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Everything posted by kwilco

  1. just shows how even "educated" people can be stupid. As a recreational drug is is conclusively shown that it is relatively harmless compared to such things as alcohol, Whereas cannabis for medical purposes is practically useless.
  2. Firstly you clearly don't understand alcohol usage or marijuana use either. Most people who drink alcohol have no idea how it dominates their life and how aggressive it makes tem. You use the classic cliche "social" - this is a state induced by alcohol that reduces inhibitions ( and reactions) it makes people think they are social. It also makes them think they are OK to drive and more likely to argue with people. Cannabis usually makes people very passive, relaxed and sleepy. As for incoherence, just try to speak with a life time drinker - the amount of brain damage shows. e.g. in the compulsion to "natter".
  3. How did tey vcome by this figure so what does this figure mean - assuming it is is accurate If 1 person went before and now it's between 5 and 6? or If 9 people went in that would mean bout 5 people. Maybe t went up because people felt SAFER reporting in sick or admitting to having taken the drug?
  4. Is it manual or auto? As for AAA - check your insurance. Mine (AXA) had roadside recovery I only had to call it once and they were there in 30 minutes.
  5. I don't suppose you see the irony in your comment. You are making a subject comment based on a hierarchical view of race, which is the classic viewpoint. You are reinforcing the argument about racism in the UK.
  6. The issue raised by the OP is discounts and access for disabled - I've never entered a national park with a disabled person so I can't say what the on the ground situation is. However - disabled access as a policy is a rare thing. But mismanagement of the National parks is something that has been going on for decades so I wouldn't hold out much hope. Until about 7 years ago, I was able to "negotiate" my fees on entering national parks, but a few years back they reinforced the 2-tier pricing system and park employees were almost uniformly unable to let you in at "Thai rates". The ridiculous entry fees are in fact just the tip of the iceberg - the National Parks are considered a political backwater by the Thai authorities who even in this day and age have no real understanding of conservation and wildlife issues. "disgruntled" foreigners are in fact one of the few things foreigners can do in this situation - international shaming of the DNP is a valid tool. However it isn't just dual pricing, that is a symptom only, it is the whole raft conservation policies or lack of them that needs exposing
  7. Why on earth would I do that - peal before swine - I've said all along that you don't understand the basics of this topic. Why not try getting up to speed and find out for yourself.
  8. "they" - really?? who?? - do you know the difference between integrate and assimilate?
  9. As Thailand is notoriously bad at gathering statistics, it's hard to find credibility in stats that have been gathered in just a few weeks - my guess is that their political aims have overruled any objectivity or accuracy. Thailand's de-criminalisation of cannabis is so incompetent it can only be compared with Liz Truss's handling of the UK economy - a total mess of unplanned chaos driven purely be dogma. It's a shame as cannabis should be decriminalised on a worldwide scale but...TIT.
  10. one quote wonder - I think you'll have to delve further into how the suffragettes operated. also I think quibbling over that is actually avoiding or deflecting the point I was trying to make. You'll find though that there has always been an assumption about the suffragettes being "working class" - but it needs further examination and you also need to realise that the suffragettes were only part of the female enfranchisement movement, yet today we tend to lump them all together
  11. Most people object to the issues and rather than argue against those, they take the easy route and argue with te protest. To put it in perspective, one should look at the history of protests and then try to think how far they would go to protest in an issue they felt strongly about. E.G. - the suffragette's - a middle class organisation - heckled politicians, tried to storm parliament, were attacked and sexually assaulted during battles with the police, chained themselves to railings, smashed windows, carried out a nationwide bombing and arson campaign
  12. It says "Thai men" = not "men" - Why is it that racists spend so much time trying to suggest that something they said isn't racist? It seems they are arguing against something they actually approve of.
  13. "God (if there is one) save Thailand from quality tourists. " = how do you relate "quality" to length of stay? What a bizarre comment..... the immigration may have considered that a total of 60 days was sufficient They may have stuck with a max of 30 - you don't actually have to have all that! Or they may have been trying to get people to stay for up to 90 days, which could be very useful to some.
  14. Has anyone actually got an extension on the new 45 day visa exemption? How much extension is available 45, 30 or 15 days?
  15. I'm sorry but if you can't find out for yourself, you shouldn't be on this thread and certainly not sealioning me.
  16. No - I think you don't understand me or hydrogen usage future.
  17. I think there are enough models around the world to charge for energy for that not to be a problem. Most of te sceptics on this thread are either out of date, missing part of the picture or judging from a very blinkered perspective.
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