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The Dark Lord

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Posts posted by The Dark Lord

  1. 19 minutes ago, Confuscious said:

    ThaiVisa has a very good Insurance broker.
    Why didn't you ask them before subscribing to a lousy PA insurance from Kasikorn Bank?

    Ah that was because I had a very bad experience using TVF to try and get car insurance, couldn't get a quote but got phoned over and over again asking " please buy insurance off me" which was not a great sales ploy.  The kasikorn basically came with the ATM card and for "just a little bit more" they made it good.  Strangely enough it was with the same insurance co you mention in your pm ( for which many thanks indeed) 





  2. 21 hours ago, scorecard said:



    Agreed, and I'm aware  of this. Farang came in to make a payment on his credit card.


    The rude loudmouth female teller said, in excellent English, payment system all changed, cannot accept cash that you bring into the bank, you have to take a cash advance against your credit card and use that money to make a payment on your credit card.


    This is not how banking works and never will be. Credit cards are high risk for banks, and even higher risk with cards issued to non-Thais, therefore banks will never refuse to take any CC payment at any time. 


    Also, if the card is maxed out the customer cannot take a cash advance, therefore no payment possible - no bank would ever set up something like this.


    Farang called the bank HO in Bkk and HO called the branch, spoke to the manager and told manager:


    - To bring the security guard inside the bank.


    - Immediately lock the door and allow no other customers or anybody to enter. or leave.


    - Tell the teller to step away from her desk but not leave the room, and security guard now standing at the only internal door other than the customer entry door. 


    - Tell the customer trying to make the payment to please wait in the bank with apologies for the situation.


    - To count all the cash at the errant tellers desk and do a print out of all transactions up to the time of the problem. 


    - Within a few minutes a discrepancy was discovered (I don't know any details).


    - Another teller then told to process the customers' card payment with the cash he had brought into the bank. Customer invited to leave but asked to please check all his documents carefully. Many apologies.


    - Police called and take the teller away. 


    - Next time customer went to this branch, every staff member had changed, and new manager monitoring every detail.

    Awesome, could do with some of that ethic with the thieving banks in UK!

  3. 21 minutes ago, Confuscious said:


    I am not choosing any sides on this.


    But I am so tired to hear people were involved in an accident and don't have the necessary fonds to foot the bill.


    First, EVERYBODY is entitled to first Urgent treatment (life saving) at any hospital in Thailand.

    Second, EVERYBODY in Thailand is able to signup for an Personal Accident (PA) insurance at a minor cost.

    I am (65 years old) and have a PA insurance with a Thai insurance company.
    For the PA insurance, I pay 4,750 Baht/YEAR and I am covered up to 4 million per accident.
    The covered sum is reduced to 2 million baht if the accident did happen whilst driving a motorbike.

    If you can buy a motorbike, you can signup for a PA insurance.
    Foreigner or Thai makes no difference.

    I had 2 "accidents" in the 10 years I have this insurance, and every time I was treated at the Bangkok Hospital and I did never had to open my wallet.
    All expenses, INpatient and OUTpatient were handled by the insurance with a big smile.


    Cslightly off topic but I just took out accident insurance thru Kasikorn bank works week except BKK hospital unwilling to claim for money preferring me to cough up then claim myself. Cover limit not as good as yours. Cd you pls pm me with which company you got this through? 




  4. 3 hours ago, Minnehaha said:

    and Rh - is actually the characteristic that is fairly rare among any ethnicity, but extremely rare among Thais.... something like only 1% of the population


    if the guy or some of his friends have this type ... 

    I have monkey blood O-  Rh- but I am in Khorat and currently on orafun but I would gladly donate if it would help /be accepted. 


    Pls lt meknow a number to call orhow to get in touch.....


    i am currently 57 and have been a regular donor up to moving to LoS  3 to 4 yrs ago

  5. 5 hours ago, Sigma6 said:

    Ive never exported a vehicle from the UK, but surely one cant just stick a car in a container and send it on its way to thailand without tons of paperwork?!?!


    the article doesnt explain how these cars got through uk customs. 

    Just stick them in an empty container. The doors are closed, the gantries that load and discharge them cannot weigh them and they generally get a customs free pass through the port when trucked out en mass.


    worked for several shipping lines and it is so common but nobody was interested in doing anything about it.


    might need a bit of low level palm greasing but not too difficult to do. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, Tilacme said:

    Maybe and apologies for my flip comment, but it was an odd thing to come out with.

    No probs mate I am with you and found your comment amusing and took it in the vein it was intended , it is just that we have some in TVF who take themselves so seriously whilst viewing the world ( reality) from a position that infers their heads are stuck in an anatomically difficult and unpleasant place

  7. 11 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:

    My comment relates to only part of your post, indicated by the ellipses ( ... )


    This is the part I referenced - "I have never stuck anything up my bum despite a public school education, years in the navy and years in the Middle East. Can our representative say the same?"


