it is unlikley that most of the demographic its aimed at will be impŕeessed at all by this. In fact I think they will be deterred.
  20. From a massive conscription program and a dictatorship they are actually in fear of. Putin is ex-KGB and the types of control he uses are truly scary.
  21. What is most disturbing is that his advisors seriously have considered this to be a productive policy.....
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