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Everything posted by kwilco

  1. You need a reality check....most of what you believe is what the West wants to believe.... but the reality is different. BTW...he hasn't lost Syria.
  2. Take it from the Russians you see in Thailand.
  3. I think many people want Putin to have problems, but in reality it is all going his way. And getting rid of Assad is just another advantage. Russia is on a military economy, the population are not being called up because he is using Koreans instead, sanctions are having no effect and their is no strategic loss in Syria. He's just got to sit back and watch as the West ties itself in knots
  4. I think you have a point. I don't think it is desperation though, I think it is just cold calculation
  5. I think the Russians,or rather Putin allowed this to happen. I think he couldn't see the point of Assad any more and a weak power vacuum in that region is to his advantage. He may be going through the motions ...e.g. giving Assad asylum but that is asmall price to pay.
  6. Not just the British, Syria was"invented" by the victor's of WW1. It was originally run by the French
  7. Very difficult to get through to people like you...this is FAKE "straight banana" type reporting.... the truth is it is about banning advertising for junk foods...certain types of porridge with added sugar, processing chemicals. etc are considered "junk food" and are included in the new UK law banning the advertising of foods categorised as "junk food" there is nothing wrong with porridge but there is with companies that adulterer it to make it more appealing to those gullible enough not to understand the ingredients.
  8. No it doesnt! That is a fake it added on. You're just saying what you used to eat...how is that relevant?
  9. In itself this is am oxymoron as it is itself a xenophobic generalisation . The OP is about "Dual Pricing in Thai Tourism: Economic Necessity or Hidden Bias" this is not a comment or generalisation about the people of Thailand it is a partial policy by certain Thai organisations.
  10. Well you should have read my previous posts. And I don't see it from a fmracist point of view and neither does the OP...
  11. How are they "lower"? How does this then relate to dual pricing in tourism?
  12. So you think Thai people cone from a "lower place"?
  13. American foreign policy has been the laughing stock of the world since the early 20th century. However it is no different with Biden.
  14. If I eat an animal I like to eat just about all of it. I can't see any problem with fish heads that are eat the world over....the only objection would be personal blinkered prejudice. Insects were originally a protein boost for Issan farmers living on a marginal subsistence diet. They are not a major part of the Thai diet, and whilst a good source of protein there is no need to indulge
  15. I'd suggest Putin has deliberately pulled the rug from under Asad. He benefits from an unstable Syria and doesn't have to support the old regime with arms when he is fighting a war in Ukraine. It really doesn't matter to him who is in power, so long as chaos reigns it will help his influence in the middle east. I'm sure he made it clear to the rebels that Russia wouldn't intervene.
  16. A MILITARY checkpoint...where were you?
  17. You appear to have no understanding of the OP....its about dual pricing in touristm ...not immigration policies
  18. Complete and utter nonsense...... you'll be saying they're making Christmas illegal next.
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