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Everything posted by kwilco

  1. I'm not making a diagnosis, I'm wondering why they didn't use tissue adhesive - You don't seem to be able to answer that? My experience of stitching and sutras in Thailand is that they are somewhat behind the times and leave unnecessary scarring or get infected..... - I'm sure the doctors who did it would be able to justify it.....but whether the same procedures would have been used in a western hospital is questionable . There is a concern with people who have medical procedures in Thailand that they consider them to be "100% successful" and are delighted with the results but they never consider if those procedures were the most appropriate for the problem they had.
  2. The Statsure policy was less than 200 quid.
  3. Why do you ask? Do you think that is relevant? Are you - what is your opinion?
  4. BTW - warning about the standard of care. Would you accept that kind of stitching/sutra a in a "Western" hospital? facial injuries are cosmetically very sensitive - will she be "scarred for life?"
  5. I rang Staysure: yesterday and asked about cover for injuries from M/C/ rental They said they would cover you if You have. FULL licence. - obviously and then they said it must be no bigger than 125cc This represents a problem as many step-throughs rented in Thailand are over 125 cc these days and it is quite possible that renters will not know or be informed of the size of the engine. E.g. - the Yamaha. Nouvo - the standard version is 110 cc, but the liquid-cooled version - which is almost identical is 135 cc This bike therefore would be covered by Staysure and also not by the "A1" category on the IDP. I imagine that other insurance companies are the same - I know some don't allow M/C rental at all. If anyone knows a travel insurance that does include M/Cs larger than 125cc?
  6. how do you think the politics in the UK justify or mitigate the situation in Thailand?
  7. I don't think that generic racist slurs on the Thai population actually help an understanding of the situation.
  8. I haven't been to the States for years, but their hotel prices were hugely less than in the UK so I'm not sure what's happened there.
  9. Probably a reflection of the downward change of the competitors rather than any change in Thailand
  10. Americans have to travel a lot further than Europeans to get to Thailand and my experience is they tend to spend extra in an effort to "isolate" themselves from the vagaries of travel - so a hotel of international appearance is more appealing than a local hotel and westernised food - to prove they've experienced a country, rather than immerse themselves in the culture they prefer to buy souvenirs as object based proof of their visit.
  11. Again the big problem is that checkpoints are not effective even if they are "transparent" - it just shows how clueless the authorities are on road safety.
  12. As Thailand isn't a democracy, that is a bit of an oxymoron,
  13. so how long has it taken you? From Oz we were sorted in under 4 weeks - January 2023
  14. Online Premium service You’ll apply, pay and book an appointment online. The earliest you can get an appointment is 2 days from when you apply. You’ll get your new passport at your appointment. Appointments can last up to 30 minutes. It costs £193.50 (or £204.50 for a 50 page frequent traveller passport). You can only use Online Premium to renew an adult passport that was issued after 31 December 2001.
  15. strange logic- not sure what your point is - I have actually worked for EF- and I left because the extraordinary work culture there - more like a cult that a college. The UK has lost the lead in English in Thailand because of Brexit - there is a swing away from British English to American in some part and in others towards Chinese. But I don't see how this has to do with your erroneous assessment of EL in Thailand.
  16. You are making an unsubstantiated assumption about the level of English in Thailand - most comments are based on one annual survey by EF based on people who took their test. Incidentally, this is a Swedish company and IMO they are VERY odd! as for getting your passport seems that applicants for abroad are getting prioritised as since posting this acquaintances abroad seem to e getting theirs within 4 weeks. however you =do have to fill in the forms correctly and supply the right documents. They check them in BKK before sending them off. Th problem in the UK is that in many occupations around the country, trained operatives were from the EU and pre and post Brexit, have returned home leaving a gap of nearly 400,000 jobs in the workplace. The UK has failed to replace these people -
  17. On behalf of the British, I'd like to apologise for those comments
  18. Well Y may have been referring to singular or plural, but I was in fact thinking of 3 articles I quoted so multiple sources or a singular one. We use the singular “they” in two main ways - : firstly when referring to a generic person whose gender is unknown or irrelevant to the context and secondly to a specific, known person who uses “they” as their pronoun. When referring to a generic person whose gender is unknown or irrelevant to the context, use the singular “they” as the pronoun.E.G - if you use words like “person,” “individual,” or “everyone” or phrases like “every teacher” or “each nurse” in a sentence, use the appropriate form of the pronoun “they” as needed. Quite often it's used by racists in wild generalisations but in this case I'm referring to journailsts writing on the matter. who are preserving a certain ambiguity.
  19. Depends who your wife is.....so many expats are married to Issan farm girls who left school at 14 and have very little knowledge for thinking outside the box....they just accept it " the way it is".
  20. Just run you down to immigration as someone with insufficient means to be in the country
  21. Somebody tried to say that the FTSIE 500 had actually improved since Brexit. They overlooked that this index includes businesses around the world. If you look at the UK domestic FTSIE 250 it has dropped between 25 and 30 %. This clearly shows that the rich financial fat cats are making a killing out of Brexit, whereas local and smaller businesses are losing out big time
  22. So my friend has just renewed his UK passport from Australia. It was sent just around Jan 1st and received yesterday 31st Jan.
  23. Between 2010 and 2017, I had 3 UK passports. They kept changing the system until all possible went to London. The first 49 page ran out and was replaced by a small passport as they had no 49 page ones. The small òne quickly filled up and in 2017 I replaced it with another 49 page one. I did that in the agency in Bkk. It took 5 DAYS!
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