    Childish and off topic.


    You know where the report button is - use it.





    (To the tune of Rawhide!)


    trolling trolling trolling,

    keep the rubbish flowing,

    trolling trolling trolling, on line


    ive nothing good to say today, 

    so I'll have a go at someone anyway

    to hide my unusual activities from all

    i'll defend the indefensible, and who do no bloody good

    and hide behind a stupid internet name


    Trolling trolling trolling,

    keep the nonsense flowing,

    trolling trolling trolling on line


    because I am so super, and never drop a blooper,

    i am a f*****g hero on the game

    i fight for good with my keyboard 

    and never say a wrong word

    and never give away my stupid name.


    trolling trolling trolling

    keep the bulls*** flowing 

    everyones eyes are rolling



    my backside!



    oh and BTW they are referred to as brackets.....


    whilst you may may be right about the abilities for the man to do his job is he really a representative of the UK? Don't forget we are talking about a global forum here and in many parts of the world such activities remain frowned upon take for example his previous posting where he deliberately broke the law of the land but I suppose I am opening the politically correct virtue signalling tripe that is shovelled at us on a daily basis by the media and select politicians. 


    So chum when when it comes to doing a bit of growing up and presumably getting out of a pampered bubble of self interest, maybe you should turn your viewpoint inwards as it is said " doctor heal thy wounds first"



  8. Guys, stop stop stop please! I nearly choked on my coffee when I came across the expression Wizards Sleeve, an expression I first heard eons ago but not since.


    my wife believes my sanity has taken a turn for the worse as I explode time after time in laughter like a babbling idiot whilst reading your excellent and most humourous comments. I really cannot explain to her either the story or the reason for my unexplained laughter without making myself a tad unpopular.


    I am just so delighted that there are so many well educated posters with such a dark sense of humour but please stop before I drown in my coffee or split my sides for good!





  9. 53 minutes ago, MW72 said:

    I don't want to make you feel even more aggrieved but, the Embassy staff are still on final salary pensions. When they get to their last year they get to go to a war zone post like Iraq, Afghanistan or Somalia where their salary shoots up for that last year and they rake in even more in a pension!


    It is obscene!

    I can only but agree, it makes me want to spit but I am too polite to do so. Perhaps we should seriously start collecting ideas  how we can try to change our pension woes. 


    Any ideas anyone?

  10. 1 hour ago, VocalNeal said:

    But the second part is not in his remit? Embassy here for the first part. To represent UK between governments and to promote trade and good relations.  


    They may offer advice to UK nationals but they are not here to "look after you".  What is it that anyone wants them to do for you?  Bail you out after you have been caught with drugs up your bum?  You left the nanny state and now reside in the real world?


    If you loose passport and money they may forward you a loan and issue temporary travel documents to get home.


    If there are 50,000 Brits living here how many pay taxes to support the local embassy? 

    You may find that a portion of those who rely on money they make in the uk on which they pay uk tax are somewhat agitated about the complete lack of concern their paid for civil servant ( now there's an oxymoron) displays. 


    Its called looking a gift horse in the mouth. 


    I am so so agitated I am now removing my investments out of the uk even though the pound has tanked. If they are unwilling to give back to those that have invested in them then they are no more than common thieves. 



    Oh and whilst acknowledging that this this could be classed as homophobic, I have never stuck anything up my bum despite a public school education, years in the navy and years in the Middle East. Can our representative say the same?


  11. 2 minutes ago, colinneil said:

    You and me both mate, just imagine what help i would be entitled to being a paraplegic.

    Are you fair skinned? If affirmative, you and I would struggle like  hell there. Arrive with a UK passport and be ignored, arrive with none and be welcomed


    I am am touched by your posts here, we occasionally differ in our views but remain ( well you do) civilised and circumspect. You must face some huge challenges here with your condition but as a balance must have a fantastic wife . I wish you both the very best.

  12. Just now, colinneil said:

    Sad fact is this clown is supposed to be representing British interests here.

    Well start representing the interests of the British people living here, or is that to much to ask?

    Sadly clowns in such exalted places and if such importance rarely, if ever, get their perfectly manicured fingers dirty by dealing with common folk such as you and I.


    i am utterly disgusted by the response your wife got from those inbreds when you were  in a coma, that is the sort of story that should be sent to the press in the UZk to show just how uncaring these self effacing gits are. 


    I apologise for seeming emotional but i but I am bloody blazing, I knew they were indifferent to us but to that disgusting extent.....

  13. You know there are times when I seriously consider just going back to the UK and throwing myself on the social services for a house, money , NHS, transportation etc but until I become of pensionable age, I will go on the dole. That way my old age pension will be topped up by the government and not me and I will still get a better pension for contributing nothing. 


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