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Everything posted by kwilco

  1. There is unlikely to be a video covering the build up and aftermath. Anyhow the concept of evidence may be very loose when it involves the public image of a police officer.
  2. Seems this I cudent highlights the use or misuse of video evidence and the police's use of firearms
  3. no videos are "quite clear" - we don't see any run up to a very short video.....
  4. you clearly don't understand the significance of "loss of face" in Thai culture.
  5. Looks like all the "sources" on Google are secondary or tertiary and using the same primary source.
  6. What has that got to do with my hypothesis. Do you not understand what I'm trying to point out?
  7. Not only do you not care but you don't know and still seem to want to tell everyone
  8. Your information is out of date. Thailand ratified the Vienna Convention on road traffic in May 2020
  9. I'm not saying this happened....but they are driving along and are pulled over accused of motoring offenses they haven't committed. Unaware of the usual protocol they decide to argue the toss. The police insist on an on the spot fine they refuse and drive off. Having lost face an officer follows them they react to this by confronting him again. A gun is drawn; as martial arts experts they decide to take the gun out of the equation. They have avoided a gun fight but are also unaware that to drive a motorcycle in Thailand, you need a full m/c licence and IDP. It's all there in the video?
  10. You obviously have no idea of appropriate legal process or how to watch a video. You have no idea what happened before the video commenced. You are basically a 21st century answer to the lynch mob
  11. The governor is making comments assuming they are guilty.... this is before they have been to court.
  12. Apparently it wasn't smuggling, if you read the other posts - it was perfectly legal. "some people are beyond simple advice" - I think that says more about you than anything. THere was some good advice on this thread, which coupled with a bit of research helped - sadly yours was not amongst it.
  13. QED - I never said I couldn't I just said I wouldn't for you....for the reasons you've just confirmed
  14. No because I already know from your response history that you don't understand the first thing about road safety.
  15. just a litany of the some ol' road safety cliches by people who think they know better and a few racist insults about Thai driving
  16. like most foreigners you compleltely misread the signs of road safety.
  17. THis is an incorrect statement - road safety, like gravity is a world constant how countries deal with it is very much worth comparing. Saying it is "just Thai drivers" - is an incorrect racist point of view.
  18. fl Iz or american or Imperial? you obviously don't know
  19. 2 more pop ups with 5 second delay with some effing airplane and one more other before reading the last post!
  20. You realise that your "business" is losing viewers because of this? 3 pop ups to get here
  21. I don't think you really know much about nam prik. The kind I've got is a particular branded type from the South. There are so many varieties it is mind-boggling. As a 2rd gen banana-bender, I'm well aware of Australia's restrictions. Of course with the UK Brexit has thrown a spanner in works.
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