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Everything posted by kwilco

  1. It seems whilst you were at school you learned violence against children was OK, but apparently you didn't learn any history.
  2. It seems to be open day for making assumptions about what happened. Whatever the driver did or didn't do, you have to question the safety of road conditions and the vehicle when a rash results in explosion and this amount of damage to the vehicle.
  3. this announcement just hows how far Thailand is from having sensible immigration/work laws.
  4. so logically you believe that if you were sacked as a kid you think it is OK now - i.e. violence begets more violence
  5. Tourism fee, dual pricing, 220 ATM fees .. These little bits of money here and there add up in two ways firstly they start to register on your budget and in combination they make a difference - tourists may leave earlier etc. But I think more importantly, they display an attitude. These random little fees here and there create an impression of "foreigners can pay, they can afford it" Really it is a form of niggardly disrespect for people who at the end of the day account for up to 20% of the nations GDP. You can get away with it up to a point but there will come a time when the nations attitude will actually dissuade people from visiting.
  6. The reason is they think there is a point when violence against children is acceptable - which it never is.
  7. You don't know because you aren't trained in education.
  8. I see the "never-did-me-any-harm" brigade are coming out......demonstrating that it did in fact harm them, as they consider violence against children to be OK
  9. Well what have or haven't you learned? You think a plea from antiquity justifies violence upon children? you obviously haven't learned that a simple clip on the head can cause serious damage to the ear. I'd say you are a product of the violence administered to you as a child.
  10. So it looks as if the teacher hit you around the head a bit during your English lesson? either damaged you hearing or your spelling?
  11. People do intervene but activists have. habit of "disappearing". The Royal Irrigation Department has previously tried to put dams in places they are not really needed, it seems to be their sole raison d'etre. Big dams result in Reduction of wildlife habitat. intrusion of roads into pristine forest Better access for poachers A lucrative logging contract Then building occurs around the lake Possible tourist hotels Increased encroachment General depletion of natural resources. The RID tends to dismiss alternative environmentally friendly solutions as they don't fit in with the gravy train model they have established over the past decades. It needs to be examined whether they should exist at all.
  12. Inflation??? - I rote about this as soon as it was announced that there was a new range of fines for various road traffic offices. Inevitably this is a green light to any for of fines that they want to "impose" at check points. As yet Thailand has neither the trained traffic police nor the court system to enforce or deal with modern traffic violations - they do however have a pretty good system for collecting money at the side of the road.
  13. Yet another eco-nightmare. It seems the Royal Irrigation dept are totally out of touch with modern thinking and still obsessed with dam building. Dams can do a huge amount of environmental dam and damage to habitat in National Parks.
  14. Yes, of course, as an illegal immigrant he will find it very difficult to pursue this.
  15. 12 years in Thailand, a tik-tok star........... So where's his work permit?
  16. PTT is the government firm favourite and competing with them has been nightmare - 10 years ago ESSO were going to give up, so they w=seem to have come up with a work around
  17. ah - a play on words, because "cobbler" means a person whose job is mending shoes. and the plural is English slang for testicles, and cobbler is a type of bread in Oz or dessert in USA ..... sorry don't geddit
  18. With Covid, the purpose of a face mask is to protect OTHERS from any infected droplets you may release. It has been known from the start that is all masks do. To filter the air you breathe, you need a much more sophisticated mask. So basically if you don't have covid you can't spread it......nothing new there. However if you have Covid and maybe don't know it then you can spread it is aerosol droplets in your breathe - so that's how a mask helps. Vaccination helps to reduce infection but may not eliminate it. Wearing a mask also stops you passing on other diseases in your breath - e.g colds and flu. Against breathing in particles that can enter your lungs, they are for the most part useless.
  19. Facebook has been by far the best for me.. If you are on Eaten Seaboard there are 2 Auction Rooms run by Foreigners. My favourite market used to be the Ninja Market on Fridays - https://goo.gl/maps/HAKdCLjKPvhtUMAR9 It used to be huge but haven'y been there for out 4 years
  20. Thai weather certainly does influence travellers - firstly look at the figures for visitors during the rainy season - they are lower than in the dry. Even if people decide to come and maybe enjoy the rain, the weather will continue to affect their stay. Flooding and damage to infrastructure as well as sea quality closing of attractions etc will occur even if the rain is't falling directly on their head. i have a lot of Thai friends who tell me the "wet" is their favourite season but even they admit that life can become difficult then especially to their property and commuting.
  21. I find that the rains start, it's OK, after a couple of months it's a pain and by October I've had enough. Then all of a suddenly clears up ...unless you are o Samui and it just gets worse for another 3 months. Koh Chang just shuts from May to November, the national parks are closed, the seas are rough, and ferries get suspended, the sea visibility i poor and flooding and pollution affect infrastructure every year. so TAT want to call this high season???
  22. Free Umbrellas? ... or just constantly high prices?
  23. All drinkers say that - and then don't!
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