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Everything posted by kwilco

  1. so declared yourself an idiot more than once, then?
  2. Why would you bother to post this at all?
  3. I don't drink or make assumptions...I'm looking for reliable experience.....when was the last time you crossed a land birder? Which one and when?
  4. I think you need to realise that I'm asking for current information. When you arrive at the border, the decision to let you in and for how long is down to the officer in front of you. It doesn't take much for immigration to issue stronger guidelines to officers and things change. It would seem that it is you who is out of touch with how things work in Thailand....and quite prepared to show that for all to see....embarassing!
  5. By land sea and air - if returning for a second time?
  6. Somebody was saying that crossing into Thailand overland you now only get 30 days - has anyone EXPERIENCED this themselves - or otherwise?
  7. You just don't geddit - there are videos all over the world of that. In fact it just shows how uncritical you are of what you see (search for, even) on line. You don't understand "big number" or how to get an accurate overview by using statistics - in fact you just don't have the education to grasp the basics here - there are several millions of road users in Thailand trying to make naive, childish conclusions because of what you, one person has seen just shows how little you understand - I bet left to your own devices, you'd think the world was flat.
  8. Why do people think they are “experts” on things they know nothing about. (Why do they keep trying to use that word as a derogatory term or erroneous concept?) …… If they drive a car they think they are "experts" on driving, ….. because they went to school they are "experts" on education ……. and because they have been in hospital they think they are "experts" on health care? Many people mistake their personal experience with these topics as way more informative than it really is. They mistake the significance of personal experience (of bad habits) as a general overview of a topic far more complex than they ever conceive. It is important to be aware of the cognitive biases that can lead people to overestimate their knowledge and abilities. If you find yourself thinking that you are an expert on something you know little about, it is important to take a step back and assess your knowledge critically. You may be surprised at how little you actually know. Here are examples of the cognitive biases that lead to the nonsense promulgated on this thread. The Dunning-Kruger effect is when people with limited knowledge in a particular area overestimate their abilities in that area. Because they lack the knowledge and experience to actually understand how much they don't know. For instance they may think they can’t be a backseat driver because they have a driving licence Confirmation bias is when people seek out only information that confirms their existing beliefs, and ignore or dismiss information that contradicts those beliefs. These people to believe that they are experts on a topic even if they have only superficial knowledge of it.. They are often “one quote wonders” – e,g,, someone who believes that vaccines cause autism will only seek out information that supports that belief, and they might ignore or dismiss any evidence to the contrary. The “availability heuristic” is a mental shortcut that we use to make judgments about the likelihood of something happening based on how easily examples of it come to mind. Or how often they see them on YouTube etc….. This leads people to overestimate their own expertise and they don’t realise the relative insignificance of the few examples or the times when they appeared to get it right. For example, someone who has successfully driven a car a few times might think they are an expert driver, even all they have done is driven a lot of miles or never had an accident themselves. They are like someone who backs a winner in the Derby horse race and then claims they are an expert on horse racing. All this sees the same false syllogism repeated all over threads on road safety….. The false syllogism goes thus…… Premise 1: There are frequent road accidents in Thailand. Premise 2: Most of the people involved in these accidents are Thai. Conclusion: Therefore, all Thai people are bad drivers, and by contrast, Westerners are good drivers Total racist rubbish – but it also prevents people from taking an objective viewpoint on road safety in Thailand.
  9. THis shows you are completely out of touch with what is road safery - you just think that it's down to "driver" - you can't even begin to understand.
  10. Clearly you haven't - there are so many people who have resided in Thailand for a long time and even before moving here didn't know a thing about road safety - they think they are superb drivers and all Thai people are inferior - this is simply racism. If you think it's possible to change the situation in Thailand by cherry-picking a few issues then you don't even begin to understand. Like so many racists, you refer to "third person plurals" to make sweeping stereotypes that insult Thai people and re-inforce you own feelings of superiority.
  11. You are saying you don't understand the first thing about road safety so you just pick up random issues because you think it makes it look like you do.
  12. No - it's over your head....as usual.
  13. Only 5% - that would suggest that safety standards are inadequate.
  14. Not helpful.....just shows how you haven't acclimatised ti driving in Thailand.. The number of deaths in 4 wheeled vehicles per 200k is about the same or slightly less than in the US..
  15. the media in Thailand reports on RTIs a lot - as it is an uncensored part of journalism.Afeter the tagedy a few weeks back it is all the more likely that bus fires will get more prominent column inches for the next few months.
  16. I we sure it wasn't NPG???
  17. you'd have to be specific about exactly how hot that surface is - to explode in an engine it has to be injected underpressure into a compression chamber.Petrol/Gasolene can hang around as a vapour in normal everyday temperatures and becomes a virtual bomb.
  18. You miss the point - it isn't the "cause" of the fire that is so important as the buses ability to deal with it. Poorly deigned or put together with poor materials, than the fire will spread out of control.
  19. THat's official - is it at Phuket as well as Bangkok? What we are asking is if thae one peoplep are invited to for 300 baht is "official"?
  20. It's all very well having lots of visitors, but are the parks being managed correctly? Thailand's tourist industry relies on the country's natural resources - the beaches have already had a checkered history and the national parks (apart from the marine ones) are largely ignored by foreign tourists - a lot of this is due to the ridiculous two tier pricing , but it is also poor management - there has to be a balance between visitor numbers and conservation. At present there is little sign of this and successive governments have done nothing. Unless the resource of National Parks is properly addressed they will just go the way of the beaches and islands - reduced to concrete lined holiday parks.
  21. A few years ago, an acquaintance had a nice arrangement with an immigration officer who instead of doing visa runs stamped his passport for him. Turned out he was not allowed to use that stamp - so on a visit to immigration he was arrested and locked up for abo9uot 4 days told to stay in the country until it came to court - which took months -he was than fined and allowed to go home. If the stamps - even though correct are issued unofficially then they could be deemed invalid. THe stamp can be "real" but if the officer issuing it is not entitled to than all those stamps could be invalid.
  22. If your entry stamp isn't valid, then it's a scam.
  23. you really are gullible!
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