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Everything posted by kwilco

  1. This is a potentially misleading statement. Unlike Australia there has only been limited research on Box Jellies in Thailand and there natural history hasn't been mapped. As yet there is no evidence of a season - the numbers are way too low to identify a season statistically with confidence. In Australia the season is identified but this is connected with the source - e populations rise during wet periods and spawn in estuaries where they then swim down the coast. in Thailand as yet no-one has identified the source of the local box Jellies or a season. Te chances of being actually stung by a box jelly is relatively low but the STAKES are very high in that they are often fatal. trying to say they only exist at certain times is worrying as it may encourage people to swim without considering the dangers or taking precautions
  2. No it isn't. Just check how these viruses are transmitted and then ask yourself what the likelihood is of this happening.
  3. It is assumed that reckless driving like the racing referred to above is a major cause of deaths on Thai roads - they are not. Statistically you are less likely to die in a 4-wheeled pickup in Thailand than you are in the USA. The fact is that reckless driving like that occurs every where even in countries like the UK -there are countless videos of this sort of stuff all over the world. What Thailand lacks is a road system that protects road users , both from others and themselves.
  4. the most worrying aspect of ALL quasi-documentary / historical dramas is that there are people out there who think this is what really happened..... I call it "X-files" syndrome.
  5. yet again you show a profound lack of understanding of the issues. Covid and Ukraine are international issues - but the UK is faring much worse than it's neighbours and this is ALL exacerbated by Brexit - or project fear as it was labelled by some fools
  6. Brexit may be the biggest humiliation since Suez......but this is the biggest debacle since the execution of Charles 1.
  7. Brace yourself for a Boris come back - what a choice - an idiot or a liar. The fact remains that the Tories, even with a majority of nearly 80 seats can't form a government. The King should appoint a cabinet of national unity - e.g. Labour/Lib Dems and centre parties (even a couple of tories!!)
  8. You realise that is not an argument - we left, it was a dreadful idea now we have to fix it. That is getting on with life. It's called improvement.
  9. that IS the counterargument. Brexit has put a 4 to10% load on the economy on top of the problems facing all countries around the world. It has brought about labour shortages, A devalued pound Strangled trade Increased racism and xenophobia. Forced up energy prices beyond world norm Devalued Britain's debt rating Emboldened Putin into starting a war. Reduced Britain's international standing form comparable to USA and Germany to the status of a developing nation. Installed a single issue government of politicians who are all below par and incapable not only of introducing Brexit but also of running the county. made the UK an international laughing stock Brought the NHS to it's knees Before Brexit the UK was on course to becoming the biggest economy in the EU - above both France and Germany. Now they are the only nation in the G7 threatened with recession apart from Russia. Unlike the EU we have no fuel reserves for more than a month... Germany has fuel to get through the winter into next year. Pensions in UK no longer guaranteed to stay with inflation - are already half that of France and a third that of Germany. THe British transport industry is either going broke or moving to Europe Deliveries to UK from around the worlds have increased in price as the UK has new import/customs barriers... that's just off the top of my head...
  10. yes - move on; rejoin the EU - Brexit was a massive step backwards.
  11. I have to say that I find your posts on this thread and on others extremely underwhelming. Your literal and naive interpretations of people's comments seem to belie a pitiful lack of understanding .... of just about anything being discussed.
  12. Fighting in the LobbY!!! Whips resigning using the "F" word and then "un-resigning" Home secretary gone! I have to confess to a certain frisson of schadenfreude ....... Make no mistake - this started with Brexit - they called it "project fear"!
  13. Effectively Hunt has already replaced er - they now have the home secretary resigned and Chapps from the Rishi camp is in - basically there has been a coup - everything she wanted to do has been reversed and she is being replaced with Rishi's "mainstream" cabinet. She just has the name but none of the functions. the 1922 Committee can replace her immediately if they want - but the truth is the Tories can't form a cabinet or pick a PM - but they don't have to wait, she has already been sidelined on everything she wanted to do.
  14. the problem is that the Tory party can't appoint a functioning PM - the last one told lies and this one wrecked the economy, and they can't even find a replacement now.
  15. The caps were guaranteed now that has been withdrawn - what do you think will happen and how do you think affects the point I'm making?
  16. Religion - a cultural system of behaviours, practices and ethics.- you don't need a "god". Why do you say "favourite word"?
  17. E.G - heres a quote from Mack Mickmanus from another thread. "Lets face it , if you turned Liz Truss into an atom and also turned Kwasi Kwarteng into an atom and put them both into the hadron collider and sent them in different directions , when they collide , Diane Abbot would appear as the result " https://aseannow.com/topic/1275073-ill-lead-tories-into-next-election-says-embattled-liz-truss/?do=findComment&comment=17674552
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