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Everything posted by kwilco

  1. Do what are you saying enough of? He should be left to die?
  2. Yes Staysure only cover you for bikes up to 125 cc. You must have FULL licence and crash hat.
  3. We need to remember that with a series of key decrees, legislative acts, and case law, the Nazi leadership gradually moved Germany from a democracy to a dictatorship. This was acheived by demonising types of people and race as an enemy and gaining the support of of the rank and file populous including lawyers, doctors professionals etc., as well as working classes. They encouraged events such as book burning and attacks on minorities as in Krystal .Nacht. These measures were incremental just as those used by the Tories today. They also spent a lot of time glorifying people and events in their national history... just as the Tories are doing. All Lineker has done is draw the comparison and the government like the Nazis, has tried to silence him. They claim legality as "right". There are people on this thread citing law and order who clearly would be idea candidates for concentration camp guards. Uneducated, easily lead and basically frightened. ,etc see who says "I'm not frightened of anything"!
  4. They've really sucked you in haven't they?
  5. The topic IS about comparisons with Nazis...get up to speed!
  6. I would have thought it was clear to the most obtuse observer that ship has sailed... so you haven't got a solution have you?
  7. I'd say that is a profoundly facile observation............
  8. Absolute rubbish. You obvious,y no nothing about eva,uation of RTIs and make up nonsense about apprtioning blam the reality in Thailand is there is no facility for proper,y ana,ysing a crash,it is keft up to a few police officers who are not properly trained to do it and will do anything to wrap the matter up. If if you witnessed the accident (which you clearly haven't) you would not be qualified to make any conclusions about what happened and then without any proper evidence you decide you are I a position to make judgements on how this person should be treated in hospital
  9. They aren't illegal though..You are rolling out the same demonising cliches that authoritarian governments love... you are expressing views exactly the same as those encouraged by the Nazis. The sad thing is that neither they then nor yourself now seem to understand this. Perfect for dictatorial governments...you are the fodder on which they exist.
  10. Impartiality, bias and neutrality are not words for freedom of speech. They are words used by repressive governments to suppress criticism in the media
  11. You realise that they arent "illegal immigrants"? However the UK government is trying to legislate they are. Just as Hilter legislated against the Jews and others. Concentration camps were LEGAL, it's governments that makes laws
  12. That's what they are relying on..... BtW were you alive in the 1930s?
  13. Love the way Americans and rexiteers cant tell the difference between Marx and Stalin.
  14. Anyone who buys into immigration myths is just a step away from condoning concentration camps
  15. This is a tragic situation. Enough abipout the blame game, there needs to be a positive solution... There are plenty, of "I-told-you-so"-s and also people blaming the truck. None of this is constructive or contributes to the situation in any way. With millions of foreigners visiting Samui every year this sort of thing is statistically inevitable. I find it hard to believe that various embassies have no facilities for getting these people back home. The people may end up in debt for the rest of their lives,but at least they'll have a " rest of their life"
  16. Lineker is looking at the facts and making a rational observation.... that's far from impartial
  17. No he didn't. .. see words like impartial are subjective anyway and can't be part of a contract. You are just making assumptions. I bet you thought Jeremy Clarkson was misunderstood???
  18. And they are? You actually don't know do you?
  19. The BBC has been under the government's thumb since 2015. It is no longar an independent organisation but now little more than a government mouth piece. Just look at the scandal of the loan to Boris Johnson
  20. You've managed to get everything wrong in that statement... including the name. Where have you been for the last decade. ... what rules are you referring to BTW?
  21. ...clearly a Brexiteer!
  22. There's one! How about the moon landings??
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