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Everything posted by kwilco

  1. ...and the source of that advice? A Drinker!
  2. In Japan last year alcohol sales dropped so much that the tax department launched a campaign aimed at young peope to boost alcohol consumption. In most countries the alcohol lobby is one of the most powerful political entities - I wonder what effect that has???????
  3. Another QED - how drinkers like racists spend so much time trying to justify their life style their drug habits - like racists, they are all in denial.....as said before and you are just reinforcing the premise.
  4. Your "one quote wonder" - shows that less than half the world drinks alcohol and the amount is declining - but I was making comments about the inability of drinkers to perform critical thinking - and you appear to be the exemplification of this. hence QED. Good luck Googling!
  5. from the Lancet. but hey! Who needs numbers when you've got bigotry?
  6. Be aware that globally , alcohol consumers are in the one third MINORITY. It is a characteristic of drinkers to see themselves ego-centrically, but their perspective is simply blinded by their choice of drug
  7. Have you noticed how racists spend most of their time arguing that something or someone isn't racist. So it seems the same applies to the alcohol lobbyists
  8. It is a long term symptom of both society and alcohol drinkers that they cant envisage life without alcohol, largely because the drug prevents you from thinking outside the box - it also reduces your intellectual capacity. In fact most of the world doesn't drink. i notice that many "drinkers" when confronted with someone who doesn't drink resort to a chain of cliches. "go on! Just one won't do any harm!" "Just to be sociable" "You used to be such fun" "I bet you have had one at some point" All these are trying to cope with the realisation that they are drinking on their own or have gone down a line they can't get out of... then they just get more abusive "You just think you're better"' "Billy no mates" Then they realise the person is 10 years older than they thought and realise how drinking has ruined their health. The thing is everyone else can see this but the "drinker" - has a brain too addled to work it out
  9. Lack of comprehension and repeating yourself are symptoms of alcohol damage.
  10. you're defending the indefensible with a bunch of ad hominems. But the quote clearly shows that many people are unaware of the dangers of even a small amount of alcohol. The lifestyle is so ingrained they can't see out of the box.
  11. QED - This is a response clouded by dependence on alcohol. - only a few "units" you area "one quote wonder" and your references are personal and insufficient to be valid - basically a load of "Bellocks"
  12. No, alcohol makes you THINK that....in reality it lowers inhibitions and reduces reaction times along with various other physiological effects and reduces cognitive ability
  13. not sure what you are trying to say - perhaps you should discuss it with your sister. However the OP is "NO amount of alcohol is safe! WHO experts warn" the point is that society as whole is in denial when it comes to the effects of any alcohol consumption - it sounds like you are an example of this?
  14. The female needs blood protein to produce eggs - she retains sperm inside until she is "triggered" to do this - so ovulation occurs when the mosquito has had enough protein to produce eggs - then laying and fertilisation of the eggs occurs. Female mozzie stores sperm and nourishes and maintains them in permanent storage organs for her entire life however has most people would have difficulty even identifying the type of mosquito that is biting them it would be pretty much impossible to say if it is ovulating or not. When she is ready, the female coordinates the release of sperm with ovulation, and the descending egg is fertilized They have a life span of about 2 weeks and in that time they lay eggs about 3 times so really worrying about an approaching mozzie is ovulating or not seems a bit tangential to protecting oneself. has most people would have difficulty even identifying the type of mosquito that is biting them it would be pretty much impossible to say if it is ovulating or not. They have a life span of about 2 weeks and in that time they lay eggs about 3 times so really worrying about an approaching mozzie is ovulating or not seems a bit tangential to protecting oneself.
  15. Apparently yeast won't repel mosquitoes, but it does make you less sensitive to their bites.
  16. No, DEET is regulated in EU. It was taken off the market for review - so was citronella. this was part of the EU review of all "biocidal" products DEET has been in use since WW2 and there are no significant dangers recorded. DEET is very effective against mosquitoes but it has been shown that concentrations over 33% have no extra benefit. The EU now regulates the use and strength of products . Products over 50% DEET are not permitted. citronella is still "banned" as an insect repellent.
  17. As for "height" - If you transport mosquitoes up to your apartment, e.g. in the elevator, and you have a suitable environment, they could stay and breed. For instance, if you have a flower pot or a fish bowl or anything with a bit of water in it, that is sufficient for the female to lay eggs above that will hatch in a rise in water level. rather than height, it is temperature that kills off mosquitoes - they don't like anything below 10 celsius - but then neither do I.
  18. The Aedes (dengue) mosquito is known to fly all day. However they avoid full direct sunlight. During the day they hide in foliage or inside buildings - they like laundry too. They will given the opportunity bite during the day. However, they are most active at dawn and dusk. It would be pretty impossible to tell which bite actually gave you dengue. Whilst some people may have a "histamine" reaction to bites, other people have no reaction at all and don't even notice they have been bitten. Dengue symptoms usually start within a few days of being bitten but can take up to 2 weeks to develop. In order to transmit dengue, a (female) mosquito has to bite an infected blood supply (a human) it then has to feed again on another human. They normally feed every 2 to 3 days. A single females is unlikely to visit more than two or three houses in a lifetime. Mosquitos range in a lifetime is only up to 400 meters. They look for water-filled containers to lay their eggs this is usually close to a human habitation So, the mosquito becomes infected when it takes the blood of a person infected with the virus, after about a week, the mosquito can then transmit the virus to another person.. The female will also bite several victims in her short life time which means they are a very good Dengue vector. To transmit over a long distance, a person infected with dengue fever can travel and then infect other mosquitoes at their destination. In fact humans are known to carry Dengue from one country to another or from one region to another so long as they have stage the in their blood. However, in Thailand where Dengue is now endemic, there is no need to have “outsiders” to bring in the disease as it is already here. All it needs is a small shower to raise the standing water levels a centimetre or so and the cycle starts again…..
  19. Dengue is not restricted to particular streets in Pattaya. Dengue is endemic to Thailand and in particular likes urban settings. It is carried by the Aedes mosquito. which relies on small puddles of standing water to breed. Dengue fever appears in "hotspots" and "clusters" which can pop up anywhere given a suitable breeding environment - it isn't transmitted human to human, it has to be transmitted by a mosquito.
  20. Immigration apparently need Proof of Covid vaccines before entering. So how recent must these vaccines have been?
  21. Pattaya is a dengue area
  22. the key is not to look like a buffalo - mosquitoes sense CO2, see silhouettes and then home in on your heat. The dengue Aedes mosquito loves humans especially. If you wear light long legged and sleeved clothing, you will be seen less and bitten less. You can use repellents. DEET and Picaridin are the most effective repellents. "Natural repellents range from not as good as DEET to downright useless - some are effective but only for a short time. Electronic devices are basically a con. Ultrasonic or otherwise there is no scientific basis for claims of efficacy. Outside coils work in a small area - e.g. under a table or on a balcony. You can spray your room before you go out in the evening and it should b mozzie-free when you get back. Coils in rooms while you sleep are a health risk and while you are out are a fire hazard. to breed mosquitoes need a tiny amount of standing water - old tire, flower pots etc...if the level of the water increaes just a little the eggs hatch and develop. So even high up a bowl on your balcony could hatch larvae. Although Dengue mosquitoes can fly in the daylight, they are most active at dawn and dusk.
  23. QED - I also notice you are unable to coherently explain why - but you do seem to convey an attitude.
  24. Sounds like you do! Every time you open your mouth, you put your foot in it.
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